









people can undertake time management well due to technological development but at the same time some are becoming the captive of time. what is your understanding of this statement? to what extent do you agree or disagree with it? write a piece of article in approximately 200 words.






there is a remark that due to technological advances, individuals are able to adeptly manage their time while simultaneously falling captive to it, which highlights the dual nature of technology's implications for our lives and prompts us to contemplate how we can better capitalize on its potential.


in my estimation, on the one hand, technological progress has furnished us with tools and resources to efficiently manage our time, such as digital calendars, task management apps, and automation instruments. conversely, the perpetual availability and instantaneous gratification proffered by technology have engendered a culture of busyness, where people feel compelled to incessantly work or respond to notific

ations, gradually transforming themselves into machines of efficiency rather than genuine humans. granted, technology can undoubtedly aid us in optimizing our time and augmenting productivity; nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that excessive dependence on technology to manage our lives risks disconnecting us from our intuition and natural rhythms.


in a nutshell, balance is key in managing our relationship with technology. by setting boundaries, taking breaks, and prioritizing self-growth, individuals can utilize the benefits of technology without succumbing to its negative effects.





there is a?remark?that due to technological advances, individuals are able to?adeptly?manage their time while?simultaneously?falling?captive?to it, which highlights the?dual?nature of technology's?implications?for our lives and?prompts?us to?contemplate?how we can better?capitalize on?its potential.




remark?[r??mɑ?k] n. 言辞;评述

adeptly?[??deptli] adj. 长于地;熟练地

simultaneously?[?s?m?l?te?ni?sli] adv.?一起

captive?[?k?pt?v] adj. 被俘虏的;被软禁的

dual?[?dju??l] adj.?两层的

implication?[??mpl??ke??n] n.?可以发生的影响

prompt?[pr?mpt] vt.?促进

contemplate?[?k?nt?mple?t] vt. 思考;沉思

capitalize on?使用



in my estimation, on the one hand, technological progress has?furnished?us with tools and resources to efficiently manage our time, such as digital calendars, task management apps, and automation instruments.?conversely, the?perpetual?availability?and?instantaneous?gratification proffered?by technology have?engendered?a culture of?busyness, where people feel?compelled?to?incessantly?work or respond to?notifications, gradually transforming themselves into machines of efficiency rather than genuine humans.?granted, technology can undoubtedly aid us in?optimizing?our time and?augmenting?productivity;?nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that excessive dependence on technology to manage our lives risks disconnecting us from our?intuition?and natural rhythms.




in my estimation?在我看来

furnish?[?f??n??] vt.?供给

conversely?[?k?nv??sli] adv.?相反地

perpetual?[p??pet?u?l] adj. 永久的;不接连的

availability?[??ve?l?'b?l?ti] n.?可用性

instantaneous?[??nst?n?te?ni?s] adj.?当即的

gratification?[?ɡr?t?f??ke??n] n. 满足;满足

proffer?[?pr?f?(r)] vt.?供给

engender?[?n?d?end?(r)] vt.?发生

busyness?[?b?zin?s] n.?繁忙

compel?[k?m?pel] vt.?迫使

incessantly?[?n?s?sntli] adv. 不断地;不断地

notification?[?n??t?f??ke??n] n. 告诉;消息

granted?[?ɡrɑ?nt?d] adv.?当然

optimize?[??pt?ma?z] vt.?使...最优化

augment?[??ɡ?ment] vt.?加强

nevertheless?[?nev?e??les] adv.?可是

intuition?[??ntju???n] n.?直觉力


in a nutshell, balance is key in managing our relationship with technology. by setting boundaries, taking breaks, and?prioritizing?self-growth, individuals can?utilize?the benefits of technology without?succumbing?to its negative effects.




in a nutshell?简而言之prioritize?[pra???r?ta?z] vt. 按重要次序摆放;优先处置

utilize?[?ju?t?la?z] vt.?使用

succumb?[s??k?m] vi.?屈从







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