



why more young chinese want to be civil servants


when zhu ling?graduated last year from a highly competitive master’s programme at one of china’s best universities, prestigious, well-paid jobs were hers for the taking. instead she chose to become a civil servant for the central government, earning 6,000 yuan ($930) a month, or less than some beijing professionals spend on gym membership.


a decade ago, miss zhu (not her real name) might have joined a multinational firm. they pay well, and it was “cool to work for foreign companies, because that shows your international horizons, and you can travel all over the world”, she says over cappuccino at an outdoor cafe in beijing.?


five years ago, top graduates vied to join home-grown technology giants like alibaba, tencent or huawei. in addition to high salaries, such firms had free-thinking cultures and seemed to respect young people, she explains.


today, the trends are changing again. china still wants foreign businesses for their know-how and?dynamism, but their status “is definitely going down”, says miss zhu. geopolitical distrust is bleeding into work relations.?


chinese employed by foreigners have noticed that they never advance beyond middle management and are the first to be laid off in bad times, she claims. as for domestic technology firms, their high salaries continue to attract the young.?


but they also face vocal criticism in chinese media for?domineering?business practices and the “996” work schedules of their staff, toiling from at least 9am to 9pm, six days a week. in all, a third of miss zhu’s classmates took civil-service examinations. some were hired by state-owned banks. three joined technology companies. none joined a foreign firm.



chinese refer to securing an official position as shang an, or “landing ashore”, reflecting the security such jobs offer. in 2020, 1.6m people passed background checks to take national civil-service exams, 140,000 more than the year before.?


almost a million candidates eventually sat the exam, chasing 25,700 jobs. still more took tests to become provincial and local officials. many were fleeing a bleak market for new graduates, as covid-19 hit private firms.


miss zhu says she joined an elite government ministry in search of meaningful work. she will soon spend two years as an official in a remote rural area, saying: “if you want to become a good policymaker, you have to go to the grassroots level.”?a decade ago her parents would not have wanted her to join the public sector, she thinks.?


they distrusted officials, who routinely shook them down for bribes. back then they would also have worried about her prospects as someone with no family guanxi, or connections: her grandfather was a farmer and her parents run a small business. she credits an anti-corruption drive that began in 2012 with changing their views of?officialdom.


offcn, an adult-education business, prepares millions of students each year for public-sector exams. it grew fast during the pandemic. “training centres rose like bamboo shoots after rain,” says an offcn manager in beijing. he once looked down on civil-service jobs. now he regrets missing the age limit—typically 35—for joining many government departments.

成人教育公司 每年辅导数百万考生参加公务员考试。该公司在疫情大流行期间迅速壮大。 教育北京地区的一位经理表示:“培训机构如雨后春笋般涌现。”他曾经瞧不起公务员的工作。现在,他后悔自己已经超过了35岁——大部分公务员岗位的年龄限制。




dynamism?[?da?n?m?z?m] n. 活力;动态;推动力domineer?[,d?mi'ni?] v. 专横跋扈;压制

officialdom?[??f??ld?m] n. 官场;官僚作风





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