



Word List1

propose [prpz] v. 建议;提名;求婚;打算,计划

【例句】Albert Einstein proposed his General Theory of Relativity.阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦提出了广义相对论。

【搭配】propose sb. for 推荐某人(参加某组织);提名某人(任某职)

【派生】proposal n. 提议,建议;求婚

utilize/-ise [jutlaz] v. 利用

【例句】We must consider how best to utilize what resources we have. 我们必须考虑怎样充分利用现有的资源。

underneath [ndniθ] prep. & adv. 在下面,在底下‖ n. 下部

elaborate [lbrt] adj. 精心制作的;详细阐述的;复杂的‖ v. 详细阐述;使……变复杂

【例句】①This is an elaborate research project.这是一项复杂的研究项目。②He said he had new evidence but refused to elaborate any further.他说有新证据,但拒绝再深入地详细描述。

【搭配】elaborate on sth. 对某事进行详细说明

evidence [evdns] n. 证据,证词;根据;迹象,痕迹‖ vt. 证明

【例句】All the evidence indicates the tests do have some value. 所有的证据都表明测试确实是有价值的。

【搭配】in evidence 显而易见的,清楚的‖on the evidence of sth. 用某事物作为证据

disgust [dsgst] n. 厌恶,嫌恶‖ vt. 使厌恶;使作呕

【例句】①The smell filled me with disgust.这股气味使我作呕。②The use of torture must disgust any civilized person.施用酷刑必为文明人所不齿。

【搭配】be disgusted with/at 对……感到恶心

trim [trm] vt. 整理,修整;修剪‖ adj. 整齐的,整洁的‖ n. 整理;装饰;整齐

【例句】You can trim your hours and you don’t have a supervisor breathing down your neck all the time.你可以调整时间,没有主管会死死地盯着你。

【搭配】trim sth. (with sth.) (用某物)装饰某物‖trim down 裁减‖trim off 修剪

hail [hel] n. 冰雹;致敬;招呼;一阵‖ vt. 致敬;招呼;向……欢呼;猛发;使像下雹样落下‖ vi. 招呼;下雹

【例句】①An old friend hailed me from the other side of the street.一个老朋友从街的对面喊我。②It’s hailing outside.外面在下冰雹。

【搭配】hail from 来自或发源于,出生于

flexibility [fleksblt] n. 灵活性,机动性;柔韧性

【例句】①It has provided me with a framework for flexibility in my career. 它教会了我在职业生涯中灵活应变。②The flexibility of a man’s muscles will lessen as he becomes old. 人老了,肌肉的柔韧性将变差。

resolution [rezlun] n. 坚定,决心;决定,决议

【例句】The resolution was carried out at the previous plenary session.决议在上次全会上获得了通过。

principal [prnspl] n. 负责人;委托人;资本;校长‖ adj. 最重要的,主要的

【例句】The principal mechanism of evolution was natural selection.进化的主要机制是自然选择。

quantity [kwntt] n. 量,数量;分量,额;大量

【搭配】in quantity 大量

tow [t] n. 拖,拽‖ v. 拖引,牵引

【例句】If any vehicle be found parked on these premises, it shall be towed away. 如果发现有任何车辆停在这里,那就会被拖走。

【搭配】in tow 伴随,跟随

afterward [ɑftwd] adv. 后来,以后

【例句】Three days afterward they met at the station.三天后,他们在车站见面了。

productivity [prdktvt] n. 生产能力,生产率

admit [dmt] v. 承认;容许;接纳,准许进入

【例句】①He admits that his team really looks up to him to play a role of responsibility.他承认他的队员非常尊重他,想让他扮演一个有责任感的角色。②The matter admits of no delay.此事刻不容缓。

【搭配】admit of容许;有……的可能‖admit into准许进入;收容;接受

【派生】admissible adj. 可容许的;可采纳的‖admission n. 承认;入场费;进入许可

expense [kspens] n. 花费,代价;消耗,消费

【例句】Keeping a record of where your money goes is a good way to reduce unnecessary expenses. 记录钱的去向是减少不必要开支的好办法。

【搭配】at sb.’s expense 由某人负担(费用)‖at the expense of 归……付费;以……为代价‖at great expense 以巨大的代价

acceptable [kseptbl] adj. 受欢迎的;值得接受的;可容忍的

【例句】They recently failed to negotiate a mutually acceptable new contract.他们最近未能谈成一个双方都满意的新合同。

exterior [kstr] adj. 外部的,表面的‖ n. 外部,表面,外表

【例句】Beneath his gruff exterior he’s really very kind-hearted. 他外表粗鲁,心地却十分善良。

【搭配】an exterior policy 对外政策‖a murderous heart under a smiling exterior 笑里藏刀

command [kmɑnd] n. 命令,支配,指挥‖ v. 命令,指挥,掌握;博得

【例句】The general commanded his men to attack the city. 将军命令部下攻城。

battle [btl] n. 战役(指大规模会战),战争;斗争‖ vi. 战斗;搏斗;斗争

【搭配】battle with/against与……战争

acquisition [kwzn] n. 取得,获得;得到的东西

exclude [ksklud] v. 拒绝;排斥,将……排除在外

【例句】Several major news organizations have been excluded from a press briefing at the White House.在白宫新闻发布会上,一些主流媒体机构被排除在外。

【搭配】exclude sb. from sth. 阻止某人做某事;把某人排除在外

【派生】exclusion n. 排除在外,排斥‖exclusive adj. 独有的;排他的

celebrate [selbret] vt. 庆祝;颂扬,赞美‖ vi. 庆祝,过节

【搭配】celebrate with 庆祝

alternative [ltntv] n. 供选择的对象,替换物‖ adj. 可选择的,二者择一的

【例句】An alternative location is in a restaurant which has lots of favorable benefits. 饭馆有许多优点,可以作为备选场所。

【搭配】have no alternative 没有别的办法了,没有其他选择‖have no alternative but 只能……

bounce [bans] v. (使)反跳,弹起;冲进;击球;退票‖ n. (球)跳起,弹回;弹力

【例句】They might think out loud by bouncing their thoughts off other people.他们通过将自己的想法与其他人的交换来积极思考。

【搭配】bounce sb. out of sth. 骗走某人的东西‖bounce off 弹开,反弹;从……弹跳出来;掂量……

bribe [brab] n. 贿赂,贿赂物‖ vt. 贿赂,向……行贿;买通

【例句】①He is so honest that he will not accept bribe. 他忠诚老实,不肯受贿。②One of the witnesses was bribed to give false evidence. 有个证人被买通而提供伪证。

【派生】bribable adj. 可收买的,可贿赂的‖bribery n. 贿赂,行贿

justice [dsts] n. 公正;合理;正义;法律裁判,司法

【搭配】bring sb. to justice使某人受到法律制裁

lead1 [lid] v. 领路,指路;率领,指挥;致使;引导;过某种生活‖ n. 领导,领头;最先的地位;榜样

lead2 [led] n. 铅

【例句】All roads lead to Rome. (谚)条条大路通罗马。

【搭配】lead in 领进,把……引入,作介绍‖lead to 导致‖take the lead 带头,为首‖lead into 导致,引起‖in the lead 领先;主要的;占主导地位的‖under the lead of 在……的领导下

approach [prt] n. 方法,途径;到来,临近‖ vt. 接近,靠近;动手处理;找……商量‖ vi. 靠近

【例句】①The survey approached over half of the universities in the UK. 调查研究接触到英国一半多的大学。②This approach has many problems. 这条思路有许多问题。

【搭配】make an approach to 对……进行探讨‖approach with 以……方式处理;向……提出建议

orderly [dl] adj. 有秩序的;整洁的‖ n. 勤务兵;(医院的)护理员,勤杂工

【例句】Firefighters supervised the orderly evacuation of the building. 消防队员指挥(人们)有秩序地从建筑物中疏散。

logical [ldkl] adj. 合逻辑的,合理的;逻辑学的

【例句】He thinks it is quite logical and credible. 他认为这很合理,也很可信。

lump [lmp] n. 块,块状;肿块,瘤;很多‖ v. 混在一起;结块‖ adj. 成团的;总共的

【例句】We will lump all our money. 我们将把所有的钱合在一起。

mold/mould [mld] n. 模子,铸型;霉菌‖ v. 浇铸,造型,塑造;用泥土覆盖

【例句】Potters can mold their clay into any form they desire.制陶人可以按照自己意愿把泥土制成各种形状。

【搭配】mould sth. out of/from sth. (用……)铸造

surge [sd] n. 巨浪;波涛汹涌,澎湃‖ v. 汹涌,澎湃;激动

【例句】The floods surged over the valley. 洪水奔腾着涌过山谷。

【搭配】surge up 急剧上升‖surge of/in sth. 向前或向上的运动

mineral [mnrl] n. 矿物,矿石‖ adj. 矿物的,矿质的

【搭配】mineral water矿泉水

stripe [strap] n. 条纹;袖章‖ vt. 加条纹于……

authentic [θentk] adj. 真的;可靠的,可信的;有根据的

【例句】The clothes are authentic. 这些衣服是正品。

comprehensive [kmprhensv] adj. 综合的;全面的;广泛的;能充分理解的‖ n. 综合学校

【例句】The use of plants for healing is undoubtedly the world’s oldest and most comprehensive therapy.用植物来治疗疾病无疑是世界上最古老最全面的疗法。

coil [kl] n. (一)卷,(一)圈;线圈‖ v. 卷,盘绕

【例句】The snake coiled itself around the tree. 蛇盘绕在树上。

chance [tɑns] n. 机会;可能性;偶然性;运气‖ v. 偶然发生;冒险;碰巧

【例句】I chanced to be there. 我刚巧在那里。

【搭配】by chance 偶然地‖take a chance 冒险,试试‖take one’s chance 听天由命

clash [kl] n. 冲突,抵触‖ v. (使)发出撞击声;猛撞;引起冲突

【例句】Troops clashed near the border. 军队在边境附近发生了冲突。

【搭配】clash with 与……冲突,不调和

creep [krip] vi. 爬行;(植物)蔓延;慢慢移动

【例句】The term “culture shock” has already begun to creep into the popular vocabulary. “文化休克”这个词语已经渐渐进入了流行词汇。

【搭配】creep into 开始发生于……;溜进……‖creep up 增长;爬上

couple [kpl] n. (一)对,(一)双;夫妇‖ v. 连合,连接,结合

【例句】Large companies, especially, like a background of formal education coupled with work experience. 特别是大公司,倾向于有正规教育背景并有工作经验的人。

【搭配】couple with 与……连接,联系

terror [ter] n. 恐怖,惊骇;可怕的人(事)

【派生】terrorist n. 恐怖主义者,恐怖分子‖terrorism n. 恐怖主义;恐怖行动

notable [ntbl] adj. 值得注意的,显著的

【例句】Perhaps the most notable in this kind is the work of Jane Godall in Africa.或许在这方面最突出的是简古道尔在非洲所做的工作。


tolerance [tlrns] n. 宽容;容忍,忍受;耐药力;公差

【例句】I have low alcohol tolerance. 我很容易喝醉。

poverty [pvt] n. 贫穷,贫困;缺乏,不足

【例句】The poverty of feeling that reduced her soul. 精神的贫乏使她的灵魂变得空虚。

【搭配】in poverty 贫困;处于贫困当中

violate [valet] vt. 违犯,违背;冒犯,侵犯

【搭配】violate territory and sovereignty侵犯领土和主权

transform [trnsfm] v. 改变,变换;转化;改造;改革‖ n. 变换(式),转换

【例句】At the end of our first year of volunteering, we will have transformed our own lives for the better, too. 在我们结束了一年的志愿工作时,我们也会让自己的生活变得更美好。

【搭配】transform sth./sb. (from sth.) (into sth.) 完全改变某事物/某人的外观或特性


perform [pfm] v. 做;实行;表演

【例句】An important consideration at the start is to decide how large a survey to perform. 在开始时,决定做一项多大的调查是很重要的。

conference [knfrns] n. 讨论,会谈;(正式的)会议,讨论会

【派生】consequent adj. 随之发生的;作为结果的

pinch [pnt] v. 捏,掐,拧;收缩;匮乏‖ n. 捏,掐;(一)撮;紧急关头;压力

【例句】This was particularly heartening as this occurred at a time when many of our competitors were feeling the pinch. 在我们的竞争对手感到拮据的时候出现这种情况,让人感到非常振奋。

【搭配】at/in a pinch 必要时,在紧急关头‖feel the pinch 感到手头拮据‖pinch and save/scrape 省吃俭用

consequence [knskwns] n. 结果,后果;重要(性)

【搭配】as a consequence 因此,结果‖of consequence 重要,有意义

prime [pram] adj. 主要的;最佳的;最

【例句】The television networks believe that the period between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. is the prime television viewing time. 国家电视网络认为晚上6点到11点是观看电视的黄金时间。

convenience [knvinns] n. 便利,方便;方便的时候,适当的机会;便利设施

【搭配】for the convenience of 为了……的方便‖at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候

economical [iknmkl] adj. 节约的;经济的

【例句】Other dishes are highly economical. 其他菜肴相当实惠了。

【搭配】economical of 节俭,节约

emerge [md] v. 显现,浮现;暴露;知悉

【例句】Depicting nature began to emerge in the 17th century. 到了17世纪,开始出现了描绘风景的画。

【搭配】emerge from 自……出现;从……显露出来

【派生】emergent adj. 紧急的;浮现的;自然发生的‖emergence n. 显现;暴露

ditch [dt] vt. 在……上掘沟;把……开入沟里;丢弃‖ vi. 开沟;掘沟‖ n. 沟渠;壕沟

【搭配】last ditch 最后防线‖to the last ditch 直到最后;濒临绝境

endurance [ndjrns] n. 忍耐(力),持久(力),耐久(性)

【例句】The human body was built for endurance.人的身体就是用来锻炼忍耐力的。

【搭配】beyond endurance 忍无可忍

entertainment [enttenmnt] n. 招待,款待;娱乐(表演),消遣

【例句】Television has displaced film as our country’s most popular form of entertainment.电视已取代了电影,成为我国最大众化的娱乐形式。

slam [slm] v. 砰地关门,用力关门;猛推,猛击;抨击

【例句】When the stranger walked towards her, she fled, the door slammed behind her. 当这个陌生人向她走去时,她逃跑了,身后的门猛然关上。

【搭配】slam the door摒弃;关门;拒绝

fatigue [ftig] n. 疲劳,劳累

【例句】Several men dropped with fatigue during the long march. 有几个人在长途行军中因疲劳而掉队。

specific [spsfk] adj. 明确的;具体的;特定的;特有的

gross [grs] adj. 总的;毛(重)的;粗鲁的,粗俗的‖ vt. 总共收入‖ n. 总额

【例句】①His gross income every month cannot support his family. 他每月的总收入无法支撑他的家庭。②Her last film grossed a million pounds. 她拍最后一部影片总共赚了一百万英镑。

【搭配】in gross 大体上;大批地;以批发方式(等于by the gross)

scandal [skndl] n. 丑事,丑闻;流言蜚语,诽谤

【例句】After the scandal was exposed, he committed suicide. 丑闻暴露之后,他自杀了。

fulfil/fulfill [flfl] vt. 完成;履行;实践;满足

【例句】He was a brilliant musician as a boy, but he never fulfilled his early promise.他小时候是个才华横溢的音乐家,但他从来没有履行他早期的诺言。

【搭配】fulfill oneself 完全实现自己的抱负‖to fulfil a contract 履行合同

represent [reprzent] v. 代表;描绘,表现;象征,意味着,相当于……

【例句】It was work at St. Peter’s Basilica that represented Michelangelo’s greatest achievement as an architect.米开朗基罗在圣彼得大教堂的作品代表了他作为建筑师的最高成就。

【搭配】represent sth. to sb. 向某人阐述某事‖represent sth. to oneself 想象出某事物‖represent for 代表,象征

【派生】representative adj. 典型的,有代表性的

stainless [stenls] adj. 纯洁的;无瑕疵的;不锈的

institute [nsttjut] n. 学会,研究所;学院;协会‖ v. 设立,制定

fable [febl] n. 寓言,神话,传说

【例句】We have to learn to distinguish fact from fable. 我们应当学会识别真伪。

interfere [ntf] v. 干涉,干预;妨碍;打扰

【例句】Parents should not interfere with the school management. 父母不应该干涉学校管理。

【搭配】interfere with/in 干扰,干涉;妨碍

invisible [nvzbl] adj. 看不见的;无形的

【例句】Birds also use the Earth’s invisible magnetic force for direction. 鸟也通过地球上看不见的磁力辨别方向。


genuine [denjn] adj. 真实的,真正的;诚恳的

【例句】You can do this by developing characters with genuine human traits, both good and bad. 你可以通过挖掘具有真实人格特征的人物来做到这一点,无论好坏。

scarce [skes] adj. 缺乏的,不足的,供不应求的;稀有,罕见

【搭配】make oneself scarce 溜走,躲开

screw [skru] n. 螺丝钉;螺旋‖ v. 转动,旋;拧,拧紧;压榨

【例句】He screwed the mirror onto the wall. 他把镜子用螺丝固定在墙上。

【搭配】screw in 把……拧入

sequence [sikwns] n. 先后,次序;连续;数列

【例句】The plot of the book isn’t arranged according to time sequence.这本书的情节不是按时间顺序排列的。

【搭配】in sequence of 按……顺序

rapid [rpd] adj. 快的,迅速的‖ n. 急流,湍滩

【例句】They asked their questions in rapid succession. 他们连珠炮似地提出了一系列的问题。

shame [em] n. 羞耻,羞愧;可耻的人(或事物)‖ v. 使羞愧

【例句】He was shamed by how much more work the others had done. 别人做的工作比他多得多,这让他感到很羞愧。

【搭配】put to shame 使蒙羞;使自愧不如‖in shame 因为耻辱;因为害羞

violence [valns] n. 暴力,暴行;激烈,猛烈;强暴

whip [wp] n. 鞭子‖ v. 鞭打,抽打

【搭配】whip up 激起;鞭策

translate [trnslet] v. 翻译,解释;转化

【搭配】translate sth. into sth. 把……译成……

garbage [gɑbd] n. 垃圾,废物

recovery [rkvr] n. 复原,痊愈;收回,复得

【例句】She made a quick recovery after her illness. 她病后恢复得很快。

【搭配】recovery from 从……中恢复

regret [rgret] v. & n. 懊悔,悔恨;遗憾

【例句】Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets. 创造自己的生活,然后走出去,毫无遗憾地享受生活吧。

【搭配】regret doing 对做过的事表示遗憾、后悔‖much to my regret 深为抱歉

representation [reprzenten] n. 描述,表示;代表,代理

stroke [strk] n. 一击;报时的钟声;中风;成功的努力‖ vt. 抚摸

【例句】He reached out and stroked her cheek tenderly. 他伸过手来轻抚着她的脸。

【搭配】at a/one stroke 一下子‖put sb. off his stroke 使某人行事动摇、犹豫等

rubbish [rb] n. 废物,垃圾;废话‖ v. 贬损

【例句】①Films that she made were never rubbish. 她制作的电影从来都没有次品。②The film was rubbished by the critics. 影评家把这部影片贬得一无是处。

flexible [fleksbl] adj. 柔韧的,易弯曲的;可变通的,灵活的

【例句】My holiday plans are very flexible. 我的假期计划是很灵活的。

humo(u)r [hjum] n. 幽默,诙谐‖ v. 迎合,牵就,顺应

retreat [rtrit] v. & n. 撤退,后退;隐居处,休养处

【例句】British teenagers have always retreated to their bedrooms.英国的青少年们总是退回到自己的卧室里。

【搭配】retreat from 退出,放弃‖retreat into oneself 退隐,离群索居

snap [snp] v. & n. 噼啪作响;突然中断,断开(成两截);突然咬,猛咬;快照

【搭配】snap out of 迅速振作起来,从……中摆脱出来‖snap up 抢购;匆匆吃下;抢先弄到手‖snap at 咬;抓;厉声说

impulse [mpls] n. 冲动;刺激;推力‖ v. 推动

【例句】Six out of ten women admit they regularly give in to temptation as the main reason for shopping on impulse.十个女人中有六个都承认她们通常冲动购物的主要原因就是禁不住诱惑。

【搭配】on (the) impulse (of…) 凭(……的)冲动

【派生】impulsive adj. 冲动的,任性的

specifically [spsfkl] adv. 特别地;明确地;专门地

imitate [mtet] vt. 模仿,仿效;仿造,伪造;把……作为榜样

【例句】Online thieves imitate well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies.网上的诈骗犯模仿知名银行、线上卖家和信用卡公司。

ridiculous [rdkjls] adj. 可笑的;荒谬的

【例句】That question is even more ridiculous

than the previous one. 那个问题甚至比之前的还要荒谬。

festival [festvl] n. 节日;音乐节,戏剧节;会演‖ adj. 节日的;快乐的

external [kstnl] adj. 外部的;表面的;客观的;外国的‖ n. 外部,外面

【例句】Starting on the left, there are two lists of factors: internal and external. 从左侧开始,有两个因素列表:内部因素和外部因素。

stake [stek] n. 桩,柱;投资;赌注;利害关系

【例句】①They planted a stake in the ground. 他们在地上栽了一根木桩。

②America has a stake in China’s success. 美国与中国的成功利害攸关。

【搭配】at stake 在危险中;利害攸关‖have a stake in 与……利害攸关‖stake out 监视;立桩标出

cue [kju] n. 暗示,提示;榜样;球杆‖ vt. 给……暗示

【例句】Normally we depend on external cues to jog our memories. 通常我们通过外部客观的线索来提醒我们。

【搭配】cue sb. (in) 暗示某人‖take one’s cue from 学……的样,听……的劝告

scarcely [skesl] adv. 几乎不;仅仅

【例句】In these circumstances I was scarcely to blame. 在这种情况下,我几乎没有责任。

deal [dil] vt. 处理;给予;分配;发牌‖ vi. 处理;讨论;对待;做生意‖ n. 交易;(美)政策;待遇;份量

【搭配】deal with处理;涉及;做生意‖deal out分给;分配‖a good/great deal of大量‖deal in经营,买卖‖good deal划算,好交易‖big deal大人物;了不起的事‖make a deal with与……做生意;和……妥协‖make a deal成交


[skrpt] n. 手迹,笔迹;手稿,原稿

obey [be] v. 服从,听从,遵守

【例句】The little boy made no effort to obey. 这小男孩不肯服从。

【派生】obedience n. 服从;遵守‖obedient adj. 顺从的;孝顺的

destruction [dstrkn] n. 破坏,毁灭

【例句】The floods brought death and destruction to the area. 洪水给该地区带来了死亡和破坏。

shape [ep] n. 外形,形状;情况,状态;种类‖ v. 成型,塑造

【例句】I’m having trouble giving shape to my ideas in this essay. 我在这篇文章中表达不清自己的想法。

【搭配】in good shape 情况好‖in bad shape 情况不好‖out of shape 身体不舒服,有病;走样‖take shape 成形‖in shape 在外形上;处于良好状态‖in the shape of 以……的形式;呈……的形状

emergency [im:dnsi] n. 紧急情况;突然事件;非常时刻

deliberate [dlbrt] adj. 慎重的;深思熟虑的;故意的;有准备的

【例句】Cities throughout history were not the products of deliberate thought. 历史上的城市都不是深思熟虑的产物。

siege [si:d] n. & v. 围攻,围城,包围

【例句】However, those in favor of regulations believe that their cultures and very identities may be under siege. 然而,那些对条例持支持态度的人认为他们的文化和身份已经被封锁了。

【搭配】under siege 被包围‖lay siege to 包围,围攻;努力追求

singular [sgjl] adj. 奇特的;非凡的;(语法中)单数的

【例句】I was struck with the man’s singular appearance. 那个人的奇特外貌给我留下了深刻的印象。

endure [ndj] v. 忍受,忍耐,(常与否定词连用)容忍;持续,持久

【例句】①I can’t endure her endless complaint noise a moment longer. 我一刻也容忍不了她那没完没了的抱怨。②Calligraphy has endured for more than 2,000 years. 书法已流传2000多年。

【派生】endurable adj. 可忍受的;能持久的‖endurance n. 忍耐(力);持久

slap [slp] n. 击掌,拍击;侮辱;掴耳光‖ v. 击掌,击拍

【例句】They started to quarrel and she slapped him on the cheek. 他们开始争吵起来,她打了他一个耳光。

【搭配】slap on 随便穿上;胡乱涂上;断然拒绝

quarrel [kwrl] n. & v. 争吵,失和;反对,挑剔,抱怨

【例句】We’re not going to quarrel about a few dollars. 我们不会为了几块钱争吵。

【搭配】quarrel with 抱怨;拒绝接受;跟……吵架‖quarrel about 为……争吵

voluntary [vlntr] adj. 自愿的,志愿的;主动的

【例句】Student Council asks for voluntary service to help the poor students. 学生会要求自愿帮助贫困学生。

prescribe [prskrab] v. 指示,规定;开处(方),开(药);嘱咐,建议

【例句】When correctly prescribed, herbs can be combined to heal any organ of the body.处方正确时,草药可以组合来治愈身体的任何器官。

【搭配】prescribe for 开处方,开药方


prospect [prspekt] n. 景色;前景,前途;期望‖ vt. 勘探,采矿

【例句】Employees are realistic about their pay prospects. 员工对支付前景非常现实。

【搭配】prospect for 勘探‖at/in the prospect of 期待着

utmost [tmst] n. 极限,最大可能‖ adj. 极度的;最远的

【例句】I have the utmost respect for her accomplishments. 我对她的成就充满敬意。

【搭配】to the utmost 极度;尽力‖do one’s utmost 尽全力,竭力‖at utmost 至多

weird [wd] adj. 怪异的;超自然的;神秘而可怕的

【例句】He looks like nothing on earth in those weird clothes. 他穿着奇装异服难看极了。

principle [prnspl] n. 原则,主义;行动准则,道义;原理

【搭配】in principle原则上‖on principle 根据原则

tolerate [tlret] vt. 容忍,宽容;默许;对(药物、毒品等)有耐力

【例句】Extroverts tolerate anxiety or uncertainty better. 外向的人更能容忍焦虑和不确定性。

【搭配】tolerate of/towards sb. /sth. 容忍,忍受,宽容

【派生】tolerable adj. 可容忍的‖tolerance n. 宽容;容忍

enthusiasm [nθjuzzm] n. 热情,热心;狂热

【搭配】enthusiasm for 热爱……

【派生】enthusiastic adj. 热情的,狂热的

evident [evdnt] adj. 明显的;明白的

【例句】It was evident that she was unhappy. 她显然不开心。

【搭配】self evident 不言而喻的,不证自明的

work [wk] n. 工作(量);职业;作品;( pl. )工厂‖ v. (使)工作;(使)运转;造成;起作用,有效

【搭配】at work 在工作中‖out of work 失业‖work hard at 努力工作于……‖work out 实现;解决;算出‖work up 煽动;引起

exclusive [ksklusv] adj. 独有的;排他的;精选的;专一的‖ n. 独家新闻;排外者

【例句】①Such glowing comments reflect the exclusive nature of the dishes available at the Gandhi Restaurant.如此高度赞许的评论反映了甘地餐厅可供菜肴的独家风味。

【搭配】exclusive from 拒绝参加……

negotiation [ngen] n. 商议,谈判

【例句】We are satisfied with the smoothness of the negotiation.我们对谈判的顺利进行很满意。

【搭配】carry on negotiation with sb. 与某人进行谈判

moan [mn] v. 呻吟,悲叹;抱怨‖ n. 呻吟声,悲叹声

【搭配】moan about sth. 对某事抱怨,发牢骚

outlet [atlet] n. 出路,出口;销路,市场;电源插座

【例句】①The child needs an outlet for all the energy.这孩子需要有个办法让他发泄浑身的精力。②This cosmetics firm has 34 outlets in Britain.这家化妆品公司在英国有34个经销店。

thrill [θrl] n. 激动;毛骨悚然,颤栗‖ v. 发抖;(使)激动

【例句】He gets his thrills from rock-climbing. 他从攀岩运动中得到兴奋刺激的感受。

【搭配】do sth for the thrill of it出于喜欢去做某事

minimum [mnmm] n. 最小值;最低限度‖ adj. 最小的,最低的

defeat [dfit] vt. 击败,战胜;使……困惑;使……不能实现‖ n. 失败;战胜

【例句】①I never consider the possibility of defeat. 我从未考虑有失败的可能性。②By not working hard enough you defeat your own purpose. 你因不太努力,所以达不到自己的目的。

steamer [stim] n. 汽船,蒸汽机;蒸笼

medical [medkl] adj. 医学的;药的;内科的‖ n. 医生;体格检查

【例句】In March 2002, he spent two months visiting the tribe and giving them medical help. 2002年3月,他花了两个月的时间来访问这个部落,并给予他们医疗帮助。

cynical [snkl] adj. 冷嘲热讽的;愤世嫉俗的

【例句】The public is cynical about election promises. 公众并不相信竞选承诺。

【搭配】be cynical about 对……讥讽的,嘲笑的;不相信的

medicine [medsn] n. 药;医学;内科;巫术‖ vt. 用药物治疗;给……用药

ordinary [dnr] adj. 平常的,普通的,平凡的;平庸的‖ n. 普通;平常的人(或事)

【搭配】out of the ordinary不平常的,非凡的‖in ordinary(职务等)常任的;(待修的船只等)闲搁着的

commander [kmɑnd] n. 指挥官,司令官

【搭配】commander in chief 统帅,总司令

bankrupt [bkrpt] n. 破产者‖ adj. 破产的;彻底失败的‖ vt. 使破产,使倒闭

【例句】That’s the businessman whose company is bankrupt and who owes the bank a great deal of money.他就是那个公司破产欠了银行很多钱的商人。

【搭配】bankrupt of/in 完全缺乏,完全丧失‖go bankrupt 破产

【助记】bank(银行)+ rupt(断,破)→破产

punch [pnt] v. 猛击;穿孔;殴打‖ n. 打洞器,冲压机

vehicle [vikl] n. (客运或货运的)车辆;媒介,载体

boil [bl] n. 煮沸,沸腾‖ v. 煮沸,沸腾;(使)激动,激昂

【例句】Most of the crimes may boil down to a question of money. 大多数犯罪归结起来可以说都是因为金钱问题。

【搭配】boil down to 归结为,概括成‖boil over(液体)煮沸溢出;发怒‖bring to the boil使沸腾;使事情难于处理;使处于危急关头‖boil up 煮滚,烧开

adopt [dpt] vt. 通过;采纳;采取(态度等);收养

【例句】①The European Union has adopted a practical ban on spam.欧盟已经正式通过了一项实用的对垃圾邮件的禁令。②As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan.他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿。

accidental [ksdentl] adj. 附属的;偶然的,意外的,无意中的

【例句】Buy an insurance policy that covers accidental damage. 购买一份意外损害保单。

abandon [bndn] v. 屈从于……(情感);抛弃,放弃

【例句】①She abandoned herself into grief for a while. 她任由自己悲伤了一会。②Cigarettes have never let me down, never abandoned me on lonely, desperate nights. 香烟从不会让我失望,在孤独绝望的夜晚也不会抛弃我。

【搭配】abandon oneself to 放纵自己,使自己沉溺‖with abandon 放任,无拘无束

heroism [herzm] n. 英雄品质,英勇;英雄行为,勇敢的事迹

acceptance [kseptns] n. 接受,验收,接纳;认可

【例句】There was an undercurrent of resentment in their acceptance of the plan.他们接受该计划时心怀不满。

remain [rmen] v. 停留,留下;仍然是;保持

【例句】Vitamins A and E are particularly good for helping your skin remain young-looking. 维生素A和E尤其对帮助皮肤保持年轻有好处。

apart [pɑt] adv. 分离,分开;相距,相隔‖ adj. 分开的

【搭配】apart from远离,除……之外;且不说;缺少‖fall apart崩溃,土崩瓦解

hardware [hɑdwe] n. 五金,金属制品;(电脑的)硬件

acre [ek] n. 英亩;田地,地产

fabric [fbrk] n. 织物,织品;质地;构造,结构

healthcare [helθke] n. 医疗保健;健康护理,健康服务

resolve [rzlv] v. 决心;(使)分解,溶解;决议‖ n. 解决;决心

【例句】People usually start a new year resolved to achieve more than the previous year. 通常情况下,人们会在新年伊始决心取得比上一年更多的成就。

【搭配】resolve into使分解为……;归结为……‖resolve to do sth.决心做某事‖resolve a dispute/ conflict/ problem解决争端‖resolve that…决议……

performance [pfmns] n. 履行,执行;表演,演出;工作情况;表现;(机器等)工作性能

【例句】The pilot rated the airplane’s performance in high winds. 飞行员在强风中加大了飞机的功率。

confess [knfes] v. 承认(罪行),坦白,供认;忏悔

【例句】He had confessed to seventeen murders. 他已供认了17项谋杀罪。

【搭配】confess to... 坦白……,承认……

philosophy [flsf] n. 哲学;哲理,人生哲学,见解

consequently [knskwntli] adv. 随……而发生的;所以,因此

【例句】Consequently, there is a strong possibility that life can arise on other planets.由此可见,其他行星上极可能有生命产生。

contain [knten] vt. 包含,容纳;容忍,抑制;可被……除尽‖ vi. 自制

【例句】Most galaxies contain not only stars, but also black holes. 大多数星系不仅包括星星,还包括黑洞。

【搭配】be contained between/ within 含于……间,(夹)在……之间

convenient [knvinnt] adj. 便利的,方便的,合适的

【例句】When would it be convenient for you to go? 你什么时候去比较方便?

【搭配】convenient for 便于……

portrait [ptrt] n. 肖像,画像;写照

corporation [kpren] n. 市镇自治机关;法人;公司,企业

clockwise [klkwaz] adj. 顺时针方向的,向右旋转的‖ adv. 顺时针方向地

appropriate [prprt] adj. 恰如其分的,适当的;特有的‖ vt. 拨出(款项);挪用,盗用

【例句】①I’d say hugging is not usually appropriate in a business situation.要我说,在商务场合拥抱通常不是很合适。②He was accused of appropriating club funds. 他被控告挪用俱乐部基金。

comparison [kmprsn] n. 比较,对照(指行为);比喻,比拟

【例句】According to that thinking, most people judge their possessions in comparison with others.根据这种想法,大多数人通过与别人的财产进行比较来衡量自己的财富。

compress [kmpres] vt. 压紧,压缩;精简

【例句】The film compresses several years into half an hour. 这部电影将几年的事压缩于半小时内。

blade [bled] n. 刀刃,刀口;叶片

【例句】He is a good blade. 他剑术高明。

drip [drp] n. 水滴,滴水声;静脉滴注;使人厌烦的人‖ vi. 滴下;充满;漏下‖ vt. 使滴下;溢出,发出

【例句】The rain was dripping from the trees. 雨从树上滴下。

【搭配】drip from 从……上滴下‖drip with 往下滴

depict [dpkt] vt. 描述;描画

【例句】The Midnight Sun, which was Frank’s last novel, depicts life in Manitoba. 《午夜的太阳》是弗兰克写的最后一部小说,描述了在曼尼托巴的生活。

【搭配】depict…as… 把……描绘成……

bound [band] n. 跃进,跳;范围,界限‖ adj. 被束缚的;必定的,一定的;准备到……去,开往……的‖ v. 跳跃;限制

【例句】①Our joy knew no bounds. 我们快乐无比。②We are bound for home. 我们打算回家。③But when costs increase we are bound to raise fares to remain profitable. 但是当成本增加时,我们一定会提高价格以保持盈利。

【搭配】out of bounds 越轨,超越限度;禁止入内‖be bound to 注定‖be bound up with 与……有密切联系‖be bound by 受……约束;由……联系起来

【派生】boundary n. 边界,范围;分界线

institution [nsttjun] n. 公共机构;制度;惯例;习俗;制定

【例句】Several modern banks and other financial institutions have their origins in these coffee houses. 一些现代银行和其他金融机构的起源于这些咖啡馆。

dive [dav] vi. & n. 潜水;跳水;俯冲;急剧下降

【例句】He dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning child.他从桥上跳到水中,救起那快要溺死的小孩。

【搭配】make a dive for 向……冲去‖dive in 开始大吃;头朝下跳入水中

interference [ntfrns] n. 干涉,干预;妨碍,打扰

【搭配】interference in 干涉……

justification [dstfken] n. 正当的理由;辩护,辩解;借口

【搭配】in justification of为……辩解



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