





261.you will never get________ with all your homework tonight.

a) on

b) away

c) through

d) off

262.you know how hard it is to profit________ anybody’s experience.

a) by

b) for

c) with

d) on

263.this is the________ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.

a) original

b) genuine

c) real

d) actual

264.my brother likes eating very much but he isn’t very________ about the food he eats.

a) special

b) peculiar

c) particular

d) unusual

265.we are sorry to arrive late, but the car________ halfway for no reason.

a) broke off

b) broke up

c) broke down

d) broke out

266.the government is determined________ prohibiting the possession of handguns or other weapons by civilians.

a) concerning

b) with regard for

c) in regard with

d) as regards

267.charles has not the least________ of giving up his research.

a) intention

b) idea

c) play

d) desire

268.today, housework has been made much easier but electrical________ .

a) facilities

b) appliances

c) instruments

d) equipment

269.canned foods are________ with housewives because it takes so little time to cook them.

a) usual

b) welcome

c) desirable

d) popular

270.although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not________ close examination.

a) face up to

b) make up to

c) stand up to

d) look up to

271.the gloves were really too small, and it was only by________ them that i managed to get them on.

a) stretching

b) squeezing

c) extending

d) spreading

272.________ my car is being made ready for a long journey.

a) in a moment

b) at the moment

c) for the moment

d) for a moment

273.the chinese red cross________ a generous sum to the relief fund for the physically disabled.

a) assigned

b) endowed

c) allocated

d) contributed

274.the students________ their thanks to professor davis by presenting him with a parting gift.

a) extended

b) offered

c) expressed

d) indicated

275.his few personal belongs made it possible for him to move from place to place________ .

a) with ease

b) at ease

c) in ease

d) with easiness

276.i should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and________ in a quiet environment.

a) all in all

b) first of all

c) after all

d) above all

277.these plastic flowers look so________ that many people think they are real.

a) beautiful

b) natural

c) comparable

d) similar

278.his face gave him________ when he told a lie.

a) off

b) up

c) away

d) out

279.we love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield________ any military threat.

a) for

b) in

c) toward

d) to

280.their plans for a big party________ .

a) fell through

b) fell away

c) fell off

d) fell apart


131.much_______the young couple needed money to make the down payment for the apartment,they wouldn’t ask their parents for help.

a.although b.as c.even if d.while

132.i have kept the photo____i can always see it,as it reminds me of the days when i studied in britain.

a.at which b.when c.where d.at the place

133._____your essay carefully before you hand it in, some mistakes can surely be avoided, i think.

a.having checked b.check c.as long as you check d.while checking

134.i would appreciate it ______you can help me with my english this afternoon.

a.because b.until c.when d.if

135._____he has limited technical knowledge,the old worker has a lot of experience.

a.since b.unless c.as d.although

136._____ you’ve tried it,you can’t imagine how pleasant it is.

a.unless b.because c.although d.when

137._________,jack can never catch up with tom in the study of english.

a.however he tries hard b.no matter how hard he tries

c.no matter how he tries hard d.as hard he tries

138._________ was 1998 _________ i graduated from the university.

a.it;when b.it;that c.that;when d.that;that

139.the other day,i found my banknote________ i had left some weeks before.

a.that b.which c.where d./

140.my grandpa sowed the flower seeds in the garden__________ it was the best time for them to grow.

a.where b.when c.that d.until



261.答案c.get through with sth “干完,完成” get on with“继续进行”get away with“(做了坏事不受惩罚)被放过” get off with“(受到一点惩罚)被放过;(受点损失)避免了大祸”

262.答案a.profit by/from“受益于,得益于”(profit作及物动词表示“对……有益处”,后面不跟其它三个介词)

263.答案d.actual adj.“实际的,事实上的,真实的”original adj.“起初的,原来的;独创的,新颖的”genuine adj.“真的,非人造的;真诚的,真心的”real adj.“真的,真实的;实际的,现实的”(注:genuine和real都强调是真的,不是假的,而actual强调的是实际的,事实上的)

264.答案c.particular (about) adj.“过分讲究的,挑剔的” special adj.“特殊的,专门的”(一般作定语修饰事物,不作表语修饰人)peculiar adj.“古怪的,奇怪的;特殊的,独特的”unusual adj/“不平常的,少有的;与众不同的,独特的”

265.答案c。break down“坏掉,出故障”break off“中止;停止,停下来(休息)”break up“打碎,粉碎;终止,结束”break out“爆发,突然出现;逃脱,逃走”

266.答案d。as regards “关于,至于”(regards在此属于动词,一般现在时第三人陈单数,as 是代词,但在长期的使用过程中as regards 逐渐变成了一个固定成语,起介词短语的作用,相当于in/with regard to,不管句子的谓语使用什么时态,as regard永远不变)concerning prep.“关于”(注:concerning一般放在名词后面作定语,如he spoke of the difficulty concerning vesta;her feeling concerning the arrival of sophia;偶尔用在句首,这时可用as regards代替)(with regard for和in regard with不是成语)

267.答案a.have not the least intention of-ing“一点也不打算……”have not the least idea of“对……一点也不了解”(名词desire后面习惯上多要求跟不定式或介词for短语作定语,或跟that同位语从句)

268.答案b.appliance n.[c]“器具,器械,装置”(electrical appliances“家用电器”)facility n.“便利,容易;(pl)设备,设施”instrument n.[c]“(科学)仪器;器械;乐器”equipment n.“装备,设备,器材”(注:equipment在英国英语中多作不可数名词,在美国英语中可用复数形式)

269.答案d.popular(with sb) adj.“广受欢迎的,有名的;流行的,通俗的,大众的”usual adj.“通常的,平常的”welcome adj.“受欢迎的”;be welcome to“欢迎到……来”(作形容词不说welcome with)desirable adj.”(定语或表语)可取的;值得期望的,值得拥有的“(在句型it is desirable that…中,从句谓语需用虚拟语气)

270.答案c.stand up to“经受得起,顶得住;勇敢地面对,抵抗”(参见146注)face up to“大胆面对”make up to(sb)“向……讨好,拍……马屁,向……献殷勤”look up to(sb)“尊敬”

271.答案a.stretch vt.“拉长”squeeze vt.“用力挤压;压榨;压缩,减少”extend vt.“延长,延伸;扩大,扩充;致(敬意、感谢、慰问等);给予”spread vt.“摊开,伸开;涂,敷;散步,传播”

272.答案b.at the moment“此时,此刻,目前”in a moment“立即,马上,一会儿”for the moment“暂时,目前”for a moment“一会儿”;not for a moment“一刻也不,一点也不,绝不”

273.答案d.contribute(to) vt.“捐献,捐助,贡献;(向报刊)投稿”(如he contributed $50 to the charity fund every payday;he did not contribute one idea to the discussion;i contribute to magazines sometimes;fresh air contributes to good health.)assign vt.“分配,布置(作业、任务等);指派,选派”(句型:assign sb sth;assign sth to sb;assign sb to-v)△endow vt.“资助,向……捐赠;(天然)给予,赋予”(注:endow表示“资助、捐赠”时后面以医院、学校作宾语,不以钱作宾语;表示“给予、赋予”时一般指“使具有某种天赋”)△allocate vt.“分配,分派,把……拨给”

274.答案c。express vt.“表示,表达”extend vt.“致,给予”(多以welcome/sympathy/invitation/congraulations/greetings/best regards/help等作宾语)(注:express可以说“以……方式表示感谢”而不说extend one’s thanks by-ing)(一般不说offer one’s thanks to sb;也不说indicate one’s thanks to sb)

275.答案a.with ease“毫不费劲地,轻而易举地”(be)at ease“自在,随便,不拘束”(ease 作名词还有下面两个有用的短语:put/set sb at ease“使above all“首先,首要地,尤其是”all in all“总的说来;总共”first of all(用于列举)“首先”after all“毕竟;到底,还是”不拘束,使above all“首先,首要地,尤其是”all in all“总的说来;总共”first of all(用于列举)“首先”after all“毕竟;到底,还是”不安心“;be ill at ease“不安,感到拘束”)(in case 和with easiness不是成语)

276.答案d.above all“首先,首要地,尤其是”all in

all“总的说来;总共”first of all(用于列举)“首先”after all“毕竟;到底,还是”

277.答案b.natural adj.“天然的,自然的,正常的”beautiful adj.“美丽的,漂亮的”comparable adj.“比得上的(to);可比较的,类似的(with)”similar (to)adj.“类似的”

278.答案c.give away “(有意或无意地)泄露,暴露(秘密);分发,赠送”give off“释放,放出”give up“辞去;放弃;停止”give out“分发”

279.答案d.yield(to) vi.“屈服,屈从;倒塌,垮掉”;vt.“生产;让出,放弃”(如we yielded to their argument;the small chair yielded under his weight;that tree yielded plenty of fruit;he yielded all his possessions to the state.)(yield后面不跟其他三个介词)

280.答案a.fall through“(一般指计划、工程、交易、协议等)失败,落空,没成功,没能实现:(如the whole plan/the scheme/the project/the bargain/the contract fell through.)fall away”(产量、人数等)(逐渐)下降,降低,减少;脱离,离开“fall off”(数量)减少;(质量)下降,(水平)降低“fall apart”散开;垮掉;崩溃“







解析:考查状语从句。as long as “只要”;只要你在上交论文前仔细检查一遍,有些错误就可以避免。


解析:if 引导的是条件状语从句。






解析:no matter how和however都可引导让步状语从句,但它们所修饰的形容词或副词应紧跟在它们后面,所以正确答案为b。as也可引导让步状语从句,其语序应为hard as he tries。


解析:1980前面没有介词,所以第一个空应选it,指时间;第二个空应选when,引导时间状语从句。注意该题不是强调句型,如果看作强调句型,去掉it was和that后,句子应成立。如果1980前面有in,则是强调句型,强调时间状语in 1980。







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