





part one
part one
a basic human urge 根柢的人类盼望
a classic case of... .....的经典事例
a common feature of... ……的一起特征
a deep love for... 对……的深爱
a longstanding commitment 长时刻的承诺
a major solution 首要的处置办法
a place to sleep at night晚上睡觉的当地

a plan of action行为方案
a sense of fairness 公正感
a slightly larger group 略微大点的集体
a state of mind精力状况,心思状况
a state-sponsored program 由国家建议的运动
abide by恪守(承诺),遵循(判决)
achievement-based system 根据成果的体系,用成果说话的体系

act as充当,担任
actions that could be taken by sb.可以由或人采纳的行为
actual experience 实践经历
all around the world全世界,全世界规模内
an hiv-prevention initiative 避免艾滋病病毒运动
appeal to... 对……发生招引力,招引
around the world 广泛全球

arthritis drug关节炎药物
assume responsibility 初步承担责任
at odds with... 与……有差异
attach importance to 注重
attend to (sb./sth.) 招待(顾客);处置,照料(生意)
background information 布景信息,布景情况
base sth. on sth. 将某事物树立在某事物的基础上

basic rights and public interest 根柢权力和公共利益
be addicted to... 沉浸于……,对……上瘾
be attentive to... 对……留心,介意
be biased against sth. 对某事物有成见
be born with 与生俱来
be bothered with... 遭到……的困惑
be bound by... 遭到……的捆绑

be closely tied 亲近联络,息息有关
be concerned with 关怀
be conditioned by... 由……抉择
be confronted with 面临着
be convinced that断定,深信
be de

corated with...用·······装饰
be dedicated to尽力于,牺牲于

be deprived of... 被掠夺……
be determined by... 由……抉择
be due to do... 预期做……
be eager to do sth. 盼望做某事
be engaged with... 与……树立亲近联络
be enthusiastic about... 对……热心
be excluded from... 被从……中架空出来

be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事
be exposed to... 露出于……
be extraordinarily hard to get 极端难获得
be faced with 面临
be fearful of doing sth. 只怕做某事
be filled with 充溢着
be free to do sth. 随意地做某事


a budding economic recovery 经济初步复苏
a fat pay rise 大幅加薪
a package deal 一揽子生意
absolute cost 朴实本钱,必定本钱
added-worker effect 附加劳作力效应
afford to 能承担得起;付得起
american middle-class family美国中产阶层家庭

america's federal trade commission (ftc) 美国联邦生意委员会
america's financial accounting standards board美国财务会计原则委员会
annual increases年增加
annual meeting 年会
anti-patent trend 反专利的趋势
apply for permission 请求答应
asset allocation 资产分配

asset evaluation 资产评价
at dirt-cheap prices以极端廉价的价格
auto industry轿车工业
bank shares 银行股份
bargain bins 廉价货专柜
bargaining power 议价才能,还价还价的才能
basic family economics 根柢的家庭经济学

be at a standstill 处于阻滞状况
be at greater financial risk 有更大的财务风险
be borne by...由······承担、担负
be charged with 承担
be poorly paid 赚得很少
be short of... 短少……;……短少
be worse off 恶化,更糟糕

bet on... 为……打赌,在……上下赌注
bleed red ink 呈现赤字
book value账面价值
break attendance records 打破出勤记载
build up 逐步树立
building blocks 成分,构成要素
business executive 商业主管

business model 商业方法
buying power 收购才能
capital market 本钱商场
career goal 作业方针
catch-size limit捕捉量的捆绑
check on 查看,核对
checked-baggage fees行李邮递费

collective scrutiny 集体检查
commerce and trade商业与生意
compensating advantage 抵偿性优势
competitive dynamics 竞赛动态,竞赛态势
conduct a review 进行查看,检查
consumption pattern 花费方法
cover the spending加添开支

credit-card accounts 诺言卡账户
cry poor哭穷
debt mountain 负债累累
disability insurance 残疾稳妥
discovery claim 发现声明
drawn-out battle 耐久战
earn little from...从······赚取很少


part three
part three

a culture of consumption 一莳花费文明
a deal is a deal. 一码归一码。
a four-year undergraduate degree 四年的本科学位
a piece of cake小菜一碟,小事一桩
a search for… 寻找......
a small-scale study小型的研讨
a song in your heart心里哼着小曲儿

a stern enough test一个满足严肃的考试
a sudden soft passage一段俄然柔软的片段(华章)
a three-year law degree三年的法令学位
academic research学术研讨
american academy of arts and sciences (aaas)美国艺术与科学研讨院
america's national research council 美国国家研讨委员会
an old saying has it that... 古语云……

ancient mycenaean culture 古迈锡尼文明
anti-happy art 对立高兴的艺术
art-loving public喜爱艺术的群众
as the old saying goes 俗??br>back row 后排
bar exam 司法考试
be absorbed into并入,同化

be capable of 可以
be partially rooted in... 有些源于……
be powerfully expressive 有极强的表达才能的
belief system 崇奉体系
better disciplined受过非常好的练习的
boil down 简化(文章)
charter school 特许学校

citation index 引文索引
classical-music critics 古典音乐谈论家
classical-music world 古典音乐界
college degree大学本科学位
common ancestor 一起的祖先
darwinian evolution 达尔文进化论
date back to 追溯到

derive from 源于
doctoral degree 博士学位
drop out退出,退学
earlier humans 前期人类
educated person受过教育的人
education reform 教育变革
educational system 教育体系

electoral college推举团(各州选出的推举总统与副总统的人群)
flesh out 以信息(或细节)充分(方案、论据等)
formal english 正式的英语
founding father 开国者,开国功臣
founding generation开国一代
funny cartoon风趣的漫画
general education 一般教育

go back a long way 由来已久
government-funded research政府赞助的研讨
grade inflation分数胀大
grade forgiveness分数宽限
graduate management admission test (gmat)经企打点研讨生入学考试
graduation rates 结业率
have the last word最终的抉择权,说了算

a breath of fresh air 一股新鲜的空气
a new web-based company一家新的根据网络的公司
a random series of numbers一组随机的数字
a series of 一系列
a still point of the turning world旋转的世界中的一个中止点
aerial photography空中摄像,航拍
archaeological and environmental impact 考古和环境构成的影响

artificial intelligence (ai) 人工智能
astrological sign 星座
astronomy community 地舆学界
be environmentally sound 对环境无害的
be it in food or in energy 不管它是在食物仍是在动力(领域)
be made out of... 由······制成,用······做材料
be parallel to... ①与······平行的②与······极类似的

be worn into嵌入
biological evolution 生物进化
biological matter 生物
biotic clock 生物钟
birth canal 产道
birth certificate 出世证明
blood vessel 血管

bodily exercise 身体练习
boot up 建议,翻开
brain imaging 脑显像
brain training program 大脑练习程序
brown capuchin 棕色卷尾猴
changing environment改变着的环境
clear and efficient energy 清洗而高效的动力

climate change 气候改变
computational procedure 核算程序
computer programming 核算机程序方案
conduct the experiment 进行实验
cooling tower 冷却塔
cyclic pattern 循环方法
data restoration数据找回

data-rich industries 具有很大都据的作业
deep blue color 深蓝色
default settings 默许设置
defining term界说术语
dental surgery 牙科,口腔外科
digital maps数字地图
digital technologies 数字技能

each set of circumstances 每一种环境
electronic heroin 电子海洛因,电子毒品
energy market 动力商场
ferrari automobile 法拉利轿车
filter out滤除(不需要的文字、信息等)
finely developed 打开完善的
follow an ambiguous and complicated route 沿着一条迷糊和凌乱的途径进行

function as...起·····的作用(功用)
gain in添加,增进
gaping baby-size holes翻开的婴儿般巨细的洞
genetic architecture 基因规划
genetic testing 基因查验
global warming全球变暖
gps systems 全球定位体系


part one
part one
a would-be lawyer一个准律师
arm sb. with sth. 用某物配备或人
ask sb. to do sth. 需求或人做某事
be applicable to适用于
be resistant to 反抗,反抗
civil servant公务员
claims to the contrary 相反的观点,相反的观念

clamp down施加压力,钳制,撤消
clean up收拾,肃清
come to light被宣告出来,为人所知
comply with遵守,恪守
congressional representation 议会代表
constitutional law契合宪法的法令
cutacross… (疑问或心境)影响到(不一样集体)

democratic senator 民主党参议员
exert great influence on… 对······施加剧大影响
fall into 落入,陷于
fall victim of... 变成……的牺牲品
federal court 联邦法院
federal executive power 联邦实施权

federal government 联邦政府
federal immigration law 联邦移民法
give up ①中止,扔掉②(oneself)自首
go against 对立,违背
go into government 进入政府部分作业
go to war with...与····交兵,与········敌对
hardline republican governor 强硬派的共和党州长

in office在职,当权
kill off使完全中止,使完全铲除
left-of-centre politics 左派政治
legal basis 法令基础
legal education 法令教育
legal journalism 法令新闻
legal learning法令学习

legal penalty 法令赏罚
legal protection 法令维护
legal system 法令体系
liberal and conservative views 安适和保存的观念
liberal democracy 安适的民主
local council (bre)市政委员会,市议会
local government 当地政府

local police 当地警方,当地差人
military uniform 军服,戎衣
navy department 水兵部
on the alert处于戒备状况,警惕着
on the rise 在上涨,在增加
on the whole总的来说,大体上
ordinary citizen 一般公民

patent court专利法院
policy briefs 方针简报
political compromise 政治让步
political stand 政治情绪
political support政治上的撑持
political view 政治观念
presidential election 总统推举


part one
part one
a certain amount of 必定数量的……
a common set of... 一般的一套……
a critical mass of (所需的人或物的)最低数量的
a good deal许多,许多
a good number 大大都
a growing number of 越来越多的(=more andmore)
a handful of 少量的,不多的

a has something to do with b. a与b有关。
a high degree of 高度的
a higher proportion of 更高比例的
a host of 许多,许多,一大群
a huge percentage of 很大比例的
a is one thing, b is something else. a是一回事,而b又是另外一回事。
a large/vast body of 许多

a majority of 许多的
a number of许多的
a range of一套,一系列
a sort of 某种
a tiny minority一小有些
a train of一系列
a variety of 林林总总的

a wide range of 大规模的
above all首要,最重要的是,特别是
according to ①据······所说,按······所载②根据,依照
account for ①占(·····数量或比例)②说明,阐明
achieve objectives 完成方针
add to添加
advance toward...向······行进

after all究竟,究竟,究竟
all varieties of 林林总总的
allow sb./sth. to do sth. 答应或人或某物做某事
along with... 和……一同
an array of一系列
an ever-growing number of 日益增多的
and so forth等等

anything besides 除了
anything less than 绝非
apart from... ①除······之外(别无)②除······之外(尚有)
appear to be 如同是,如同是,看来是
apply to 适用于
apply yourself 尽力,聚精会神
arise from...缘因为,由······而发生

as a matter of 处于……思考,因为……
as a result 作为成果,因而
as far as...到……程度,就......
as for至于,关于
as good as... 和……几乎相同
as if 如同,似乎
as so often 一般

as though 如同,似乎
as usual 像往常相同,按例
aside from… ①除……之外(别无)②除……之外(尚有)
associate… with… 将……与……联络起来
at any rate不管如何,至少
at first glance乍一看
at hand 即将降临




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