


what should we make of the annual silly season of press releases from usually leftwing thinktanks telling us the blindingly obvious, that poor people are worse off than rich??marx was right when he spoke about “philosophers”. the point is not constantly to interpret the world; “the point is to change it”. her

e statisticians retreat and protest that this is not their job.
if poor men are more likely to be single than rich ones, what about poor women? is the ifs implying they are all on the lookout for a rich male? the fact looks uncomfortably like the old fallacy, that coincidence implies causality. is the ifs recommending compulsory matrimony for homeless males?
besides, the implication that?being single?is bad is in itself questionable. are poor single men perhaps happier than poor unhappily married ones, or than the unhappily married in general?
the issue here surely is not singleness but?loneliness, an insidious and, by its nature, a hidden disease of modern society. it has many causes beyond poverty: shyness or trauma or modern community development – crushed neighbourhoods, demolished streets, more towers and digitised social contacts. many things make it harder for us to help people who, for whatever reason, need the companionship of friends and neighbours. single is not bad. it merely has a higher risk of loneliness. tackle the loneliness.
there is no denying that the gap between rich and poor is widening. money is not everything and it remains to be seen whether a more equal distribution of it is good economics. but instinct says fairness is better than unfairness. unfairness is increased when gaps in society become ever more entrenched, when they are widened by class, generation and geography, as is the case in modern britain.
we know this. the task of marx’s “philosophers” is to fasten on what might change it. sometimes, as with singleness, the solutions are embedded in how villages, towns and cities change. modern mass housing notoriously destroys community bonds. other answers are distributional. if we really want to bring rich and poor, generations and classes together, we should abandon tribal bias and re-examine estate and inheritance taxes and concepts such as?universal basic income?(versions both leftwing and rightwing). bedevilled by partisan politics, these are the ideas of tomorrow. they are better than just telling us poor men need wives.
(stop fretting about poorer men being single and get on with tackling poverty)

第一段说了poor people。最终一段说了they are better than just telling us poor men need wives.独身娶媳妇的疑问。因而这篇文章的标题大约包括穷户和独身之类的词。所以a选项正确。?


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