


even?miracles?take a little time

part 01考研复试常见英文疑问

教师发问:please introduce yourself in english
good morning/afternoon, dear teachers. its a great honor to have this?opportunity to attend this interview.?now i will briefly introduce myself.?my?name is?().?i am?()?years old and i am a member of the communist party of?china.?i come from?(), ()?province.?i major in?()?at?()?university.?i will introduce?myself from the following aspects.
i am a student with lots of hobbies, such reading, watching a?movie, sports.?
as for my personality, i am easy-going, hard-working with?teamwork spirit.?
therefore, i am confident that i can get used to the new life here?and survive the postgraduate years.?
thats all for my introduction, thank you.
greeting (句型:it is a great honor to/interview)
总领句:(句型:i will introduce myself from the following aspects)
快乐喜爱喜爱:(句型:with lots of hobbies, such as...)
性格:(personality; i am+描述词)


教师发问:please introduce your family

there are four members in my family: my father, my mother, my?sister and i.?my father is a?...,?my mother is a?...,?and my sister is?a?...?i feel my family is filled with love and happiness.?because?we are humorous and easy-going.?when i was preparing for the?exam,?the encouragement of my family has always been my?strength. so i love my family very much. thank you.
成员介绍(there are 数字 members in my family:+作业)
家庭空气+性格:(my family is filled with...;we are+描述词)
接近考研:when i was preparing...support, strength,encouragement


教师发问:please introduce yo

ur hobbies and interests

(拍摄) i love photographing very much. every time i go on a?travel with my friends, i will take a lot of beautiful photos. i think?it is a good way to record my life and keep precious memories. and it also helps me to discover the beauty in life. photographing makes my life more colorful, so i like it very much.
(音乐)i am fond of music mainly because it can cheer me up?greatly when i feel down. besides i also believe that music is an?important part of culture. by appreciating different kinds of?music, i can get to know different kinds of cultures and rethink?the meaning of life more deeply.
全体:i love ...very much
时刻:when i travel with my friends/when i have time, i do sth
优点:it is a goos way to do/ it helps me to do
总结:so i like ...very much. thank u.


教师发问:whats your favorite book/movie?

my favorite movie is dying to survive(我不是药神). there are two?reaons. the first one is the story is full of surprises, and it tells?the audience that ordinary people could do extraordinary things.?
the second reason is that it makes people to value our health?and life, and rethink the meaning of life.
前进常识enhance my knowledge in ...
堆集经历?accumulate the experience about
坚决崇奉?keep my faith in ...
培育喜爱?ecultivate hobby and interest in..
成长前进?provide an opportunity to grow and develop in ...


教师发问:whats your favorite city?/introduce your hometown?
my hometown is taian has many delicious food, such as?pancake. in a word, i love my hometown. thank you.
全体:my hometown is+城市
方位:it is located at
小吃/风光:delicious food/beautiful sceneries


教师发问:whats your favorite subject?/why do you choose?this major?

my favorite subject is.. because the teacher of this course has?a strong personal style and academic confidence. 【课程内容】this course broadened my vision and inspired my interest in?learning.
总结:my favorite subject is
教师:personal style/academic confidence
优点:broaden vision/increase knowledge/inspire?interest

(七) 利益

教师发问:what is your advantage?

well, i think i have strong learning and anti-pressure ability. and i am also?self-dispclined. so i could always accomplish a task efficiently. that also?give me a sense of accomplishment. i am open to new things, and always?reflect myself. also, i could usually adapt to new environment quickly. so it?is easy to make friends and accomplish teamwork task. thats one of my?strengths, i think. thank you.
学术类:猎奇心 curiosity、探究力 exploration、研讨 research/study、学术的academic、学术阅览和写作academic reading and writing、批判性思维 critical thinking、专心的 attentative、自立性 initiative
品质特征:全部打开的 well-rounded、活泼的 positive、旷达的 optimistic、有责任心的 responsible、可靠的 reliable、仁慈的 kind、心态翻开的 open-minded、谦善的 humble、勤劳的 diligent、投入的 dedicated、有活力的 vigorous、有习气性的 adaptive、热情的 passionate、热心 enthusiasm、独立的 independent、自傲的 confident
深度品质:自驱力 self-drive、自控 self-control、自律 self-discipline、自我认知 self-awareness、社会认知 social-awareness、时刻打点 time management


教师发问:what is your disadvantage/shortcoming/weakness?

i think my greatest weakness is my lack of self- confidence. i tend to focus on my shortcomings and magnify?them. but i am trying to correct it. for example, when i complete?a task, i will review more and use more rational analysis rather?than being anxious.
well, i think sometimes i am not brave enough to?perform myself. i may prefer to stay at comfort zone, thus losing?some chances of improving myself. i am trying to fix this?problem by encouraging myself to try new things and stepping?out of my comfort zone.
总结:greatest weakness/lack of
具体:i tend to do
比方:when i , i will


教师发问:have you ever done internship/practice??how do you feel?/do you have any work experience?

(有实习经历) i was an intern at 某公司in ..年 ..月.my main job was 作业内容.
in this internship, i not only learned a lot of professional knowledge, but?also learned how to communicate with others, beacause communication?and cooperation are very important at work.
(无实习经历)i am sorry. i have no intership experience. but i?took part in 某竞赛 and won (奖项). these experiences can also?help me combine what i have learned into practice and exercise?my communication, leadership and thinking abilities. so i think?my other practical experiences and campus activities can make?up for it.


教师发问:introduce your undergraduate school?

i had studied in... since 2021. although it is not ewll-known, i still appreciate?it because it offers me a chance to develop my abilities. during my college?years, i have made a rapid and great progress in many areas. as a student,?i studied very hard, obtained scholarships many times and also gained?good comments from teachers and classmates. four years study made?me an independent, optimistic and strict student. i really appreciate the?education my university gave me.
总结:i studies in 学校 from ...to ..
感谢:although/well-known/offer my opportunity
收成:make progress in/ obtained scholarship/gain?good comments/
总结:it made me a 描述词;appreciate


教师发问:why did you prepare for the graduate school entrance examination?/why do you choose this university?

there are several reasons.?
first, i have been deeply impressed the academic atmosphere?here. in my opinion, as one of the most famous ... in china, it?provides people the first-rate courses and resources to get more?achievement. this is the first reason.
the second one is i am longing for doing research in ... throughout my life. it is a great pleasure to be with my favorite ... for lifetime. i suppose this is?the most important factor in my decision.
third, i think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. life is?precious. it is necessary to seize any opportunity for further development,especially in this competitive modern world. in a word, i am looking forward?to making a solid foundation for further professsion after 2/3 years study here.
总结:there are/many reasons
学术空气:be impressed by/academic atmosphere/first-rate class/resources/achievement
人生价值:realize self-value/seize opportunity


教师发问:why do you choose this major?

first, my major is ~ and doing what i love is a great?honor to me.
second, ~ is my hobby. it can cultivate my?characer, make me rethink the meaning of life and?combine what i love with what i will learn.
third, 可以联系疑问十一。


教师发问:what will you do after graduation?

about my future plans, i want to study for a masters degree and?try my best to improve myself. maybe i will be a teacer/an artist,?because i think it is a honor to combine your interest with your?work. and the further study here make me more clear about my?future direction.


教师发问:what do you expect to achieve during your study if?you are enrolled into this institute?

make a () year learning plan under the guidance of supervisor,?set long-and short-term goals, consolidate the study of?professional courses, communicate and learn from senior?schoolmates, do research projects with tutor.?
enhance my ability in ...field, and make more innovation and?breakthroughs in...

part 02艺术类英文词汇【狂背】

part 03英文面试要留心这些!
01 教师发问没听懂怎么办?
could you repeat it, please?
sorry, i couldnt follow you. could you say it in?another way?
02 不会说怎么办?


03 发音太刺耳怎么办?





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