


??drive?through?any city in south-east asia and japan’s commercial presence is visible everywhere: vehicles made by toyota, honda and nissan clog the roads, the result of decades of market dominance in the region. if fast retailing, the parent company behind uniqlo, a clothing retailer, has its way, the drivers of those vehicles will soon be wearing japanese clothes, too.




japanese industrial firms, carmakers in particular, made south-east asia a second home from the 1960s onwards. fast retailing is also expanding particularly rapidly in asia, where sales (excluding its home market and greater china) are up by 71% in the six months to the end of february, compared with the same period a year ago.?




the region now accounts for 16% of sales, up from 11% a year ago, and it is closing in on china, which dropped from 25% to 22% over the same period. in the 1960s the focus of japanese firms was on exploration for oil, the supply of natural resources and producing industrial goods in countries with import-substitution policies. now the region represents a promising market for uniqlo rather than somewhere to put factories.




the comparison extends beyond geography. exposed to demographic constraints in fast-ageing japan, fast retailing has used technology and automation to replace workers, further mimicking the country’s large manufacturers. since 2021 uniqlo has embedded all its garments with tiny identification tags, which enable automatic scanning at checkouts.




the reliance on automation goes deep into the company’s business operations and supply chain, too. in 2021 it joined up with japan’s mujin and france’s exotec solutions, both small robotics companies, with the aim of automating the jobs in its warehouses. it had already joined forces in 2021 with daifuku, a larger automation firm, which helped reduce the workforce at a warehouse in tokyo by 90%.


对主动化的依靠也深化到公司的事务运营和供给链中。2021年,该公司与日本的mujin和法国的exotec solutions这两家小型机器人公司协作,意图是完成库房作业的主动化。2021年,优衣库现已与一家更大的主动化公司大福打开协作,协助东京一家库房削减了90%的劳作力。drive?through?any city in south-east asia and japan’s commercial presence is visible everywhere: vehicles made by toyota, honda and nissan clog the roads, the result of decades of market dominance in the region. if fast retailing, the

parent company behind uniqlo, a clothing retailer, has its way, the drivers of those vehicles will soon be wearing japanese clothes, too.




japanese industrial firms, carmakers in particular, made south-east asia a second home from the 1960s onwards. fast retailing is also expanding particularly rapidly in asia, where sales (excluding its home market and greater china) are up by 71% in the six months to the end of february, compared with the same period a year ago.?




the region now accounts for 16% of sales, up from 11% a year ago, and it is closing in on china, which dropped from 25% to 22% over the same period. in the 1960s the focus of japanese firms was on exploration for oil, the supply of natural resources and producing industrial goods in countries with import-substitution policies. now the region represents a promising market for uniqlo rather than somewhere to put factories.




the comparison extends beyond geography. exposed to demographic constraints in fast-ageing japan, fast retailing has used technology and automation to replace workers, further mimicking the country’s large manufacturers. since 2021 uniqlo has embedded all its garments with tiny identification tags, which enable automatic scanning at checkouts.




the reliance on automation goes deep into the company’s business operations and supply chain, too. in 2021 it joined up with japan’s mujin and france’s exotec solutions, both small robotics companies, with the aim of automating the jobs in its warehouses. it had already joined forces in 2021 with daifuku, a larger automation firm, which helped reduce the workforce at a warehouse in tokyo by 90%.


对主动化的依靠也深化到公司的事务运营和供给链中。2021年,该公司与日本的mujin和法国的exotec solutions这两家小型机器人公司协作,意图是完成库房作业的主动化。2021年,优衣库现已与一家更大的主动化公司大福打开协作,协助东京一家库房削减了90%的劳作力。



1.constraint / k?n?stre?nt /n.捆绑,捆绑;抑制,拘谨

2.mimick / ?m?m?k /n.善仿照者;仿照(同mimic)vt.(尤指为逗乐而)仿照;(动物或植物为本身平安)仿照(另一种动物或植物)(同mimic)

3.checkout / ?t?eka?t /n.查验;签出;结账台;检出





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