
每日英语名言Betweengriefandnothin...来自老夏考研夏徛荣...(每日英语名言去哪看 知乎)



feast and famine


why obesity is spreading across africa


in the rich world children who do not finish their meals are often scolded and told that there are people starving in africa. in fact, the number of obese people in the region is growing, too.?


this is because, before covid-19 struck, average incomes had risen and more people had moved to cities, where they acquired a taste for junk food.?


expanding waists are linked to long-term health problems such as?diabetes?and high blood pressure. the pandemic, which is especially dangerous for the overweight, makes the issue even more pressing.


development?wonks?have long worried about middle-income south africa, where 40% of women and 15% of men are obese, which is defined as having a body-mass index (bmi) of 30 or more.?


much of the rest of the region is heading in the same direction, apart from a few of the very poorest countries such as chad and mali. in zambia, for example, 35% of women and 20% of men are overweight, meaning they have a bmi above 25. more children are getting fat, too.


processed food drives the obesity epidemic in cities. as the hard-up take jobs far from home, they are eating outside their homes as much as the rich do. many flock to street stalls that hawk chips, sweets and pre-prepared millet and sorghum. junk food is everywhere.?



a survey found that 25% of children aged between six months and five years in niger had scarfed at least one packaged snack or drink in the previous 24 hours. it was 30% in burkina faso, and over 40% in mali and ivory coast.


few people are educated about the risks of junk food. often poor mothers feed babies fizzy drinks and sugary juices alongside breast milk. they also snack on cheap crisps and biscuits. junk food is “exciting for people, it’s new, it’s convenient,” says fathima abdoola, a nutritionist in lusaka, zambia’s capital.


in many cases a healthy diet is out of reach, even in the countryside. in monze farmers often sell valuable crops like legumes and vegetables for cash and survive on nshima, a traditional maize?porridge. a day’s worth of nutritious food, including fruit, milk and meat, costs about 70% of the average daily household income per person in sub-saharan africa.


the world health organisation reckons that 7% of people in africa had diabetes in 2014, which was more than double the rate in 1980. the?prevalence?of high blood pressure has risen too. chronic diseases not only harm people. they also make them less productive, and therefore poorer than they would otherwise be.






diabetes?[?da???bi?ti?z] n. 糖尿病;多尿症wonk?[wɑ??k] n. 书呆子;专家

porridge?[?p??r?d?] n. 糊;麦片粥

prevalence?[?prev?l?ns] n. 流行;普遍;广泛

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