


Ⅰ. American Puritanism(美国清教主义)

The British began to immigrate to North America in the first half of the 17th century. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. In 1620, the ship Mayflower carried about one hundred Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts.Many early American immigrants were Puritans, and they came to the United States for a variety of reasons. The Puritanism they believed in later took root in the New World and had a profound impact on American thought and American literature.


1 Doctrines of Puritanism(清教主义的教义)

The Puritans believed in the doctrine predestination put forward by the theologian John Calvin, including original sin, complete depravity, and limited redemption.


2 The influence of Puritanism on American literature(清教主义对美国文学的影响)

(1) The idealism of Puritan had exerted a great influence on American writers.

Overall, American literature, at least white American literature, is based on the myth of the Garden of Eden in the Bible. To a large extent, it is a literary form of pious idealism as the legacy of American Puritanism. The Puritans longed to live in a perfect order. With great courage, they hope to establish a new Garden of Eden in the United States so that they can finally live an ideal life. Encouraged by this sense of mission, they were very optimistic in the face of difficulties and obstacles. These have become important nourishment for the production and development of American literature. Optimism is embodied in the works of many American writers.

(1) 清教徒的理想主义对美国作家的文学创作产生了深远的影响。


(2) American Puritans’ metaphorical way of observing things led to the emergence of symbolism, which is typical in American literature.

Puritan theology and Puritan literary practice are the main reasons for the development of native symbolism in the United States. To the pious Puritans, the reality of the world is just the symbol of God. All phenomena in life are part and concrete manifestation of God’s intention. It is easy to spot this symbolic process which often occurred in Puritan thinking. Over time, this process became part of the cultural traditions on which the American people and writers grew up. Symbolism is commonly used by Jonathan Edwards, Emerson, Hawthorne, and Melville. This unique way of observing the world by the Puritans is a basic component of their education.

(2) 美国清教徒形象地观察事物的方式导致了具有典型美国文学特点的象征主义的产生。


(3) In terms of the writing skills, the conciseness of Puritan works also profoundly affected American literature.

The works of Puritan writers show a fresh and concise style. They use simple and sincere rhetoric, with the noble temperament under the direct influence of the Bible. Their works have left a lasting influence on American literature.

(3) 在写作技巧方面,清教徒作品的朴实无华也深刻地影响了美国文学。


Ⅱ. Overview of the colonial literature(殖民地文学简介)

American literature grew out of humble origins. Diaries, histories, journals, letters, commonplace books, travel books, sermons, in short, personal literature in its various forms, occupied a major position in the literature of the early colonial period.



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