






George Yule《语言研究》(第2版)笔记和课后习题含考研详解




George Yule《语言研究》(第2版)配套题库【课后练习+章节题库(含名校考研)+模拟试题】






2007年燕山大学外国语学院808语言学与英美文学考研科目名称:语言学与英美文学 请将试题做在答题纸上,在题签上做题无效。

Test of English and American Literature Information for the Candidates: 1.Please transfer all your answers to the Answer Sheet. 2.The total marks for this examination are 75 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. 3.This examination consists of Three parts. These are: Part I. Fundamental knowledge of English and American literature (25 points) Part II. Defining literary terms (15 points) Part III. Identifying and interpreting literary works (35 points) Part I. Fundamental knowledge of English and

American literature Directions: You are going to read some fundamental knowledge of English and American literature. Please fill in each blank with one word or one phrase. (25 points, 1point each)

1.The Song of Beowulf reflects events which took place on the _____ at the beginning of 6th century. It is the unknown _____ that passed it down to later generations.

2.Chaucer was the first writer to use English in a major literary work The Canterbury Tales was written in _____, which was based on London dialect. Before Chaucer literature was composed in _____ or _____.

3.The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was _____, who made _____ the principle vehicle of expression in drama. While Bernard Shaw helped to raise _____ to the status of literature.

4.In the 17th century in England, two men wrote the two works that stand today for the mighty _____. One was Milton who wrote Paradise Lost, the _____; the other was Bunyan who wrote The Pilgrimages Progress, the _____.

5.It is simply for convenience that we study the 18th century English literature in three main divisions: the region of _____, the revival of _____, and the beginning of _____.

6.The first half of the 19th century England recorded the triumph of _____. While in the forties and fifties _____ flourished.

7._____ has been called the “Father of American Poetry”. As a poet, he heralded American _____.

8.Cooper’s enduring fume rests on his _____, which contributed to two of the great stock figures of American mythology, the daring _____ and the bold _____.

9.The American romanticists of the mid-l9th century termed themselves _____. They were led by _____ and preached the positive life.

10.Henry James made major contribution to American literature, helping to transform the novel from its alliances with _____ and romantic storytelling into an art form of penetrating _____. Part II. Defining literary terms Directions: Give brief explanations to the following terms (15 points, 3 points each) Gothic novel 1.Rhyme scheme 2.Conceit 3.Motif 4.Poetic license Part III. Identifying and interpreting literary works Directions: Read the selections and answer the following questions. Both your understanding and your English proficiency will be evaluated. (35 points, 7 point each) 1.

Questions: What’s the title of the work from which this reading is selected? Who is the author? Who is being cursed here? What rhetoric devices did the author employ in this selection? 2.

From Paradise Lost by John Milton Questions: What’s the image conveyed in this selection? Please describe the image in prose writing. 3.“The thing that irks me most is this shattered prison, after all. I’m tired of being enclosed here. I’m wearying to escape into that glorious world, and to be always there: not seeing it dimly through tear, and yearning for it through the walls of an aching heart; but really with it, and in it.” From Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Questions: Who is the speaker? What’s the state of his/her mind? What’s the world he/she is longing for? 4.


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