
18考研-英语作文押题 最后机会 能多挣10分是10分!


16. 每天进步一点点
write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should
1. describe the drawing briefly,
2. interpret its intended meaning, and then
3. give your comments.
you should write neatly on the answer sheet.

经典模板范文in the above picture, most of the numerical values on the left differ slightly, while they seem to be worlds apart after being continuously enlarged. a little bit of seemingly unremarkable changes eventually become the cornerstone of our continuous progress.
this picture instructs us a meaningful philosophy of life—get a bit of progress everyday and never overlook the power of small actions. take zhu kezhen, a chinese famous meteorologist, as an example. he persisted in keeping a weather condition journal since about 1917. when he died, he left a treasure almost beyond measure in the scientific field. it is not hard to make a little bit of progress. what is hard is to go on with a burst of energy. while it may not seem that you’re making much progress or that what you’re doing is worth it, it is just “a little bit”, in the end, that makes your life dignified and substantial. however, in real life, there is always someone who ignores “a little bit”, anxious for reaching the goal in one step. actually, those who don’t value small actions will move in reverse.
final results of a bit of progress everyday remind us that we should design concretely and plan carefully, maintaining the self-restraint attitude towards life and the progressive spirit of continuous self-renewal.


靓词靓语in reverse 相反
overlook v.忽略;俯视
beyond measure 无可估量
persist v.坚持;维持;保持
enlarge v.放大;扩展;增大
cornerstone n.基石;基础
instruct v.教授,传授;指示;命令
philosophy n.人生哲学;生活的信条;哲理
burst n.(能量、活动或热情的)迸发
progressive a.进步的;稳定发展的;逐步的
靓句分析①this picture instructs us a meaningful philosophy of life—get a bit of progress everyday and never overlook the power of small actions.
本句划线部分可视作模板句式,用于揭示图画寓意。句中,作者采用破折号引出“get a bit of progress everyday and never overlook the power of small actions”,对“philosophy of life”进行解释说明。与使用同位语从句或另起一句相比,破折号更为直观地呈现出两部分的层级关系,且句式简洁、语义畅达。
② while it may not seem that you’re making much progress or that what you’re doing is worth it, it is just “a little bit”, in the end, that makes your life dignified and substantial.
从语篇角度来讲,本句承接上句。具体而言,“while”的过渡作用显而易见,其引导的让步状语从句充分解释了上文“what is hard is to go on with a burst of energy”的原因;此外,让步状语从句中出现了“否定转移”现象,即将or连接的并列宾语从句“you’re (not) making much progress”和“what you’re doing is (not) worth it”中的否定词“not”转移到“may not seem”之中,增强了句子的逻辑层次感。主句部分看似简单,实则使用了强调句型“it is…that…”,以突显“a little bit”的重要性,而介词短语“in the end”作插入语嵌入强调句型之中,起到加分效果。
③ however, in real life, there is always someone who ignores “a little bit”, anxious for reaching the goal in one step.
本句利用转折连词“however”转换话锋,引出“忽视微小进步”这一话题,为下文论述由此引发的恶果做好了铺垫。本句虽短小,却包含了there be句型、who引导的定语从句以及形容词短语“anxious for…”作状语等用法。多种表达方式的综合运用使句子的整体水平有所拔高。

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