



原文期刊:bloomberg opinion
california allows uber's gig economy to live another day




这篇文章选自2021年11月5日的bloomberg opinion专栏。作者由加州投票者经过22号提案为切入点,分析了这一抉择不和体现出的我们对城市将来的担忧。超级明星城市与零工效能相伴相生,但受多方面要素影响,超级明星城市已面临危机,此时对立零工效能将使这些城市进一步损失招引力,致使高薪者外流,有损城市税收。

part 1

i defying expectations, california voters have approved proposition 22, which exempts so-called gig economy companies from a state law that requires them to classify their workers as employees. strangely, it comes at a time when many states and cities are raising their minimum wage and requiring companies to give employees various other benefits. the result might reflect a general anxiety about the future of cities.

ii the phrase “inner city” was synonymous with poor, neglected neighborhoods. but starting in the 1990s, the trend reversed. many big cities became meccas for educated workers in newly ascendant knowledge industries like technology, finance and biotech. these cities benefited from what economists call clustering effects. with large concentrations of employees and workers, it was easy to find a job or an employee in these clusters. and everyday interactions between knowledge workers resulted in the spread of useful ideas from company to company.

iii thanks to clustering, it became difficult for workers to resist the pull of superstar cities. high earners streamed back into urban cores. in due time, apps like uber and lyft arose to cater to this new urban workforce.

iv the superstar-city boom may have ground to a halt. concerted efforts by local homeowners have hindered most cities in developing new housing, driving up rents to near-intolerable levels and slowing the population influx. then the coronavirus pushed knowledge industries to make their workforces remote. that may spark a long-term shift, in which tech and finance companies require only a portion of their workforces to be on-site going forward.

v this threat of knowledge-worker exodus means that superstar cities’ clustering effects no longer look so invincible. if tech employers can keep only a skeleton workforce in high-cost urban cores and send the rest out to cheaper locales — perhaps to newly densified inner-ring suburbs that offer many of the benefits of city life with fewer of the costs — then it means big cities like san francisco can no longer rely on inevitable economic forces to keep their tax bases growing. instead, they may have to once again fight to keep upper-middle-class workers in town, as they did before the 1990s.

vi the push for higher labor standards is popular and important, but if it ends up pricing uber, lyft and other gig services out of reach for the upper middle class, it could make urban life less attractive for that crucial population. without the ability to take moderately cheap rides around town, many knowledge workers might go remote, leaving cities with lower tax revenues.

vii of course, cities could remedy this if they built dense, efficient networks of trains that exist in new york city and in many asian and european cities. but with the extremely high construction costs and anti-density forces firmly entrenched in local politics, there doesn’t look to be much chance of it. so in lieu of public transit, california voters ma

y have decided to stick with cheap ride-hailing services as a second-best option for keeping taxpayers in town.

part 2
1.defy:v. (公开)违背, 抵挡
2.synonymous adj. 同义的
3.mecca n. 世人盼望去的当地,圣地
4.ascendant adj. 影响力越来越大的,越来越受等待的
5.cluster n. (人或动物的)群,团,组
6.clustering effect 集群效应
8.pull n. 招引力,引诱力,魅力
9.stream v. 鱼贯而行,一个接一个地移动
10.in due time 当令地,在恰当的时分
11.cater to:满足需要;投合

part 3

本句骨干是california voters have approved proposition 22.加利福尼亚的投票者给第22号提案投了撑持票.前面用一个分句作定语,表达这件作业是出人意料的,后边用which引导了一个非捆绑性定语从句,描绘提案的具体内容(答应所谓的零工经济公司免于遵循一项州法),州法后跟that引导的定语从句,描绘州法具体内容(需求公司将作业者归为雇员)。

part 3

concerted efforts by xx and yy have hindered ……, +成果状语/方法状语 xx 和yy合力阻止了……,致使……/经过……方法。

原文例句:concerted efforts by local homeowners have hindered most cities in developing new housing, driving up rents to near-intolerable levels and slowing the population influx. 当地房主合力阻止了大大国都市开发新住所,这使房租升高到几乎无法忍耐的程度,并减缓了人员涌入的速度。






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