


section i
use of english


【解析】该题选择的是介词,与后面的many worthwhile things一块做后置定语修饰前面的condition,表明对于许多重要事情来说是一个必要的条件。而a选项from(来自于),b选项like(像)d选项on(关于)均语义不搭。
【解析】此处考察语义一致和对上下文辨析的问题。该空是做put的宾语,通过前面的on the one hand, its a necessary condition _____(1) many worthwhile things: child care, friendships, etc. (一方面,信任对许多重要事情来说是必要条件,比如照看孩子,友谊等);on the other hand 可以得知该题仍然是在讲述关于主题 trust的问题,所以只有faith(信任)最合适。而b选项concern(关心,关注),c选项attention(注意),d选项interest(兴趣,利益)均不符题意。
【解析】此处考察词义辨析。前文说到putting your _____in the wrong place often carries a high _____(把……放在错误的地方通常会带来巨大的……),可以知道该空肯定也是填贬义,但肯定不能是debt债务这种具体含义,所以只能选price,并且carries a high price也指付出高昂的代价。
【解析】此题考察上下文逻辑关系。上一段分析的是信任的利弊,该段所指内容_____, why do we trust at all? (我们为什么会要信任?)所以采用了递进关系,进一步说明信任的具体内容。只有d选项then(然后,那么)最符合语义搭配。而a选项again(再次)表示强调;b选项instead(然而)表转折;而c选项therefore(因此)表结果,均不符合。
5. 【答案】d
【解析】此处再一次考察逻辑关系。该空_____ people place their trust in an individual or an institution, their brains release oxytocin,a hormone(___人们信任一个人或者一个机构,大脑都会释放一种荷尔蒙),只有when(当……时)符合上下文语境和逻辑语境。
6. 【答案】b
【解析】该题是考察定语从句的动宾搭配问题。上一句说当人们产生信任感,大脑就会产生一种荷尔蒙,a hormone that _____(6) pleasurable feelings这个that就是定语从句,指这种荷尔蒙能_____令人愉悦的感觉,只能是produce 最符合语境。
【解析】考察词义辨析。该空所填为动词,并且要求与之后的with形成搭配。and triggers the herding instruct that leads sheep to flock together for safety and prompts humans to _____with one another. 说明这种荷尔蒙能够引发一种群居本能,这种本能能让羊群聚在一起,and的后面的内容也与前面的flock together同义复现。所以只有connect最符合语境。
8. 【答案】d
【解析】该题考察固定搭配。与exposure to构成固定搭配的关系。表示“接触”
9. 【答案】b
【解析】此处仍然是考察上下文语境。上文中in a study, researchers sprayed oxytocin into the noses of half the subjects; 能从下文得知这也是指本句讲另外一组受试者。counterparts表示对应物,对应的人。
【解析】考察固定搭配。a canadian study found that children as young as 14 months can differentiate _____ a credible person and a dishonest one. 选则between 意为:14个月大的孩子能在诚实和不诚实的人之间进行区分。
【解析】考察搭配。结合原文语境,“sixty toddlers were each to adult tester holding a plastic container”选项c“be introduced to sth ”表示“初次认识某物。”符合原文语境。
【解析】本题考察借此搭配及词义复现。根据原文“what’s in here?”before looking into the container...each subject was then invited to ___.” 选项d与前文所表达的in here和looking into相关。因此d为正选。
【解析】本题考察词义复现。根据语境“half of them found a toy; the other half 16 the container was empty...”这是用分好并列连接的两个句子,属于并列关系。因此,前半句讲一般的受测者在盒子里面找到了玩具,后半句在肯定其他人会怎么说。像个小分局的结构基本一直。因此本题填入的含义应该与found 含义相同。因此,a选项发现为正选。
【解析】根据本题语境,此句在破折号后面,是对前面的意思解释说明。前面提到了另一半人发现盒子是空的,并且易世达测试者对他们怎么样。既然盒子是空的,那么肯定认识到测试者是在戏弄他们,所以对此题必须要理解测试者是主语,宾语是them 指的是受测者。主语的含义决定了谓语的含义为戏弄。因此c选项为正选。
【解析】考察搭配。根据句子结构我们可以看出逗号之前是一个介词短语,意为在所有没有被戏弄过的孩子里面,大多数的孩子在习得一种新技能的时候与测试者的合作是如何的。demonstrating that they trusted his leadership 表明这些孩子信任他的领导。因此,既然信任他们就表示愿意合作。所b选项willing to do 构成固定搭配。
【解析】本题考察逻辑关系。根据原文语境“”only five of the 30 children paired with the “20” tester participated in a follow-up activity.” 通过该句中的only,可以看出与上文的“大多数”形成鲜明对比。因此,本题应该选择转折逻辑关系。a选项为正选。

section ⅱ reading comprehensionpart adirections:
21答案d middle-class workers
这是一道具体细节题,题干问道“那些人受自动化威胁最大?”根据段落定位原则,第一题应该到第一段和第二段寻找答案,a选项主要的政治领导人,而原文只是在一段提到了presidential campaign,并未提到政治领导人受自动化影响;b选项低收入劳动者,在二段说道lower-income jobs don’t appeal to robots,说明不会受到影响;c选项机器人的所有者,在二段末句提到the rich own the robots, so they will be fine. 可以看到他们也是不受影响的;故选择c,可以从二段的but后找到根据。
22答案c issues arising from automation need to be tackled
23答案a creative potential
这是一道具体细节题,题干问到“自动化时代的教育应该重视什么”可定位到第四段,第一句就提到了应对这个时代的第一步就是rethinking education and job training。具体方法在后面也给出来了,curriculums should focus more on creativity and complex communication,更重视创新和复杂的交际,故a选项是正确的。这道题的对应非常直接,其他几个选项几乎不构成干扰。
24.答案d.preventing the income gap from widening.
25. 答案b.possible solutions to it.

text 2
26.【题干】according to the paragraphs 1 and 2, many young americans cast doubts on
a.the justification of the news-filtering practice.
b.peoples preference for social media platforms.
c.the administrations’ ability to handle information.
d.social media was a reliable source of news.

答案 [d]social media was a reliable source of news 解析:细节题。根据题干信息定位到文中第一段与第二段。文章第一段提到在美国超过2/3的年轻人反对总统特朗普使用推特。接着提到美国公民更希望从别的渠道获得白宫的信息,而不是从总统的社交平台。第二段第二句指出由于美国人越来越不信任媒体,他们可能想办法提高自身的媒体文化素养。由此可见,很多美国年轻人怀疑社交媒体值不值得信任。因此d选项符合文意。 27.【题干】the phrase “beer up”(line 2, para.2) is closest in meaning to
答案 [a] sharpen 解析:猜词题。根据题干定位到第二段第二句。上文提到大部分美国人依靠社交媒体来查看每日头条。第二句紧接着指出“由于美国人越来越不信任媒体,他们开始beef up 自身的媒体文化素养”。由此推测,美国人开始对媒体产生怀疑,所以是想办法强化自身的知识来辨别媒体可不可靠。选项中只有a项有(强化,加强)的含义。故a项为正确答案。
28.【题干】according to the knight foundation survey, young people
a.tend to voice their opinions in cyberspace.
b.verify news by referring to diverse resources.
c.have strong sense of responsibility.
d.like to exchange views on “distributed trust”

答案[b] verify news by referring to diverse resources. 解析:根据题目中的survey可以得出,本题目为细节题的研究结论型。题干中已知的关键词the knight foundation survey告诉我们本题在第三段第二句话的位置,原句指出“a knight foundation focusgroup survey of young people...found they use distributed trust to verify stories.”,意思是他们使用distributed trust来verify stories。而且下一句又详细指出,they cross-check sources and prefer news from different perspectives。结合选项可看出b选项verify与原文一致,news对应原文的stories,referring to diverse resources即distributed trust,b为正确答案。 29.【题干】the barna survey found that a main cause for the fake news problem is

a.readers outdated values.
b.journalists biased reporting
c.readers misinterpretation
d.journalists made-up stories.

答案[c] readers’ misinterpretation. 解析:根据题目中的barna survey得出,该题为细节题中的研究结论型题目。从题干中的关键提示信息the barna survey以及fake news可得出,本题目定位到倒数第二段的位置。该段后半部分提到了barna survey也提到了fake news,可以定位到about a third这一句,“about a third say the problem of fake news lies in misinterpretation or exaggeration of actual news via social media.”。题干中的a main cause刚好对应了lie in,所以答案就是misinterpretation,对应选项得出c,readers’ misinterpretation。 30.【题干】which of the following would be the best title for the text?
a.a rise in critical skills for sharing news online
b.a counteraction against the over-tweeting trend
c.the accumulation of mutual trust on social media.
d.the platforms for projection of personal interests.

答案[a] a rise in critical skills for sharing news online. 解析:根据题目中的best title可以得出,本题目考查全文主旨。首先,我们可以通过题目中反复出现的信息看出文章与什么话题有关,题目出现了young americans,并指出了doubts,fake news problem等负向色彩,因此,整篇文章的倾向是负向的。下一步,文章主旨一般出现在文章的第一段和第二段开头的位置,第一段是通过survey引出了文章要讨论的话题,说出了news和source的话题,第二段第二句通过yet引出要讨论的distrust等内容。总结得出,文章讲述的话题是news online,倾向态度是distrust在rise,对应选项就是a项,a rise in critical skills for sharing news online.

text 3
31.【题干】what is true of the agreement between the nhs and deepmind ?
a.it caused conflicts among tech giants.
b.it failed to pay due attention to patients rights.
c.it fell short of the latters expectations
d.it put both sides into a dangerous situation.
31. 答案b.it failed to pay due attention to patients rights.
32.【题干】the nhs trust responded to denhams verdict with
a.empty promises.
b.tough resistance.
c.necessary adjustments.
d.sincere apologies.
32.答案c.necessary adjustments.
这是一道具体细节题,问的是nhs面对他的指控如何反应,根据关键词定位至第二段第二句,nhs已经改正错误了,短语mend one’s way即改正错误,改变习惯的意思,接着下面就具体解释做出了哪些安排,所以答案是c。
33.【题干】the author argues in paragraph 2 that
a.privacy protection must be secured at all costs.
b.leaking patients data is worse than selling it.
c.making profits from patients data is illegal.
d.the value of data comes from the processing of it
33.答案d.the value of data comes from the processing of it
34.【题干】according to the last paragraph, the real worry arising from this deal is

a.the vicious rivalry among big pharms.
b.the ineffective enforcement of privacy law.
c.the uncontrolled use of new software.
d.the monopoly of big data by tech giants.
34. 答案d the monopoly of big data by tech giants.
这是一道具体细节题,题干问“在最后一段中,这种交易引发的真正担忧是什么”回到原文末段,第三句话提到what matters 重要的在于they belong to a private monopoly which developed them using public resources,这句话提到了真正的问题,和题干匹配,所以正确答案就是对这句的同义替换,故选d。a选项制药公司之间的恶性竞争来自定位句的下一句,但这句只提到制药公司,并未说他们存在恶性竞争;b选项隐私法的无效实施来自末端首句,但本句只说到the use of privacy law...feels slightly maladapted(不适应的),说成是ineffective程度过深;c选项新软件的不受控制的使用来自定位句下一句,是在if条件句里面所以也不可能成为真正的问题所在。
35.【题干】the authors attitude toward the application of ai to healthcare is
35答案 b cautious
这是一道态度题,根据出题位置是最后一题以及定位词the application of ai to healthcare找到最后一段的相关的词语digital feudalism数字化封建主义是我们需要去avoid避免的,所以作者态度应该是消极的,故选b。最后一句还说到ms denham’s report is a welcome start. 说明作者对于这种报道是积极的态度,而报道在第一段中提到是against反对 nhs和deepmind的交易的,所以可以看出来作者是比较担心过度的人工智能化的。
text 4

36. 【题干】the financial problem with the usps is caused partly by_____.
a.its unbalanced budget.
b.its rigid management.
c.the cost for technical upgrading.
d.the withdrawal of bank support.
36. 答案 [b] its rigid management 解析:细节题。根据题干信息定位到文章第一段,注意问的是主要原因(partly)。第一段第四句提到“破产原因有很多”。接着第五句以一个长难句指出“从根本上来讲,the usps 处于历史性的压榨期,这里面就包括对于实用产品以及一类邮件需求量无限期减少而面临的技术改革,管理结构方面没能够灵活地将自己的生产模式适用到现实生活中”。由此可见,主要原因在于管理方面。因此b项为正确答案。句中的fundamentally与题干中的partly属于同义替换。
37. 【题干】according to paragraph 2, the usps fails to modernize itself due to_____.
a.the interference from interest groups.
b.the inadequate funding from congress.
c.the shrinking demand for postal service.
d.the incompetence of postal unions.
37. 答案 [a] the interference from interest groups 解析:细节题。根据题干信息fail以及modernize定位到第二段最后一句。该句提到“这就是近些年来立法改革屡次失败的原因”,正是题干问的问题。上文提到利益集团,从邮政联盟,到贺卡制作公司,都对usps施加压力,强调无论发生什么,他们所依赖的现状都要得到保护。因此,利益集团的干预是改革失败的主要原因。故选a项。
38. 【题干】the long-standing complaint by the usps and its unions can be addressed by_____.
a.removing its burden of retiree health care.
b.making more investment in new vehicles.
c.adopting a new rate-increase mechanism.
d.attracting more first-class mail users.
38.答案[a] removing its burden of retiree health care. 解析:题目中出现了大写usps以及具体信息the long-standing complaint等具体内容,可知本题目为具体细节题。我们需要根据题目中出现的关键词complaint,usps,union等定位,可以发现本题目是对本篇文章第三段最后的一部分,最后一句话提到了thus addressing a long-standing complaints by the usps and its union,这是题目的原词。所以,答案就是前面的the latter step would ...offset the financial burden of annually pre-funding retiree health care。另外,the latter step也指上一句中的shifting postal retiree into medicare。再对应选项,得出a项removing its burden of retiree health care。
39. 【题干】in the last paragraph, the author seems to view legislators with_____.
39.答案[c] discontent. 解析:题目中指出了the author对legislator的观点和看法是什么,与态度题相关,态度题一定要通过文中的相关词找到相应的倾向,判断好或者坏,向上或者向下。根据题目中的关键信息legislator定位到最后一段倒数第二句话,该句在陈述完legislators的内容后,下一句紧跟着一个词however,明确指出了作者的倾向,并且写到it is not a sign...,结合前后句的内容,可以得出作者的倾向是明确的负向色彩。选项中表示负面色彩的只有c项discontent。
40. 【题干】which of the following would be the best title for the text?
a.the usps starts to miss its good old days
b.the postal service: keep away from my cheese
c.the usps: chronic illness requires a quick cure
d.the postal service needs more than a band-aid
40.答案[d] the postal service needs more than a band-aid. 解析:该题目中的best title为典型的文章主旨题。首先,我们可以通过题目中反复出现的内容来确定文章与什么样的主题相关,可以看出反复出现了usps,也就是u.s. postal service,并且反复出现了problem,fail to do,address等内容,是有关问题以及解决办法之类的话题。再来看文章的首段和第二段内容,第一段就指出了u.s. postal service在财务上的各种问题,并分析了三方面的原因,第二段就涉及到了很多的解决办法,并分析这些attempt的影响等具体内容。所以可以得出,正确答案为[d] the postal service needs more than a band-aid。
part b
42. 【答案】g
【解析】 选项中有很多时间,所以这篇文章很可能有明显的时间线,而g出现了关键词the history of the eeob
43. 【答案】a
【解析】in december of 1869,出现了早的时间,并且文章内容说国会选址开始建,符合逻辑
【解析】f段中说到了建了17年,一边接一边修建,b中出现完成completed in 1875,符合逻辑
45. 【答案】d

part c translation
46) by the date of his birth europe was witnessing the passing of the religious drama, and the creation of new forms under the incentive of classical tragedy and comedy.
【解析】本句主干为europe was witnessing the passing and the creation。句首by the date of his birth,考查代词指代,回上文可知为:莎士比亚。under the incentive of classical tragedy and comedy为定语,修饰the creation。

47) no boy who went to a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to greece and rome and might yet bring honor to england.
【解析】本句的主干为:no boy could be ignorant that...,意思为:没有人会不了解...,可以翻译成:人都了解...。who went to a grammar school为定语从句,修饰no boy,可以前置翻译为:去文法学校的人都了解....。之后为that引导的宾语从句,宾语从句的主干为the drama was a form of literature,之后为which引导的定语从句,修饰a form of literature,定语从句中might yet do意思为:迟早会...,定语从句可采用后置的翻译方法:这种形式已经给希腊和罗马带来了荣耀,也可能会给英国带来荣耀。

48) but the professional companies prospered in their permanent theaters, and university men with literary ambitions were quick to turn to these theaters as offering a means of livelihood.
【解析】本句为并列句。前半句the professional companies专业公司,在本文中指的是专业剧团。permanent意为:永久的,固定的,their permanent theaters可翻译为:固定的剧院。前半句可翻译为:但是,专业剧团有了固定的剧院而繁荣发展起来。后半句with literary ambitions修饰university men,可断句翻译为:有文学抱负的大学生迅速投身这些剧院,将其视为谋生的手段。

49) a native literary drama had been created, its alliance with the public playhouses established, and at least some of its great traditions had been begun.
【解析】本句为并列句,前半句主干为a native literary drama had been created,可翻译为:一种当地的文学戏剧形式已经被创立,其中被动语态可以直接翻译为:产生出来。its alliance with the public playhouses established为独立主格结构,可翻译为:它与公共剧院的联盟关系也随之确立。后半句主干为:traditions had been begun,可翻译为:最终这种戏剧的一些伟大传统也开始出现。

50) to realize how great was the dramatic activity, we must remember further that hosts of plays have been lost, and that probably there is no author of note whose entire work has survived.
【解析】本句主干为 we must remember that... and that...。句首不定式短语中to realize后为how引导的宾语从句,可以翻译为:要想知道戏剧艺术的伟大之处。further为状语,修饰remember,可翻译为:还必须记住。hosts of plays翻译为:大量的戏剧作品,其种plays应翻译为“戏剧作品”。第二个that引导的宾语从句的主干为there is no author,之后of note意思为:重要的、引人注目的、著名的。之后为whose引导的定语从句,修饰author of note,定语从句可用融合法,翻译为:没有著名戏剧作者的完整作品保存下来。

section iv writingpart a51.
今年的小作文考查了邀请信,这符合“真题为重”的原则。从难度上来说:比去年的小作文简单一些。从考查的形式来看:无论是英语一还是英语二,小作文考查书信类和告示类两种。其中,从近年的考频来说,书信是考查的重点。在英语一中,小作文之前考查了13年。在这13年中,11年都考查到了书信。在书信中,建议信出现了四年。邀请信考查了一次,是在2013年。当时的要求是:“write an e-mail of about 100 words to a foreign teacher in your college inviting him/her to be a judge for the upcoming english speech contest.”当时的考查要更难一些,因为当时没有给出更多的提示信息,只有一句话“you should include the details you think necessary.”不像今年还给出了“in your email, you should include the time, place an-other relevant information about the ceremony.”因此,学生更有思路了。把自己想象为当事人。如果你去邀请的话,你会怎么写这封邀请信。
另外,注意格式。a 节作文的评分侧重点在于信息点的覆盖、内容的组织、语言的准确性、格式和语域的恰当。对语法结构和词汇多样性的要求将根据具体试题作调整。允许在作文中使用提示语中出现过的个别关键词或词组,但使用提示语中出现过的句子将被扣分。这一点一定要引起重视!
dear experts,
i am the chairman of the students union of our university. as we all know, our graduation ceremony is around the corner. and i am writing for the purpose of asking whether you can honor us to attend it.
you are admired by all the students and we would be grateful if you could be present at the ceremony to be held in our auditorium on june 26th, at 7 p.m. and on behalf of the university, i genuinely invite you to be our distinguished guests to award graduation certificates to students who have completed the required coursework at passing grades. if so, further details about the activity will be sent.
your presences are cordially requested and appreciated, and i am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience.
yours sincerely,

li ming
part b52.
in front of a desktop sits a young boy who is staring at the screen and selecting the curriculum. apparently, a trace of hesitancy showed in his eyes. he is considering whether to choose the courses which are high scored, easily passed with less homework, or to choose those that contain new knowledge, focus on creating and are difficult to learn.
the implication echoed by this cartoon can be summarized as a philosophic topic in our daily life:the success of a man is closely related to the choice made by himself. nevertheless, i cherish a belief that we cannot tell whether the selection is good or not, and as long as we adhere to our decision, success will be realized step by step. although making a choice is essential to help determine the direction of our way, judged from the personal aspect, persistence functions as an indispensable driving force to keep up our spirit and to assist us to fulfill our study and work. however, some people, pacing up and down, are not industrious and try to find a short-cut success. in fact, only those who are hard-working and brave enough to encounter obstacles of all sorts are most likely to reach the summit of success.
accordingly, persistence and making our own decision rationally are badly needed in every aspect of our society. in order to bring out this potential capability, our education system is supposed to be reformed fundamentally, focusing on cultivating the ability of confronting challenges. as an old saying goes:” no pain, no gain.”

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