


that’s a far different image from the cherry-tree-chopping george most people remember from their history books. but recently, many historians have begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of the founding generation. they have been spurred in part by dna evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved thomas jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave sally hemings. and only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nation’s early leaders and the fragile nature of the country’s infancy. more significantly, they argue that many of the founding fathers knew slavery was wrong - and yet most did little to fight it.----2008年第四篇第二段假如面前有这么一段话,我们如果是出题人,我们会如何出题?考试是有规律的,特别是考研阅读必然有两个规律,
that’s a far different image from the cherry-tree-chopping george most people remember from their history books. but recently, many historians have begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of the founding generation. they have been spurred in part by dna evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved thomas jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave sally hemings. and only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nation’s early leaders and the fragile nature of the country’s infancy. more significantly, they argue that many of the founding fathers knew slavery was wrong - and yet most did little to fight it.-这三个加粗部分是唯一能够考的地方。
接着是but,强转折,需要出题。最后一句话的,more significantly,是一个强调性语气,必须出题。果然,在这一年的第二题,
37.we may infer from the second paragraph that  [a] dna technology has been widely applied to history research.  [b] in its early days the u.s. was confronted with delicate situations.  [c] historians deliberately made up some stories of jefferson’s life.  [d] political compromises are easily found throughout the u.s. history.这一道题是一道推理题,假如不明白出题方向,就会一个个选项去找,那么很显然,一定选错。因为你把他的干扰性全部看完了。但是如果知道了出题方向,他的答案只能集中于两句话,
but recently, many historians have begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of the founding generation. more significantly, they argue that many of the founding fathers knew slavery was wrong - and yet most did little to fight it.因此a选项,我不知道有没有dna,这两句话没有dna这个词,因此直接排除。
in his book the tipping point, malcolm aladuell argues that social epidemics are driven in large part by the acting of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well-connected. the idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn’t explain how ideas actually spread.31.by citing the book the tipping point, the author intends to[a]analyze the consequences of social epidemics[b]discuss influentials’ function in spreading ideas[c]exemplify people’s intuitive response to social epidemics[d]describe the essential characteristics of influentials.现在我们来看这一段,请问什么地方会出题。其实一眼看过去,马上看到了最后一句话的but,这就是出题点,他必然出题。直接把后半句看完,答案就是b。
the idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn’t explain how ideas actually spread.出现一个the idea,跟上面那个2008年是一个套路,是指代,承上启下。而在句子中出现but强转折,所以答案只能在后面的but句子中,接着直奔主题就行了,其余怎么干扰跟我没关系
the author suggests that the ______.a.serves as a solution to marketing problems.b.has helped explain certain prevalent trends.c.has won support from influentials.d.requires solid evidence for its validity.这道题,很好定位,
 the supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible-sounding but largely untested

theory called the “two-step flow of communication”: information flows from the media to the influentials and from them to everyone else. marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those select people will do most of the work for them. the theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods. in many such cases, a cursory search for causes finds that some small group of people was wearing, promoting, or developing whatever it is before anyone else paid attention. anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain special people can drive trends。这道题对应这一段话。但是我们一看到这段话就傻了,这段话也太长了。
第一句话是定位所在句,是我们必须要读的,我们可以看到这句话中出现了a plausible-sounding but largely untested ,这是一个负面性的回答,因此答案选d
the supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible-sounding but largely untested theory called the “two-step flow of communication”: information flows from the media to the influentials and from them to everyone else. marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those select people will do most of the work for them. the theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods.我们可以看到,后面是举例说明,并且出现了also,足以说明后面的例子是并列。
while polls show britons rate “the countryside” alongside the royal family, shakespeare and the national health service (nhs) as what makes them proudest of their country, this has limited political support.britain’s public sentiment about the countryside ________.[a] didn’t start till the shakespearean age[b] has brought much benefit to the nhs[c] is fully backed by the royal family[d] is not well reflected in politics这道题,一开始就出现了一个while,让步状语从句。让步句子,从句部分不出题。所以答案是逗号后面的那半句话,所以答案选择d,实际上这半句有没有看懂都没有关系。
  in their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed. in fact, they don’t seem to be required of all.33.what the researchers have observed recently shows that  [a] the power of influence goes with social interactions  [b] interpersonal links can be enhanced through the media  [c] influentials have more channels to reach the public  [d] most celebrities enjoy wide media attention这道题显然非常简单,他出现了一个however转折,必然出题。于是后面就提出了论点,即有影响力的人很少影响社会潮流。注意,这里的less,也是常常出题点。后面出现了一个in fact。in fact中文翻译为事实上,但是他在文章中起到的作用是重述,也就是把前面那句话重新说了一遍。比如说
我爱她。事实上,我可以为她做任何事情。所以说出现in fact,重述有两个含义,
因此答案选择a,那么这道题的干扰项在哪呢?一个是这句话能不能读出来,另一个是influentials 和 influence这两个词。
for a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected, must then influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential. if people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant, for example from the initial influential prove resistant, for example the cascade of change won’t propagate very far or affect many people.34.the underlined phrase “these people” in paragraph 4 refers to the ones who  [a] stay outside the network of social influence  [b] have little contact with the source of influence  [c] are influenced and then influence others  [d] are influenced by the initial influential这道题目的these people是很好定位的,但是很好定位,恰恰说明难点不在定位。
building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers studied the dynamics of social influence by conducting thousands of computer simulations of populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to people- the widespread propagation of influence through networks - is the presence not of a few influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people.35.what is the essential element in the dynamics of social influence?  [a]the eagerness to be accepted  [b]the impulse to influence others  [c]the readiness to be influenced  [d]the inclination to rely on others这道题对应最后一段话,那么这道题目的出题点就是加粗部分的but。rather单独出现意思是是递进。为什么递进?因为强调。所以这里就是出题点。答案是c
这是命题人思路,再看考生思路。考生拿到这道题,看到,先判断题型,是一道细节题。通过dynamics 来定位。
building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers studied the dynamics of social influence by conducting thousands of computer simulations of populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to peoples ability to influence others and their tendency to be influenced.这样就找到了所在句。但是所在句不等于出题句。细节题特别需要防止顺承带来的细节错位。你可以把这句话进行读,然后看选项有没有答案。你会马上被最后一句话被干扰,这是一个and的并列句。根据上面所说,一定会出现一种选项通过抓住一个部分进行干扰。b和c选项就是如此。所以此时的c选项应当是一个错误选项,因此abcd全部被排除(如果在这一步不是如此,那么就会被干扰)
they found that the principal requirement for what we call - the widespread propagation of influence through networks - is the presence not of a few influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people.这里的插入语部分可以不读,因为插入语是不会出题的。你还是会发现but,rather,这就回归到前面那个模式。

king juan carlos of spain once insisted but embarrassing scandals and the popularity of the republicans left in the recent euro-elections have forced him to eat his words and stand down. so, does the spanish crisis suggest that monarchy is seeing its last days? does that mean the writing is on the wall for all european royals, with their magnificent uniforms and majestic lifestyles?这是第一段,开头出现了一个人名,这样出现的段落是所谓事例,他一定是引出一个话题。
 21. according to the first two paragraphs, king juan carlos of spain  [a]eased his relationship with his rivals.  [b]used to enjoy high public support.  [c]was unpopular among european royals.  [d]ended his reign in embarrassment.这道题显然选d。a、b、c属于无中生有
  the spanish case provides arguments both for and against monarchy. when public opinion is particularly polarized, as it was following the end of the france regime, monarchs can rise above a spirit of national unity.第二段和第一段同属于第一道题。一般来说,题目问从几段中推论出什么?其中一段给答案,另一段做干扰选项的命题点。
  it is this apparent transcendence of polities that explains monarchys continuing popularity as heads of state. and so, the middle east expected, europe is the most monarch-infested region in the world, with 10 kingdoms (not counting vatican city and andorra). but unlike their absolutist counterparts in the gulf and asia, most royal families have survived because they allow voters to avoid the difficult search for a non-controversial but respected public figure.
22. monarchs are kept as head of state in europe mostly  [a]to give voters more public figures to look up to.  [b]to achieve a balance between tradition and reality.  [c]owing to their undoubted and respectable status.  [d]due to their everlasting political embodiment.加粗部分是这道题答案所在地,其中a选项是强干扰项。因为两者极其形式,区别只在于一个”s“,选项是复数,而文章是单数。其余选项无中生有。这里需要注意这道题到底在哪一段考?下面那道题是第四段,上面那道题是第1、2段,因此这道题是第三段,然后只需要找到这句话便可以。这句话前面刚好是一个but。而且选项设置刚好是因果链条。ab是题干是因,后面是果。cd相反。
  even so, kings and queens undoubtedly have a downside. symbolic of national unity as they claim to be, their very history-and sometimes the way they behave today-embodies outdated and indefensible privileges and inequalities. at a time when thomas piketty and other economists are warming of rising inequality and the increasing power of inherited wealth, it is bizarre that wealthy aristocratic families should still be the symbolic heart of modern democratic states.
 23. which of the following is shown to be odd, according to paragraph 4?  [a] the role of the nobility in modern democracies.  [b] aristocrats excessive reliance on inherited wealth.  [c] the simple lifestyle of the aristocratic families.  [d] the nobilitys adherence to their privileges.这道题本身不难,难的是单词知不知道?这句话加粗部分部分,就是答案。odd和bizarre都是奇怪的意思。

  the most successful monarchies strive to abandon or hide their old aristocratic ways. princes and princesses have day-jobs and ride bicycles, not horses (or helicopters). even so, these are wealthy families who party with the international 1%, and media intrusiveness makes it increasingly difficult to maintain the right image.
  while europes monarchies will no doubt be smart enough to survive for some time to come, it is the british royals who have most to fear from the spanish example.
24. the british royals because charles  [a]takes a tough line on political issues.  [b]fails to change his lifestyle as advised.  [c]takes republicans as his potential allies.  [d]fails to adapt himself to his future role.这道题已经有引号了,不需要定位,通过这个引号直接定位到加粗部分。但是此时信息不完全,因为没有涉及到charles这个人,你还需要找这个人,就需要向下找。
  it is only the queen who has preserved the monarchys reputation with her rather ordinary (if well-heeled) granny style. the danger will come with charles, who has both an expensive taste of lifestyle and a pretty hierarchical view of the world. he has failed to understand that monarchies have largely survived because they provide a service-as non-controversial and non-political heads of state. charles ought to know that as english history shows, it is kings, not republicans, who are the monarchys worst enemies.直接定位到加粗部分,这句话中出现了charles,然后你再去看马上出现了一个he,表示顺承关系,你应该首先看加粗部分,然后看he下面那句话。这样子就能选出答案。
25. which of the following is the best title of the text?  [a]carlos, glory and disgrace combined  [b]charles, anxious to succeed to the throne  [c]charles, slow to react to the coming threats  [d]carlos, a lesson for all european monarchs主旨题有时候很简单,比如这道。有时候很难,他的难点往往在于他参杂一些谚语,然后就不知所云了。

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