


text 2do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn’t know for sure? that the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain? that the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way? lots of americans bought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves.
26.? an argument made by supporters of smoking was that ________.
[a] there was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death
[b] the number of early deaths of smokers in the past decades was insignificant
[c] people had the freedom to choose their own way of life(c)
[d] antismoking people were usually talking nonsense
题型分类:细节题? 解题办法:定位+技巧
文中:the evidence was inconclusive,根据不断定
there are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. the latest was a panel from the national academy of sciences, enlisted by the white house, to tell us that the earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. the clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves. the president of the national academy, bruce alberts, added this key point in the preface to the panel’s report: “science never has all the answers. but science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.”
27.? according to bruce alberts, science can serve as ________.
[a] a protector
[b] a judge
[c] a critic(d)
[d] a guide
标题类型:答复疑问标题? 解题方法:定位+阅览才能
just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it’s ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure. this is a dangerous game: by the time 100 percent of the evidence is in, it may be too late. with the risks obvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.
fortunately, the white house is starting to pay attention. but it’s obvious that a majority of the president’s advisers still don’t take global warming seriously. instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research -- a classic case of “paralysis by analysis.”
28.? what does the author mean by “paralysis by analysis” (last line, paragraph 4)?
[a] endless studies kill action.
[b] careful investigation reveals truth.
[c] prudent planning hinders progress.(a)
[d] extensive research helps decision-making.
标题类型:答复疑问标题? 解题方法:定位+阅览才能
b选项? 出题方法:逻辑出题法
c选项? 出题方法:定语出题法
a plan of action归于定于出题法中的谁是中心词规则,显着根据文章意思,中心词大约是action,而c选项偏重的是plan;而且文中润饰方案的是行为,而c选项中说的是稳重的行为方案阻止了打开,显着是与主旨相反的而且随意添描述词,因为行为是推进打开的,而文中也没有说到行为是不是稳重,所以c选项错的太错了
d选项? 出题方法:主旨相反出题法
to serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic r

esearch. but research alone is inadequate. if the administration won’t take the legislative initiative, congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures. a bill by democratic senator robert byrd of west virginia, which would offer financial incentives for private industry, is a promising start. many see that the country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants to meet our energy needs. if we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, it is crucial that those new plants be environmentally sound.
29.? according to the author, what should the administration do about global warming?
[a] offer aid to build cleaner power plants.
[b] raise public awareness of conservation.
[c] press for further scientific research.(d)
[d] take some legislative measures.
标题分类:答复疑问标题? 解题方法:定位+技巧
文中问的是根据作者,而树立发电站是many see that,也就是许多人的观念,并非作者
根据文中的一个conservation measure,来树立一个巨大尚的语句且与文中conversation完全无关,前进大众维护知道并未提及
30.? the author associates the issue of global warming with that of smoking because ________.
[a] they both suffered from the government’s negligence
[b] a lesson from the latter is applicable to the former
[c] the outcome of the latter aggravates the former(b)
[d] both of them have turned from bad to worse
标题分类:答复疑问标题? 解题方法:定位+技巧

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