


1. square [skwZE] v. a) to set straight or at approximate right angles挺直,挺起:square one’s shoulders挺直身子,挺起胸膛。b) to win a point or game so that you have now won the same number of points or games as the other team or player使打成平局,打平:India won the second match to square the series at one each.印度队第二局战胜,使双方成平局。

2. discreetly [dis5kri:tli] adv. carefully谨慎地,小心地:The bell captain hovered discreetly out of sight.侍者领班已小心翼翼地溜之大吉了。

3. reserve [ri5zE:v] n. a) self-restrain in expression, the habit of not showing one’s feelings or thoughts矜持,拘谨;寡言:She overcame her own natural reserve.她战胜了自己一贯的拘谨。b) a supply of something kept to be used if it is needed贮藏;储备:We must keep back a reserve of food.我们必须贮存一些食品。

4. whereabout [5(h)wZErE5baut] n. the place where somebody or something is下落,行踪,所在之处:He showed great reluctance to reveal his whereabouts.他极不情愿透露自己的行踪。

5. anthology [An5WClEdVi] n. a collection of literary pieces, such as poems, short stories or plays(诗、文等的)选集:I have an anthology of modern quotations.我有一本现代名言集萃。

6. grope [^rEup] v. to search blindly or uncertainly摸索,搜寻:Ginny groped for her glasses on the bedside table.金尼在床边的桌子上摸索自己的眼镜。

7. goody [5^udi] n. something attractive or delectable, especially something sweet to eat特别吸引人的东西,美味的食品:We’re giving away a free goody bag with every children’s meal.对每一份儿童餐我们赠送一袋礼品。

8. puddle [5pQdl] n. a small pool of liquid水坑;(尤指道路上的)雨水坑:The road was filled with puddles from the rain.雨后路面到处是一坑坑的积水。

9. ketchup [5ketFEp] n. a thick cold red sauce made from tomatoes, used for giving a pleasant taste to food番茄酱:There’s a spot of ketchup on the tablecloth.桌布上有一点番茄酱的渍斑。

10. flail [fleil] v. a) to cause something to wave or swing about wildly摇摆,乱动:The prisoner’s limbs flailed violently because of the pain.那囚犯因为疼痛,四肢剧烈地抖动着。b) to beat someone or something violently, usually with a stick鞭打,抽打

11. maneuver [mE5nu:vE] n. a) a skillful or careful movement巧妙的移动:A careful driver will often stop talking before carrying out a complex maneuver.细心的驾驶员会在操作复杂巧妙的移动之前停止说话。b) a skilful or carefully planned action intended to gain an advantage for yourself策略,谋略:They tried by diplomatic maneuvers to obtain an agreement.他们尽力通过外交策略打成协议。

12. rear [riE] adj. of the back part后面的,后部的:the rear door of the car汽车后门 v. rear: to look after a person or animal until they are fully grown饲养;养育:He rears all kinds of birds.他饲养各种鸟。

13. sandal [5sAndl] n. a light open-sided shoe worn in warm weather 凉鞋:He always wears sandals in the summer.他夏天总是穿凉鞋。

14. brigade [bri5^eid] n. a group of persons organized for a specific purpose旅:They fought in the same brigade during the war.战争中,他们在同一旅作战。

15. sneak [sni:k] v. a) to go or move in a quiet, stealthy way潜行;偷偷溜走:He sneaked away in the middle of the meeting.他在会议中间悄悄离开了。b) to quickly and secretly steal something unimportant or of little value(顺手牵羊般地)偷走:He was caught sneaking an apple from a shop.他在商店里偷苹果时被抓住了。

16. crunchy [5krQntFI] adj. making a crunching or cracking sound, as when chewed发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎的:crunchy fresh vegetables生脆而新鲜的蔬菜

17. spaghetti [spE5^eti] n. a type of pasta in long strings意大利面条:Is the spaghetti ready yet, Dad? 爸爸,意大利面好了吗?

18. clasp [klB:sp] n. a) a grasp or grip of the hand紧握;紧攥;紧抱:He gave my hand a warm clasp.他热切地紧握我的手。b) a small metal object for fastening a bag, belt, piece of jeweler etc(包、皮带或首饰的)扣子,扣环:The clasp on his belt had broken.他的皮带上的钩子已经坏了。

19. slink [sliNk] v. to move as if one feels guilty or ashamed, or does not want to be seen, to sneak偷偷溜走:A cat slinking through the grass toward its prey.一只猫偷偷地穿过草丛向猎物扑去。

20. malicious [mE5liFEs] adj. having the wish to hurt others怀有敌意的:The malicious rumors compromised her good reputation.恶毒的谣言损害了她的好名声。

21. shackle [5FAkl] n. a) one of a pair of metal rings joined by a chain that are used for fastening together a prisoner’s hands or feet, so that they cannot move easily or escape手铐,脚镣,镣铐 b) the limits put on your freedom and happiness by something, especially a particular form of government—used to show disapproval束缚:They finally managed to throw off the shackles of communism.他们最终摆脱了集体主义的束缚。

Text II

1. frontier [5frQntjE] n. a) the area along an international border边境,国界:Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.瑞典同挪威,芬兰相邻。b) an area where people have never lived before, that not much is known about, especially in the western US before the 20th century(尤指19世纪美国西部的)开发地区的边缘,边远地区:Areas near the frontier were rough and lawless in the old days.过去边远地区混乱不堪,而且没有法律。c) the limits of what is known about something尚待开发的领域,尖端;前沿:They are highly interested in the frontiers of science.他们对于科学的新领域有浓厚的兴趣。

2. collapse [kE5lAps] v. a) to fall down inward suddenly倒塌,崩溃:The collapse of the bridge forced the ferry back into operation.桥跨了,只好又使用渡船。b) a sudden failure in the way something works, so that it cannot continue垮台,失败:His business was in danger of collapse.他的生意面临倒闭的危险。

3. grim [^rim] adj. a) unrelenting or rigid无情的,严酷的,严厉的:His expression was grim when he told them they had lost their jobs.当他告诉他们说他们已被解雇时,他的表情十分冷酷。b) very bad, ugly, or unpleasant讨厌的,糟糕的:They painted a grim picture of what life used to be like there.

4. enquiry [in5kwaiEri] n. the act of inquiring; a question, a query询问,质问,疑问:Thank you for your enquiry about my health.谢谢你问候我的健康状况。

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