



William Blake (1757-1827)(威廉·布莱克)

1 Life(生平)

William Blake, born on 28 November 1757, was the son of a London hosier. As a British poet, painter and engraver, Blake proclaimed the supremacy of the imagination over the rationalism and materialism of the 18th century. Among Blake’s later artistic works are drawings and engravings for Dante’s Divine Comedy and the 21 illustrations to the book of Job. In 1827, Blake died in obscurity and poverty. Though generally dismissed as an eccentric during his lifetime, posterity rediscovered Blake and today he is highly rated both as a poet and artist.


2 Major Works of Blake(布莱克主要作品)

Poetical Sketches (1783)《诗歌素描》

Song of Innocence (1789)《天真之歌》

Song of Experience (1794)《经验之歌》

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790)《天堂与地狱的婚姻》

Milton (1804-1808)《弥尔顿》

Jerusalem (1804-1820)《耶路撒冷》

3 Selected Works(选读作品)


In 1794, London was published in poetry anthology Song of Experience. When the European reactionary rulers intervened the French Revolution, Black wrote this poem. His thought was progressive and expressed the discontent of the English ruling class and sympathy for the revolution and the working people.



◆ The Tiger《虎》

The Tiger is a poem of Black’s famous poem, included in “Song of Experience”, which has always caused critics’ attention. Black’s poems often use symbolism. The symbol of the tiger has much controversy. Some people think that it has mystical religious color, praising the creator for creating all things and gaining enormous power over life; some people say that the tiger symbolizes human strength; also some people regard the tiger as a symbol of revolutionary forces and believe that this poem reflects the progress of Black’s thoughts.



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