




一、动态图表。即描绘事物的改变趋势(上升,降低或许坚持不变),一般体现是时刻点跨越一个,例如 2010, 2011, 2014, 2021,2021 年真题。

二、静态图表。即描绘各有些所占比例,一般体现是只需一个时刻点或许没有时刻点,例如2012, 2013, 2015, 2016,2021 年真题。


write an essay based on the following chart. in your essay, you should

1) interpret the table, and

2) give your comments.

you should write about 150 words on answer sheet.





# 第一段①句常用句型(大致描绘)

供给信息:the table provides information about… 该表供给了有关……的信息。

展示趋势:the table clearly shows / demonstrates / depicts that … 该标理解地标明/证明/描绘…

由表可知:we can see from the above chart that… 从上面的图表咱们可以看出…

it can be seen (from the chart) that… 从图表中可以看出…

as is shown from the above chart,… 如上图所示,…

it is manifest from the graph that… 从图中可以看出…

according to the table, … 根据表格,…

[图表]替换词:table(表格); chart(图表); pie chart(饼图); curve chart(曲线图); bar chart(柱状图); line chart(折线图).

[标明/描绘]替换词:show(标明); demonstrate(证明); depict(描绘); portray(描绘); manifest(标明).

[清楚地/显着地]替换词:clearly(理解地); apparently(显着地); manifestly(理解地); obviously(显着地); explicitly(清楚地).

# 第一段②③句常用句型(详尽描绘)


the bar chart above demonstrates a change of _____ from the year to _____ respectively. according to the data given, we can easily notice that the number of _____ has a steady and slight increase from _____ in _____ to _____ in _____. meanwhile, we find that the number _____ ascends sharply from _____ in _____ to _____ in _____.


[增加]替换词:go up/ increase/ climb/ ascend/ grow/ rise(一般增加); surge/ soar/ jump(快速/大幅增加).

[削减]替换词:go down/ decrease/ drop/ descend/ fall/ reduce(一般削减); plunge/ slump(大幅削减/暴降).

[平稳]替换词:stabilize/ stay at the same level/ smooth and steady/ remain constant

[缓慢地/小高低地]替换词:gradually; slightly; moderately; gently; slowly;



the bar chart above demonstrates the phenomenon of ______. according to the data given in the chart, we can easily notice that the highest percentage of ______ is obtained by ______. on the other hand, the smallest percentage of ______ is made by ______. for ______, there is an insignificant



[占比]替换词:account for; make up; occupy; constitute; represent; hold.

[构成/包括]替换词:include; consist of; be composed of; be made up of; be comprised of.

[大约]替换词:about; roughly; around; approximately.

[比照/比照]替换词:like/unlike; in comparison; by contrast; while/whereas.

# 第二段①句常用句型(承上启下)

it is of no difficulty to come up with some possible factors for these changes. 提出这些改变的可以要素并不难。

the contributing factors responsible for this phenomenon can be summarized as follows. 构成这种表象的要素可以总结如下。

what accounts for this scenario? at least, for my part, three factors contribute to it. 是啥致使了这种情况?至少,就我而言,有三个要素促进了它。

from my point of view, there are mainly two reasons for the phenomenon. 在我看来,这种表象首要有两个缘由。

# 第二段②③④句常用句型(表象/缘由分析)

经济缘由:with the rapid rising of the chinese families’ living standards 跟着我国家庭日子水平的灵敏前进

文明缘由:the change of social traditions and cultural concepts 社会传统和文明观念的改变

教育缘由:the implementation / lack of proper education 施行/短少恰当的教育

政治缘由:the shift (lack) of government functions / the release of relative policies 政府功能的改动/有关方针的出台

科技缘由:the advancement of science and technology / the popularization of the internet 科技的前进/因特网的广泛


①there are many reasons to explain/ explaining the effect/ phenomenon/ case/ instance. ②the most contributing one is/ the main reason is __________ (reason1). ③what is more, __________(reason2). ④__________ (reason3) also play a role in this case.

[期间规划]替换词:above all, first of all, firstly, in the first place, at the top of the list, to begin with, to start with (首要); in addition, besides, what’s more, moreover, furthermore (其次); lastly, finally, last but not the least(最终); on the one hand… on the other hand…(两方面).

# 第三段常用句型(总结)


given the points discussed above, we can conclude with confidence that this trend is quite abnormal and harmful. 鉴于以上谈论的观念,咱们可以有掌控地得出结论,这种趋势是恰当不正常和有害的。

in view of the above analysis, it can be concluded that these changes concerned are normal and acceptable. 根据以上分析,可以得出结论,这些改变是正常的,可以承受的。

as discussed above, it is no surprise to see the current scenario. 正如上面所谈论的,看到其时的情况并不新鲜。


and i firmly believe that this tendency will continue in the forthcoming years. 我深信,这一趋势将在往后几年持续下去。

accordingly, it’s of no necessity for the general public to regard it with anxiety. 因而,大众没有必要对此感到焦虑。

and hence, it should be, from every aspect, encouraged and further advocated. 因而,大约从各个方面鼓舞和进一步建议。

therefore, it’s imperative for us to put a necessary end to this deteriorating condition. 因而,咱们有必要结束这种恶化的情况。

consequently, urgent actions must be taken by the relevant authorities to eliminate this hell as soon as possible. 因而,有关当局有必要采纳紧迫行为,从速消除这个阴间。


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