


in today's fast-paced world that bombards the senses with sounds and mechanical vibrations, your body can easily shift into an unnatural rhythm. you might say you are out of synch or out of harmony while science would call that feeling stressed.
however, you don't need to reach into the medicine cabinet?to change a stressed-ou

t mood. instead, you can restore harmony in your body by turning to music. why turn to music? because using certain types of musical rhythms brings about a state of relaxed alertness and physical calm through an alpha brainwave pattern, similar to the pattern created when you meditate. yet music can do in minutes what people strive to accomplish in weeks of meditative practice!
here's the best part: parents can turn on this terrific tool when their kids get out of synch. a certain music tempo will slow down their heartbeats, lower their blood pressure, and reduce stress hormones in the bloodstream. don campbell, in his breakthrough book the mozart effect?(avon books,1997), states that listening to half an hour of classical music produced the same effect as ten milligrams of valium for hospitalized heart patients.
最重要的是:当他们的孩子不合拍时,父母可以翻开这个了不起的东西。特定的音乐节奏会怠慢他们的心跳,降低他们的血压,并削减血液中的压力荷尔蒙。唐·坎贝尔在他的打破性作品《莫扎特效应》(avon books,1997)中指出,住院的心脏病患者听半小时的古典音乐所发生的作用平等于运用10毫克的安靖。
indeed, music has power over human physiology and psychology because it bypasses the mental processes. sounds and vibrations enter the human body subconsciously leading to either a negative or positive result. you can control that result through your choice of music. different music has different effects that will calm your kids, excite them, and get them to dance, or even move them to tears.
to influence how music can affect your child, use good judgment. if a young one needs to be comforted, playing loud drumming music won't help because it stimulates the nervous system and could cause further distress. but playing a soothing melody by brahms or beethoven would slow down the child's heartbeat and allow relaxation to set in!
at nap or bedtime, the right music can be as comforting as a favorite blanket. select music that is soft and light in texture to support your child's sense of well-being. choose music without words. words tend to stimulate the brain and nervous system, which is counterproductive during the times you want your child to sleep. when babies hear soothing instrumental sounds, their brains tend to slow to the frequency generated by the sounds.

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