



原文期刊:the economist
原文标题:a bold new plan to tackle climate change ignores economic orthodoxy


绿色新政是由以亚历山德拉·奥卡西欧-柯迪兹为首的有些民主党人士提出并亲笔署名的一项辅导美国如何应对全球气候改变并一起处置现有社会疑问的新政。绿色新政在碳排放等重要疑问上设置了重要方针参数,并将气候疑问与美国社会日益激化的比方收入不对等疑问引发的敌对进行联络,提出了跨越10多条主张。一起,绿色新政直指美国特朗普政府在应对气候改变疑问上的不作为与低沉情绪,并呼吁私家公司和美国国内非政府组织联合起来加强国内基础设备缔造,复兴美国制造业,创造高薪作业机缘,构建劳作工会,加大关于有钱人的税收力度,保证赋闲人员最低生计费用和社会稳妥,并力求在十年内达到美国境内0%碳排放量和100%动力需要率。而核算是 —— 93万亿美元,折合公民币约为623万亿。
这篇文章选自the economist《经济学人》2021.02.07一篇题为a bold new plan to tackle climate change ignores economic orthodoxy的文章。


part 1

ⅰas deals go, the new one was a big one. franklin roosevelt’s plan to haul america out of depression permanently altered the contours of the country’s economy and politics. proponents of a “green new deal” harbour similar ambitions.

ⅱin economics, climate change is a straightforward example of a market failure, with a correspondingly straightforward solution. governments need only include the social costs of carbon—such as pollution-related deaths and climate change—in the prices people pay. in january economists signed a letter supporting a carbon tax that would refund revenue in the form of a flat, universal dividend. but robust carbon taxation is politically elusive.

ⅲgreen new dealers reckon the secret to solving climate change lies in making the economy both greener and more equitable. their plan proposes a move to 100% clean energy by 2035, and to zero net emissions by mid-century. carbon prices might be i

ncluded, but the emphasis is elsewhere. supporters describe extensive state support for domestic green industries and large-scale efforts to help workers. they are vague about costs and funding. but decarbonising the economy so quickly would certainly require vast sums, some of which would almost certainly be raised by taxes on the well-off.

ⅳwhy bundle together the seemingly unrelated issues of climate change and economic inequality? to some, the appeal rests in political economy. any plan to free an industrialised economy from fossil-fuel dependence will create losers. to succeed politically, it must mobilise groups of winners more powerful and passionate than those losers. plans to tax carbon and pay out the revenue as a dividend may seem appealing. but a carbon refund of $100 per month might be too small to mobilise a critical mass of voters, while the associated tax would prompt a no-holds-barred campaign by deep-pocketed fossil-fuel firms. a green new deal, in contrast, might promise sufficient goodies to sufficiently organised interest groups, such as labour unions and domestic manufacturers, to gather a winning political coalition. to others, the green new deal is something more revolutionary. they view climate change as the result of unchecked capitalism and aim to solve it by redistributing economic and political power.

ⅴthere is plenty in the green new deal to make economists nervous. the plan largely ignores analysis of the costs and benefits of climate policy. it would create large opportunities for rent-seeking and protectionism, with no guarantee that the promised climate benefits will follow. it might chuck growth-harming tax rises and dangerously high deficits into the bargain as well.

ⅵthe criticism of the economic approach to climate change implicit in the green new deal is not that it is flawed or politically unrealistic, but that it is a category error. climate change is not a market problem to be fixed through pricing, in this view, but part of a terrible social crisis. it is hard to judge such arguments without decades of hindsight. but they seem to be winning, raising the possibility that, for the moment, economists have lost the chance to lead the fight against climate change.

part 2

1.as...go 就某类……而言,和一般……比较
2.deal [di: l] n.〔美国〕方针
3.proponent [pr??p??n?nt] n. 撑持者,建议者
4.harbour [?hɑ: b?(r)] v. 长时刻怀有
5. *contour [?k?nt??(r)] n. 归纳;概略,局势
6.refund [?ri: f?nd , r??f?nd] v. 交还
7.flat [fl?t] a.(价格等)无涨落的,固定的
8. dividend [?d?v?dend] n. 盈利;优点
9.reckon [?rek?n] v. 认为,想
10.equitable [?ekw?t?bl] a. 公正合理的
11.net emissions 净排放量
12.the well-off 殷实的人群
13.bundle together 绑在一同
14.critical mass 临界数量,临界规划
15.prompt [pr?mpt] v. 促进,激起
16.coalition [?k????l??n] n. 联合体,联盟
17. *no-holds-barred 为达意图无所不必其极的;不受任何捆绑的
18.*chuck...into the bargain 添加,另外加上
19. *hindsight [?ha?ndsa?t] n. 过后聪明;过后的领会

part 3

本句的骨干是the criticism is not……but……。not……but不是……而是,后边各接了一个表语从句。criticism则用名词一切格和描述词短语两个后置定语进行描绘,be implicit in sth 某目标中不言明的;宛转的的事物

part 3

as...go 就某类……而言,和一般……比较

原文例句:as deals go, the new one was a big one.

xxis a straightforward example of yy, with a correspondingly straightforward solution.

原文例句:in economics, climate change is a straightforward example of a market failure, with a correspondingly straightforward solution.经济学中,气候改变是商场失灵的一个简略比方,相应的处置办法也很简略。

aareckonthe secret to solving xx lies in yy

原文例句:green new dealers reckon the secret to solving climate change lies in making the economy both greener and more equitable. 绿色新政建议者认为处置气候改变疑问的诀窍在于使经济更环保,更公正。






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