
初数真题2021年管综初数有些第15题...来自 考研MPAcc-微博(武汉外初真题)


??what architects can learn from bull-running建筑师可以从奔牛节大学到啥?

a spanish tradition offers?insight into?how crowds behave?


?every year thousands of people converge on the city of pamplona, in north-eastern spain, for the opportunity to run for their lives as six fighting bulls are released to charge through the town. there are dozens of injuries every year, and there have been at least 15 deaths recorded since 1910.?


but the event is of interest to more than just?adrenaline?junkies and animal-rights activists. a paper just published in proceedings of the national academy of sciences describes the insight the event offers into the psychology of panicked crowds.


that is a useful topic to explore. architects, civil engineers and urban planners must try to work

out how people will behave in the event of a disaster like a fire, a flood or a terrorist attack so they can design their creations to avoid potentially?lethal?crushes. unfortunately, solid information is hard to come by.?


ethics-review boards, after all, are likely to frown on researchers putting volunteers into deadly danger simply to study how they might behave. but daniel parisi, a physicist and computer scientist at the technical institute of buenos aires, and the paper’s lead author, realised that the pamplona bull-runs offered the perfect natural experiment.


dr parisi and his team went to two different rooftop locations in pamplona in july 2021, and recorded footage of the runners as the animals were released. a wave of people running at top speed raced past their cameras a few seconds ahead of the bulls.?


the researchers brought their recordings back to the lab to calculate the velocities of the runners, the density of the crowd and the probability of a runner tripping and falling. they also examined the?trajectories?of the bulls, the responses of individual runners as bulls came near to them, and the relationship between runner-group density and velocity.


perhaps unsurprisingly, the researchers found that runners picked up speed when the bulls drew near. less expected was the finding that the speed of individual runners increased with the density of the crowd. at the crowd’s maximum speed of around four metres per second, density reached roughly one pedestrian per square metre.?


this finding is at odds with a long-held assumption in architectural and urban-design circles that people will slow their pace as group density goes up, in order to lower the risk of a collision, which could lead to a fall and, perhaps, injury or death as a runner is trampled by others.?


dr parisi’s data suggests that groups of fast, crowded runners are indeed at risk: of 20 people who fell, all did so within a fast-moving, dense group. most (14 of the 20) involved two or more people, with one person tripping another.


yet it seems that, in the heat of the moment, people pay little heed to the danger of colliding with each other, and do not slow down. the onus therefore falls upon urban designers to work out how best to plan the construction of future alleys, tunnels, bridges and other passages that restrict flow. the only option may well be to make them wider.




insight into?[??nsa?t ??nt?] 深化了解;洞悉

adrenaline?[??dren?l?n] n. 肾上腺素

?lethal?[?li?θl] adj. 丧命的;致死的;损害极大的

?trajectory?[tr??d?ekt?ri] n. 轨迹;轨迹



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