











1. 精力质量类:


2. 传统美德:


3. 家庭教育


4. 年青人面临社会


5. 科技环境与现代日子


6. 文明交流教育








1. 精力质量类:诚信+媒体

directions: write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain it’s intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

your should write neatly on answer sheet 2. (20 points)



??? such a picture can be naturally associated with a host of dishonest advertisements. in front of a photographer stands a star, holing a bottle of medicines and claiming that “i have tried and it is effective!”. obviously, we can notice a secret scenario, which is that the maker/ manufacturer of the drug is paying for his advertisement fees.

???? today, an increasing number of stars advertise for various products in tvs, radios, the internet and newspapers. this trend is particularly worth concern for the background that some manufacturers and celebrities focus much eyesight on

profits, ignoring the quality of products. it is their dishonest behaviors that lead the public to be cheated. to my understanding, honesty can be likened to a bridge, which helps many companies to gain customers. as a vital virtue, honesty brings corporations good credit, arouses their enthusiasm for better service and helps them to create better market. unfortunately, many false ads or promises have constituted an obstacle that hinders public’s trust for some brands.

? ? ?as a customer, i am convinced that it is of no necessity for stars or manufacturers to exaggerate their goods in media. the society as a whole should forge a wholesome atmosphere to refuse, criticize and restrain false ads.




team spirit/group spirit/community spirit团队精力


optimism/optimistic/optimist/optimistic mind/optimistic attitude



boost/enhance/improve/increase/lift/raise confidence

gain/acquire confidence 获得自傲

rebuild/restore/regain/revive confidence 重获决心


perseverance 锲而不舍

an enterprising spirit 前进精力=non-stop efforts


the old/the elderly/elderly people/the senior/senior citizens/the aged/aged people

aging society 老龄化社会

aging of population人员老龄化

filial piety 孝道


warm-hearted people 热心人

offer assistance/provide help 供给协助


a host of dishonest behaviors

manufacture or sell fake and inferior goods at the cost of consumer’s interest


the pervasive advertisements/advertising/commercials on tv


a newspaper/magazine/tv/internet/full-page advertisements



52. directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments.


? ? such a simple but enlightening scenario can be naturally associated with cultural diversity and integration in contemporary china. as we can see, in the middle part of the picture, there is an exceedingly huge hot-pot, with various cultural “foods” in it. although this is a chinese container, the hot-pot contains both oriental and western cultural elements, like confucianism, gongfu, buddhism, shakespeare, einstein and so on.?finally, several chinese characters can be noticed, which say that the cultural “hot-pot” is tasty as well as full of nutrients.

? ? the contemporary china is best characterized by?its opening and reform policy. today, it has become a trend for an increasing number of chinese people to acquire not only traditional culture but also foreign civilization.?this trend is particularly worth concern. it is cultural integration that enables chinese to have ample opportunities to gain knowledge, arts and technology from its tradition and the world. as a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the significance of cultural communication. to my understanding, cultural exchange can be likened to a bridge, which connects china and the outside world. cultural communication brings china a new vision, arouses chinese people’s enthusiasm for life and helps them to establish a promising future.

? ? i, as a youngster, am convinced that it is of great necessity for us to maintain our traditional heritage as well as to learn the excellence of foreign culture. thus, chinese society as a whole should continue its opening policy to accept and absorb merits of various cultures in the world. do bear in mind: cultural exchange is the bridge of friendship.







cultural exchanges/interaction/interchange文明交流(frequent/constant/common cultural exchanges between different countries)

the cultural integration/the cultural fusion文明交融

the integration/ combination/fusion/collision of worldwide (global) cultures

cultural diversity 文明多样性

multiculturalism 多元文明

the co-existence of multi-cultures


traditional chinese culture as priceless spiritual treasure

a long and colorful/splen

did chinese culture

splendid and glorious cultural heritage/legacy/relics 光辉绚烂的文明遗产

oriental glamour(charm)/the glamour (charm)

of our culture


schooling 学校教育

life-long education 终身教育

compulsory education 责任教育

exam/test-oriented (driven) education 应试教育

education for all-round development 本质教育

well-rounded development of a child 全部打开

3. 传统美德类:让座

directions: write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain it’s intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

your should write neatly on answer sheet 2. (20 points)



? ? evidently the intended meaning of the painter is worth special concern. beside an aged grandma stands a young lady, holding the grandma and saying to a young man: “please give your seat to this grandma!” although the grandma is aged, she has to stand in the bus, with the youngster sitting in seat. simple as the drawing is, the phenomenon is not uncommon in society.

? ? to begin with, in public places, every one should be encouraged to behave in good and polite manners. it is noticeable that some young people, like the young man above who lacks the necessary public awareness, disturb the normal order of public places. what's more, the traditional moral values should be enhanced. to respect the elderly and take care of the young is one of traditional virtues in china. however, some young people, being selfish, turn a blind eye to these virtues. their behaviors, consequently, impair the healthy development of our society. in one word, we should make deep reflection on our own deeds.

? ? accordingly, necessary measures should be immediately taken. firstly, an education campaign should be launched to inform people of the acceptable and civilized manners in public places. secondly, we should educate, advocate and encourage all youngsters or teenagers to love, respect and care senior citizens all the time.


public morality 社会公德

awaken/wake up moral consciousness 道德知道

advocate traditional virtue/traditional moral values 宏扬传统美德(distinguished/fine traditions)

duty/responsibility/obligation 责任

sense of responsibility

shoulder/assume/undertake one’s duty/responsibility 承担责任

fulfill/discharge/perform one’s duty/responsibility 实施责任

avoid/evade/shirk/shun one’s duty/responsibility 躲避责任

selfish soul 自私的魂灵

immoral behaviors/conduct 不道德的行为

spit everywhere 随地吐痰

make noise, talk loudly 大声喧闹

to respect the old and care for the young 尊老爱幼

project hope 期望工程

charities 慈悲机构

4. 年青人生长与社会:不安康日子习气

directions: write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain it’s intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

your should write neatly on answer sheet 2. (20 points)


? ? such a scenario can be naturally associated with a host of unhealthy habits by young men in real life. in front of a computer sits a young guy, playing an exceedingly popular internet game “stealing vegetables”; although he suffers great pain because of long-time sitting, the boy is still keen on this game.

? ? today, an increasing number of teenagers live in a variety of bad lifestyles, such as addiction to games, staying up late, over dieting and so on. this trend is particularly worth concern for the social background that youngsters focus too much eyesight on their comfort and enjoyment, totally turning a blind eye to the significance of healthy lifestyles. however, it is positive habits that enable them to build up physical and mental health.

? ? then, what is a positive lifestyle? to my understanding, it can be likened to a road, which leads to a promising future. unfortunately, many of young people have become too blind to bad habits, and if we let this situation continue as it is, we do not know where younger generation will be in the forthcoming future.

? ? accordingly, it is of great necessity to reverse this trend. for one thing, the society as a whole should forge a wholesome atmosphere to reject and criticize negative living habits. for another, it is advisable for youngsters to strengthen themselves by cultivating healthy lifestyles.



raise/breed/foster/nurture/bring up 抚育

spoil children/dote on children

doting care/parental overprotection 溺爱


generation gap

widen/expand generation gap (widen/expand the gap between the child and parents)

啃老 neet ==not currently engaged in employment, education or training

5. 科技环境与日子类:

52. directions:

  write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. in your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

you should write neatly on the answer sheet. (20 points)



? ? this is a simple but enlightening cartoon: beside a table sit four youngsters, focusing all eyesight on their smart cell phones and sharing photos of their dinner on we-chat or weibo, with tasty dishes uneaten. although they gather for the purpose of friendship, scarcely do these guys chat with each other. finally, several chinese characters are given, which say “dinning together in the era of cell phones”.

? ? such a scenario, apparently, can be associated with the excessive use of cell phones among teenagers. as a matter of fact, cell phones have constituted an obstacle that hinders the normal communication in life. a case in point is that a host of youngsters, like the guys in the picture, spend much time on mobile phones to surf the internet, chat with friends or comment others’ we-chats. this trend is particularly worth concern for the background that they are addicted to the virtual world, ignoring the real life. it is cell phones that make our communication convenient, but it is cell phones that do not enable youngsters to spend adequate time in caring friends, families and others significant matters.

? ? do bear in mind: cell phones are just our tools. as a cell phone user, i am convinced that it is not advisable for youngsters to be the slave of cell phones. accordingly, youngsters should be educated, advocated and encouraged to take a rational attitude toward modern technological products, including the internet, cell phones, tv and computers.?


? ? 这是一幅简略但有启示性的漫画:在一餐桌周围坐着四位年青人,他们盯着自个的智能手机并分在微博或微信上共享着就餐的相片,桌子上的甘旨食物一点点未动。尽管他们为了友谊而聚餐,但他们几乎没有交流。最终,若干给了几个汉字,内容为“手机年代的聚餐”。

? ? 这样一种情节能天然联络到手机在年青人中的过度运用。实际上,手机现已构成一种妨碍,阻止着正常的交流。一个典型比方:像图像中的年青人相同,许多年青人花费太多时刻在手机上网、谈天或其谈论别人的微信。这种趋势很值得重视,因为他们沉溺于虚拟的世界,忽略了真实日子。正是手机使得咱们的交流便利,但也正是手机没有使得年青人花满足的时刻关怀兄弟、家人和其他重要的作业。

? ? 紧记:手机只是咱们的东西。作为手机用户,我信赖年青人当手机的奴隶是不正确的。因而,手机用户大约被教育、建议和鼓舞理性对待现代科技产品:网络、手机、电视和核算机。



the internet/the virtual net/the virtual world/the virtual net world /the cyber space

information superhighway

with the advent/dawn of the internet (era/age)

the widespread/extensive use of the internet

a global village

online shopping/banking

chat/shop/book online

make friends online

online gossip


traffic jam/congestion, heavy traffic 交通堵塞

morning and evening peak 迟早顶峰

rush hour 交通顶峰期

traffic control 交通控制

car-free day 无车日

private cars 私家车

develop public transport 打开公共交通


protect/preserve the environment/the preservation of environment 维护环境=环境维护

destroy/destruct/ruin/devastate the environment/ the destruction of environment? 损坏环境=环境损坏

environmental degradation/environmental deterioration/the deteriorating environment? 环境恶化


conserve water/water conservation

consume water/water consumption

water shortage=shortage (scarcity/dearth) of water







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