
siteweibo.com 考研讲座心稳当会 - 视频大全 - 高清在线观看(思特威北蔡新地址)






the dialogue depicted in the picture underscores a quandary that many students face - whether or not to attend lectures that are unrelated to their major. one of the girls contends that such lectures are futile, while the other argues that attending them can be advantageous.

in my view, both perspectives hold some validity. while it may be true that attending lectures outside one's major may not furnish direct benefits to one's academic or career prospects, it can help broaden one's intellectual horizons and expose them to novel insights?and viewpoints. additionally, attending such lectures may foster critical thinking abilities and enhance one's communication skills with individuals from diverse backgrounds.?nevertheless, it is also crucial to prioritize one's time and resources, and attending lectures that do not align with one's major may not always be viable. as such, students must strike a balance between exploring new interests and focusing on their academic and professional goals.

in summary, i opine that attending lectures outside one's major can be advantageous, but it should be done judiciously and with careful consideration of one's priorities and resources.



对译 & 亮点词汇


the dialogue depicted in the picture underscores a quandary that many students face - whether or not to attend lectures that are unrelated to their major. one of the girls contends that such lectures are futile, while the other argues that attending them can be advantageous.





underscore [??nd??sk??(r)] ?vt. 偏重阐明

?quandary [?kw?nd?ri] n. 支配为难

?attend lectures 参加讲座

?be unrelated to 和...无关

?contend [k?n?tend] vt. 声称;主张

?futile [?fju?ta?l] adj. 白搭的

?advantageous [??dv?n?te?d??s] adj. 有优点的




in my view, both perspectives hold some validity. while?it may be true that attending lectures outside one's major may not furnish direct benefits to?one's academic or career prospects, it can help broaden one's intellectual horizons and expose them to novel insights?and viewpoints. additionally, attending such lectures may foster critical thinking?abilities and enhance one's communication skills with individuals from diverse backgrounds.?nevertheless, it is also crucial to prioritize one's time?and resources,?and attending lectures that do not align with?one's major may not always be viable. in this sense,?students must strike

a balance between?exploring new interests and?focusing on their academic and professional goals.





hold some validity 有必定的合理性

?while [wa?] conj. 尽管

?furnish direct benefits to 给...带来直接优点

?academic prospect 学术前景

?career prospect 作业前景

?novel insights 新颖的见地

?foster critical thinking 培育批判性思维

?individuals from diverse backgrounds 来自不一样布景的自个

?prioritize one's time 优先思考自个的时刻

?resources [r??s??s?z] n. (自个的)财力、智力、物力或精力等

?align with 与...共同

?viable [?va??bl] adj. 真实可行的

?in this sense 从这个意义上来说

?strike a balance between a and b 在甲和乙之间抵达平衡





in summary, i opine?that attending lectures outside one's major can be advantageous, but it should be done judiciously?and with careful consideration of one's priorities and resources.





opine [???pa?n] vt. 认为

?judiciously [d?u?d???sli] adv. 正确地;审慎地




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③ 紧贴考试内容每年大晋级






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