







quantity (q)?? 数量

price (p)?? 价格

consumer 消费者

consumption?? 消费

utility (u)? 效用

total utility (tu)? 总效用

marginal utility (mu)? 边际效用

indifference curve? 无差异曲线

marginal rate of substitution (mrs)? 边际替代率

marginal rate of technical substitution? (mrts)? 边际技术替代率

income effect (ie) 收入效应

substitution effect (se) 替代效应


producer 生产者

production 生产

cobb-douglas production function? 柯布-道格拉斯生产函数(c-d生产函数)

total product?? (tp)?? 总产量

average product (ap)?? 平均产量

marginal product (mp)?? 边际产量

constant returns to scale (crs)?? 规模收益(或报酬)不变

decreasing returns to scale (drs) 规模收益(或报酬)递减

increasing returns to scale (irs)?? 规模收益(或报酬)递增


revenue (r) 收益

total revenue?? (tr)? 总收益

average revenue (ar)? 平均收益

marginal revenue (mr)? 边际收益


cost (c)? 成本

total cost (tc)?? 总成本

average cost (ac)?? 平均成本

marginal cost (mc)? 边际成本

total fixed cost (tfc)? 总固定成本

average fixed cost (afc)? 平均固定成本

total variable cost (tvc)? 总可变成本

average variable cost (avc)? 平均可变成本

short-run (s)? 短期

long-run (l)? 长期


perfect competition market 完全竞争市场

equilibrium (e或e) 均衡

partial equilibrium? 局部均衡

elasticity(e) ??弹性

surplus (s)?? 剩余

consumer surplus (cs)? 消费者剩余

producer surplus (ps)?? 生产者剩余


factor (f) 要素

marginal revenue product (mrp) 边际收益产品

value of marginal product (vmp) 边际产量价值

wage (w) 工资

labor (l) 劳动

interest 利息

interest rate (r) 利率

capital (k) 资本

rent? 地租(或租金)

land? 土地

monopsony? 买方垄断


general equilibrium (ge)? 一般均衡

pareto efficiency? 帕累托效率

production possibility curve (ppc)? 生产可能性曲线

marginal rate of transformation (mrt)? 边际转换率


monopoly? 垄断,卖方垄断

duopoly?? 双头垄断

oligopoly? 寡头垄断


externality? 外部性

public goods? 公共物品

common resource 公共资源

coase theorem 科斯定理

asymmetric information 信息不对称

adverse selection? 逆向选择

moral hazard? 道德风险?




price index 价格指数

consumer price index (cpi)? 消费者价格指数

producer price index (ppi)?? 生产者价格指数


deflation?? 通货紧缩

gdp deflator 国内生产总值折算指数

gross domestic product (gdp) 国内生产总值

gross national product (gnp) 国民生产总值

consumption (c)? 消费

investment (i)? 投资

government purchase (g) 政府购买

net exports (nx)? 净出口


import? 进口

disposable personal income (dpi)? 可支配收入

unemployment rate(μ)(或者rate of unemployment) ?失业率


marginal propensity to consume

(mpc)? 边际消费倾向

average propensity to consume (apc)? 平均消费倾向

marginal propensity to saving (mps)? 边际储蓄倾向

average propensity to saving (aps)? 平均储蓄倾向

expenditure (e) 支出

multiplier? 乘数


marginal efficiency of capital (mec)? 资本边际效率

marginal efficiency of investment (mei)? 投资边际效率

liquidity (l) 流动性

monetary, money (m) 货币


aggregate demand(ad) 总需求

aggregate supply (as) 总供给

okun’s law? 奥肯定律

philips curve (pc)? 菲利普斯曲线


balance of international payment 国际收支平衡

purchasing power parity (ppp)? 购买力平价?


golden rules of economic growth 经济增长的黄金率






g? 货币 ??(可以联系gold)

w? 商品 ?

pm? 生产资料

a? 劳动力

p? 生产? (可以联系production)

c? 不变资本 ?(可以联系constant)

v? 可变资本 ?(可以联系variable)

m 剩余价值

m’ 剩余价值率

p 利润?? (可以联系profit)

p’ 利润率






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