


??例句1. A pair of bills sponsored by Massachusetts state Senator Jason Lewis and House Speaker Pro Tempore Patricia Haddad, to ensure“gender parity”on boards and commissions, provide a case in point.

【例句解析】本句是一个简单句,主干为 A pair of bills provide a case in point.其中主语为A pair of bills 后边跟上sponsored by…短语做后置定语用来修饰限定主语;再往后跟上一个to do 短语做后置定语同样用来修饰限定主语;主干的谓语动词为provide,宾语为a case in point。


单词注释:Speaker Pro Tempore :临时议长

例句2.Writing in The New Republic, Alice Lee notes that increasing the number of opportunities for board membership without increasing the pool of qualified women to serve on such

boards has led to a“golden skirt” phenomenon,where the same elite women scoop up multiple seats on a variety of boards.

【例句解析】本句的核心主干为Alice Lee notes that…,其中Writing in The New Republic

为形容词短语位于句首做伴随状语,主干的主语为Alice Lee ,谓语为notes,后边跟上that引导的宾语从句;宾语从句的主语为increasing the number of opportunities for board membership 后边跟上 without increasing the pool of qualified women to serve on such boards短语做状语,宾语从句的谓语为has led to,宾语从句的宾语为a“golden skirt”phenomenon;后边跟上where引导的定语从句。



单词注释:pool:储备人员 scoop up:包揽

例句3. Next time somebody pushes corporate quotas as a way to promote gender equity, remember that such policies are largely self-serving measures that make their sponsors feel good but do little to help average women.

【例句解析】本句主语为somebody,谓语为pushes…as…,构成动宾短语pushes corporate quotas as a way,后边跟上to promote gender equity做后置定语用来修饰限定way;再往后看有一个省略主语的宾语从句,主语补充完整为somebody should renmember that…在that引导的宾语从句中,主语为such policies,谓语为are,宾语为self-serving measures,宾语后边跟上that引导的结果状语从句。


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