


it can be clearly seen from the drawing that there are several kinds of shared activities(同享活动) that urban citizens are enjoying much. on a closer look, a boy is using his mobile phone to unlock a shared bike that is parked in right order.moreover, there is a traveler-looking young man recharging his mobile phone at a shared charging station, and there are several readers focusing on books in a shared library. commercial and non-profitable shared activities make the metropolitan life more convenient. furthermore, the limited resources(有限的本钱) in highly populated areas(人员密布的区域) can be reallocated (从头分配) and then utilized more efficiently. in effect, with human society evolving, the proportion of private property may gradually decrease to escape the heavy dependence on environment.
as is ironically shown in the picture..., undoubtedly, the picture satirized an epidemic prevailing among youngsters, namely, phubber(垂头族) or the smart phone syndrome.(手机病) as for me, it is a problem that deserves grave concern.(值得深切重视) two reasons, as far as im concerned(在我看来), can be easily found to account for (说明)the phenomenon.

as a result, the smart phone has attained enormous popularity and gradually become an indispensable part of our life.(咱们日子中不可以或缺的一有些) eventually, the charm of the cell phone outshines the pleasure with friends and even makes parents forget their obligations. besides the damage to the friendship, mobile phone syndrome can be disastrous in other ways. thus it is most urgent for us to realize the harm of the syndrome and

adopt every measure possible to reverse the condition.
we, specially the teenagers, should develop good living habits.(养成杰出的日子习气) having a good rest is the fundamental need, which ensures us a strong healthy body and a good mood. we should go to bed early and get up early. staying up late(熬夜) is bad for our health. besides, healthy eating habits(安康的饮食习气)are of great importance, which leads to both physical and mental health. we should eat more fruits and vegetables instead of (替代,而不是)biscuit,hamburgers and meat. junk food (废物食物)is a fatal killer of our health, so we should stay away from it.
in the set of pictures above, suspecting the vegetables for sale aren a young man casts doubt on(发生置疑)an officer who takes an oath of integrity(许下廉政承诺).the underlying meaning of the drawings can be elaborated in terms of loss of trust(信赖缺失) among people. there was a time when doors were left unlocked at night (曾几许时,夜不闭户)and no one pocketed anything found on. however, with the development of the society, people increasingly distrust each other. this crisis of trust in our society will bring many unfavorable consequences. trust is the glue of life. its the most essential ingredient in effective communication. it s the fundamental principle that holds all relationships。(信赖是日子的粘合剂。它是有用交流的必备要素,也是坚持一切联络的根来历则)

the picture aims at revealing a simple truth: without action, any goal is just a fantasy.(没有行为,愿望只是幻想) no one can deny the fact that taking action is extremely essential to achieving your goals. only by turning your dream into action, can you really realize it. “the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. (积少成多) the more action we take, the more likely we are to accumulate experience, master skills and get close to our destination.
as is shown in the picture, a sailor is steering a ship in a calm sea, which definitely would not arouse his faculties and fortitude.(恬静的水面练就不出强悍的水手) that is why the caption reads“a smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor.” there is no denying the fact that it is rough times that make us grow faster. the home is their comfort zone, and the longer they stay there, the less likely they would be able to deal with lifes storms. just as a saying goes, greenhouse flowers cannot survive the unpleasant weather outdoors. (温室的花朵经不起外面的风雨) we should not be content with a life of ease.(不大约满足于闲适的日子) instead we should be brave enough to take on new challenges to bring out the best in us(勇于承受应战,作用最佳的自个)

unfolded before us is a cartoon simply drawn yet profoundly meaningful. teachers ethics is essential(至关重要的) in the educational process. we can identify the significance of teachers ethics from the following perspectives. to begin with, it will help students to acquire the basic personal qualities for their future life. furthermore, teachers ethics is also critical for a progressive and healthy development.

mobile phone usage in public places like hospitals can easily interfere(打扰) with the medical equipment, which can be harmful to the patient. 在医院等公共场所运用手机很简略作扰医疗设备,这对患者有害。 in my opinion, cell phones should be allowed in public places with some restrictions. whats more, in public places, quiet zones where phone use is banned should be set up. 在我看来,大约答应在公共场所运用手机,并设有一此捆绑。此外,在公共场所,大约树立阻止运用手机的恬静区域。
the unprecedented (空前的)expansion of cities undoubtedly leads to the excessive concentration of population, which in turn brings about a series of problems, such as environmental pollution, traffic jam, increased crimes and high housing prices. 城市空前的扩展无疑构成人员的过度会集,这反过来又会发生一系列疑问,如环境污染、交通堵塞、违法增多及高房价等。 therefore, the focus of urban authorities(市政部分) should be on consolidation and upgrading of urban infrastructure. great attention should also be paid to develop a mechanism to monitor the carrying capacity(承受才能) of both resources and environment of cities to achieve urban layout optimization(规划优化). 因而,市政部分应重视城市基础设备的联系和晋级。还大约要点树立一种机制来监督城市本钱和环境的承受才能,以抵达城市规划最优化。

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