


词汇1.conversationalist (n) ?a person who is good at talking to others, especially in an informal way. 善谈的人,能聊的人
2.anecdote (n) ?a short, interesting or amusing story about a real person or event. 逸闻,趣闻
例:amusing anecdotes about his brief career as an actor.
the book is a rich store of anecdotes.
? a personal account of an event 传闻
例:this research is based on anecdotes, not fact.
3.upbringing (n) ?the way in which a child is cared for and taught how to behave while its growing. 培育,抚育,抚育,教养
例:to have had a sheltered upbringing 遭到呵护的抚育
he was a catholic by upbringing. 他受家庭熏陶,从小就是天主教徒。
4.snob (n) ?a person who admires people in the higher social classes too much and has no respect for people in the lower social classes.势利小人,谄上欺下的人
例:she is such a snob.
?a person who thinks they are much better than other people because they are intelligent or like thing

s that many people do not like.自认为优胜的人,自命典雅的人
例:an intellectual snob. 自命常识广博的人
? ? a food/wine snob自命精于品尝美食/美酒的人
? ? there is a snob value in driving the latest model.开最新款式的车能满足一种庸俗的虚荣心。
snobbery (n) ?the attitudes and behavior of people who are snobs. 实力的情绪/行为;自认为优胜的行为/情绪
例:intellectual snobbery 智力上的自我优胜感
5. desultorily (adv) ?in a way that goes from one thing to another, without a definite plan and without enthusiasm.
desultory (adj) ?漫无意图的,无条理的,随意的
例:i wanderers about in a desultory fashion.漫无意图的四处游荡。
a desultory conversation 漫无边缘的说话
词组1.area code 电话区域号,区号
2.love triangle 三角恋爱
3.case history 病例
4.separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers 三权分立
5.eliminate pornography and illegal pubilcations 扫黄
pornography (n) ?淫秽作品,色情刊物
例:child pornography 儿童淫秽作品

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