


??本系列考研材料为我们收拾了考研英语长难句分析——精选考研英语真题例句,进行规划解析、语句翻译和词汇攻略,帮你读懂长难句,拿下考研英语!更多长难句材料,重视大众号:kaoyanyo,发送要害词:长难句。section 1 use of englishdirections:read the following text. choose the best word(s) for each numbered lank and mark a, в, c or d on answer sheet 1. (10 points)section iireading comprehensionpart a ,directions:read the following four texts. answer the questions below each text by choosing a, b, c, or d. mark your answers on answer sheet 1.(40 points)text 4we're fairly good at judging people based on first impressions, thin slices of experience ranging from a glimpse of a photo to a five-minute interaction, and deliberation can be not only extraneous but intrusive. in one study of the ability she dubbed "thin slicing, the late psychologist nalini ambady asked participants to watch silent 10-second video clips of professors and to rate the instructor' s overall effectiveness. their ratings correlated strongly with students′end-of-semester ratings.another set of participants had to count backward from 1,000 by nines as they watched the clips ccupying their conscious working memory. their ratings were just as accurate,demonstrating the intuitive nature of the social processing.critically, another group was asked to spend a minute writing down easons for their judgment, before giving the rating. accuracy dropped dramatically.ambady suspected that deliberation focused hem on vivid but misleading cues,such as certain gestures or tterances, rather than letting the complex interplay of subtle signals a holistic impression. she found similar interference wher participants watched 15-second clips of pairs of people and judged whether they were strangers, friends, or dating partners.other researchshows we're better at detecting deception and sexual orientation from thin slices when we rely on intuition instead reflection. "it's as if you're driving a stick shift," says judith hall, a psychologist at northeastern university,"and if you start thinking bout it too much, you can't remember what you're doing.but if you o on automatic pilot, you're fine.much of our social life is like that'thinking too much can also harm our abili

ty to form preferences college students' ratings of strawberry jams and college courses aligned better with experts' opinions when the students weren't asked to analyze their rationale.and people made car-buying decisions that were both objectively better and more personally satisfying when asked to focus on their feelings rather than on details, but only if the decision was complex-when they had a lot of information to process.intion's special powers are unleashed only in certain cricumstances.in one study, participants completed a battery of eight tasks, including four that tapped reflective thinking (discerning rules comprehending vocabulary)and four that tapped intuition and creativity(generating new products or figures of speech). then they rated the degree to which they had used intuition("gut feelings,""hunches," "my heart").use of their gut hurt their performance on the first four tasks, as expected, and helped them on the rest sometimes the heart is smarter than the head.36. nalini ambaby's study deals with_a. instructor student interactionb.the power of people's memoryc.the reliability of first impressionsd. people's ability to influence others37.in ambaby's study,rating participants_a.gave the rating in limited timeb.focused on specific detailsc.watched shorter video clipsd.discussed with on another38. judith hall mentions driving to mention thata.memory can be selectiveb.reflection can be distractingc.social skills must be cultivatedd.deception is difficult to detect39. when you are making complex decisions, it is advisable toa.follow your feelingsb.list your preferencesc.seek expert adviced.collect enough data以上就是考研英语材料:2021年考研英语(二)真题及答案解析之阅览4,为我们收拾了考研英语长难句分析——精选考研英语真题例句,进行规划解析、语句翻译和词汇攻略,帮你读懂长难句,拿下考研英语!更多长难句材料,重视大众号:kaoyanyo,发送要害词:长难句。????

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