





as is symbolically depicted in the pictures, the form of class has changed dramatically from past to present. in the left picture, students are sitting in the traditional classroom and the teacher is teaching them face-to-face. in the right picture, a student is sitting in front of a computer, listening to the online course alone. what the pictures are trying to convey is reflected in the subtitle: the change of classrooms.
  in fact, the metaphorical pictures intend to reveal that technology has changed the traditional method of teaching. considering the importance and necessity of this situation, i feel responsible for discussing it further. to begin with, as the internet has penetrated every aspect of daily life, technological innovation really brings us much convenience, exerting a huge impact on our traditional cultures. more and more conventional classrooms have been replaced by online courses, and students can acquire knowledge wherever and whenever they want. furthermore, there are side effects for new type of classrooms. it goes without saying that higher education plays a key role in aiding students’ growth and development. they can get the opportunity to increase their knowledge and learn to be independent. in the case, traditional classroom can never be completely replaced.
  to sum up, in face of this phenomenon, we should be prudent. given the levels of intelligence and discretion imbued in college students, i am sure that most of them will be able to sidestep the potential drawbacks of the online course, while taking advantage of all its merits.





1.考研英语大纲需求高文文字数为160-200字(不包括标点符号),主张写到220字支配,太多了也不好,不要跨越240字,历年考研英语高分作 在220字支配。



4.书写方面,主张0.5mm 黑色签字笔,笔迹规整的同学比笔迹粗心的同学作文均匀分数高出5分支配。





1. the cartoon vividly depicts .
这幅漫画生动地描绘了 。

2. as is described in the picture, .
如图中所描绘的, 。

3. as is vividly indicated in the above drawing/picture, .
如上图生动地描绘的那样, 。

4. the drawing, thought-provoking as it is, does mirror a social phenomenon that .

这幅发人沉思的图像的确反映了这样一个社会表象: 。

5. in the cartoon presented to us, . obviously, what the cartoon illustrates/reveals is .

在展示给咱们的漫画中, 。显着,该漫画阐明/提示的是 。

6. as is symbolically depicted in the drawing above, . although the drawing is designed simply, it does reveal that .

正如上图标志性地描绘的相同, 。尽管该图方案简略,但它的确反映了 。

7. as is vividly illustrated in the cartoon, . the central point of this cartoon is that .

正如漫画中生动展示的相同, 。该漫画的主旨是 。

8. as the bar chart shows, the number of has dramatically increased/decreased during the years from to .

如柱状图所示 , 的数量从 年到
年 年之间急剧添加/削减。

9. from the graph, we know the statistics of and . it can be seen easily that .

从图表中,咱们可知 和 的数据。咱们可以很简略地看出 。

10. from the bar chart, it is clear that between and the amount of ranged from to .

从柱状图中可以理解地看到 ,在 和 之间, 的数量在从 到 之间改变。

11. as the bar chart shows, great changes concerning took place between and .

柱状图标明,在 和 之间, 发生了无量的改变。

12. as can be seen in the graph, we saw great changes in between and .

从图表可知,在 到 之间, 发生了无量改变。

13. recently, the rise in the problem of has aroused public/wide concern.

迩来, 疑问的添加现已致使了大众/广泛的重视。

14. recently, the issue of has been brought into focus/brought to public attention.

迩来, 疑问现已变成焦茹/致使大众留心。

15. the problem of has caused wide concern over recent years.

这些年, 疑问现已致使了广泛的重视。

16. with the rapid growth of , have/has become increasingly important in our daily life.

跟着 的快速增加, 在咱们的往常日子中现已变得越来越重要。

17. now there is a growing awareness/recognition of the necessity to .

如今,我们越来越知道到 的必要性。

18. now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning/coming to realize/be aware that .

如今,越来越多/许多的人初步知道到 。

19. after a good many years of enthusiasm for , people begin to .

热心于 多年之后,我们初步 。

20. one of the burning/pressing problems facing/confronting our nation/society today is .

咱们的国家/社会今日面临的急迫疑问之一是 。

21. with playing an increasingly important role in , more and more .

跟着 在 中的作用日益重要,越来越多的 。

22. whenever you see/find , you can't help being shocked/surprised at .

每当看到/发现 的时分,你会不由为 感到震动/惊奇。

23. undoubtedly this picture describes a scenario that .

毫无疑问,这幅图像描绘了这样一个景象 。

24. the drawing given above portrays a thought-provoking scene that .

上面的图像为咱们展示了一个发人沉思的场景 。


1. this picture demonstrates one of the basic theories of philosophy: .

这幅图像展示了哲学的一个根柢理论: 。

2. such a picture draws attention to the fact that .

这样一种画面招引咱们留心到这样的实际: 。

3. the purpose of the drawing is to show us that .

这幅画的意图是向咱们展示 。

4. the painter reminds us of a common social phenomenon: .

绘画者提示咱们留心一个广泛的社会表象: 。

5. from the picture above we are informed that .
从上面这幅图像,咱们可以得知 。

6. it ironically depicts the common phenomenon that .

图像讥讽地描绘了一个广泛表象: 。

7. this drawing reflects a prevailing trend that .

这幅图像提示了当今一个盛行趋势: 。

8. what the above pictures intend to illustrate is that .
上面的图像意在阐明 。

9. the aim of the portrayal is to illustrate that .
这幅画旨在阐明 。

10. the drawing reveals a thought-provoking truth that .

这幅图像提示了一个发人沉思的道理 。

11. apparently, the painter wishes to draw our attention to the social phenomenon that .

显着,绘画者期望咱们留心这样一个社会表象 。

12. the simple but thought-provoking cartoon tends to highlight nothing but .

这幅简略却发人沉思的漫画偏重了 。

13. the primary purpose of the drawings is to emphasize .

图像的首要意图是偏重 。


depicted in these two cartoons above is a flower showing different states in two entirely distinct conditions.

此句开篇,规划至关重要,此处用倒装句描图,depicted in these two cartoons above is+图像中心元素+分词短语润饰。
as is shown in the first picture, the flower, placed in a comfortable greenhouse which shelters it from the threatening storm, is in full bloom. on the contrary, when exposed to the heavy rain, the flower soon fades and withers, with petals falling on the ground.

as is shown in the first picture在一切的模板书均可找到,因而千万不要放在第一句,可是如此秀丽的as引导的定语从句不必岂不可以惜,因而调整次序,放在第二句即可,闪现出你分配言语的才能。2003年为两幅图(本年的要点温习方向),因而要留心两幅图之间的比照联络,用on the contrary偏重句间联络。其间分词作状语、定语从句、独立主格皆可以用于其他文章,触类旁通。



the relationship is depressing.看到这个论题,咱们忍不住会问啥样的联络,沮丧到了何种程度,这都很难界定,让人无从下手。
the relationship between parents and children is more depressing compared with decades ago.

例如:going to college, one can make friends.看到这个语句的时分,信赖大有些考生会有语句现已把?低甑母写ァT涤墒钦飧鲋魈饩湎拗频墓婺L恕?br>咱们可以改成:
going to college, one can learn more and thus make more suitable friends.





1. there may be a combination of factors which contributes to/is responsible for/can explain .

或许有一些要素构成/可以说明 。

2. there are probably three/many/several/a variety of reasons for this dramatic/significant increase/decline in .
致使 显着增加/降低的缘由可以有三个/许多/几个/许多。

3. some reasons can explain this trend. 一些缘由可以说明这一趋势。

4. why ?为啥 ?

5. the causes of are varied. they include , and perhaps the main cause is .

构成 的缘由有许多,包括 ,首要缘由可所以 。

6. the reason for this is not far to seek.

7. it is no easy task to identify the reasons for this phenomenon which involves several complicated factors.


8. there are numerous reasons why , and i would explore only a few of the most important ones here.

9. there are many reasons responsible for this phenomenon, and the following are the typical ones.


10. there are many reasons explaining this case. as for me, i regard the following as the typical ones.


11. a number of factors could account for/contribute to/lead to/result in the change of .

说明/构成/致使/致使 改变的要素有许多。

12. any discussion about this problem would inevitably involve .

任何对此疑问的谈论都不可以避免地触及 。

13. one may attribute/ascribe the increase/decrease/change to .

我们可以会将这一增加/降低/改变归因于 。

14. we may blame/criticize for , but the causes/roots of the problem/phenomenon/trend go much deeper.

咱们或许会因为 批判 ,可是这一疑问/表象/趋势不和有着更深层次的缘由。


1. in the first place, . in the second place, .
首要, 。其次, 。

2. first, . second, .
首要, 。其次, 。

3. to begin with, . secondly, . last but not least, .

首要, 。其次, 。最终但并不是最不重要的, 。

4. the first reason is that . the second one is . the third is .

第一个缘由是 。第二个缘由是 。第三个缘由是 。

5. first of all, . secondly, . furthermore, .

首要, 。其次, 。另外, 。

6. for one thing, . for another, .

一方面, 。另一方面, 。

7. firstly, . secondly, . thirdly, .

首要, 。其次, 。再次, 。

8. another reason why i disagree with the above statements is that i believe .

我不附和上述观念的另一个缘由是我认为 。



1. the advantages gained in outweigh/are much greater than the advantages we gain from .
从 中获取的优势远远跨越咱们从 中获取的。

2. bear(s) a close/striking resemblance to .


3. on the one hand, . on the other hand, .

一方面, 。另一方面, 。

4. similarly/likewise/in the same way, .
与之类似地/相同, 。

5. although enjoy(s) a distinct advantage, .

尽管 有显着优势,可是 。

6. many students like . among them there are two different attitudes to . some of them think that . others, however, don't think so. they feel that .

许多学生喜爱 。关于 他们有两种不一样的观念。有人认为 。而另外一些则不附和这种观点。他们认为 。

7. nothing/few things can approach/equal/match .
没有啥能与 类似/相等/比较。

8. indeed, carries more weight than when is concerned.

的确,就 而言, 的重要性要跨越 。

9. serious as the problem may be, it pales in comparison with .

这个疑问可以很严峻,但与 比较就微缺乏道了。

10. in comparison/contrast, .
比照而言/比照起来, 。

11. indeed/certainly, play(s) a more/less important role when compared with .

的确/当然,与 比较,的影响要大/小得多。

12. despite the fact that most of them like , i would like to choose to .

尽管实际是他们中大大都人喜爱 ,我仍是倾向于 。

13. when the advantages and disadvantages are compared/weighed, the conclusion/finding is quite obvious/self-evident.

14. there is no consensus among people as to . some people suggest that , while others argue that . i agree with the latter/former.

我们并未就 达到共同定见。一些人主张 ,而另一些人则认为 。我撑持后者/前者。

15. people differ greatly in their attitudes toward this problem. some maintain that . others, on the contrary, hold the opinion that . personally, i stand on the side of .

我们关于这个疑问的情绪差异很大。有人认为 。与此相反,另外一些人认为 。就我自个而言,我站在 这一边。

16. for most people today, have/has become their main source of . but as for me, should be regarded as a better source.

如今大大都人将 作为 的首要来历。但就我而言,

17. may be superior to , but it poses problems for those who .

可以比 非常好一些,但它会给那些的人带来疑问。

18. different people have different ideas about . some people take it for granted that . on the contrary, some other people think .

关于 的观念因人而异。有人想当然地认为 。相反,其别人则认为 。

19. this case has aroused echoes throughout the country with more and more people following its lead, but ideas about it vary widely. those who oppose/object to/are against it argue/hold that , but people who advocate/support/are for it maintain/assert/claim that .

跟着越来越多的人参加它的部队,这一作业现已在全国致使了无量反应。可是,我们对此的观念却截然不一样。对立者认为 ,但撑持者则声称 。

20. people differ in their opinions on . some of them believe that , while others deem that .
我们对持有不一样的观点。有些人认为 ,而有些人则认为 。

21. many surveys show that people in increasing numbers are beginning to realize that . meanwhile, many people still live under the traditional idea that .

许多查询闪现,越来越多的人初步知道到 。一起,仍有许多人持传统观念,认为 。



1. from my everyday experience and observation i can list several examples that defend the statement that .
根据我的往常经历和调查,我可以举出几个比方来证明 这一论说。

2. there are many instances supporting my opinion.

3. perhaps the most important example of is .

有关 的最重要的比方可所以 。

4.a case in point is . 一个恰当的比方是 。

5.take for example. 以 为例。

6. this is a concrete example concerning .
这是一个有关 的具体比方。

7. nothing could be more obvious/apparent than the evidence that .

再没有比 更显着的比方了。

8. i can think of no better illustration of this idea than the example of .

要阐明这个疑问, 是我能想到的最佳的比方。

9. the latest surveys conducted by show/reveal/demonstrate/indicate that .

由 打开的最新查询闪现, 。

10. no one can deny the fact that .

没有人可以否定 的实际。

11. talking about , the first thing that may occur to you and me seems to be .

说到 ,咱们首要想到的如同就是 。

12. a common example, which is frequently cited, is .

一个被广泛引证的比方是 。

13. instances of the same sort might be quoted easily, but this will be sufficient to show that .

类似的比方不堪枚举,但这一个就足以阐明 。

14. history abounds with the example of .
前史上有许多 方面的比方。

15. the following example best illustrates the idea that .
下面这个比方极好地阐明晰 。

16. as one write

r/scientist/psychologist wrote/commented/pointed out/noted, .

正如一位作家/科学家/心思学家所写/说/指出的, 。

17. it is a commonly accepted fact that .

18. this is a typical/striking/notable illustration/example of .

这是 的典型比方。

19. to the already familiar examples/facts, a few more/a number of other examples/facts can be added.



1.提出中心:the implication of this cartoon can be summarized as a philosophic topic in daily life: xxx is the first step towards success.
2.说明阐明:in other words, facing with delicate options, we had better march forward rather than hesitate. indeed, if we are bewildered with the choices, opportunities may escape our attention.
3.举例证明:for some people, their fear to lose is greater than their desire to succeed, so they end up doing nothing and their dreams become impossible.
4.正反证明:on the contrary, at any given moment, we have the power to say this is not how the story is going to end. our braveness, perseverance, and decisiveness may earn us chances to solve current adversities, leading us out of the shadow.
5.总结中心:clearly, the cartoonist, through this unique metaphor, encourages us to choose the latter.




1. to sum up, can benefit us tremendously if correctly used.

言而总之,假定运用稳当, 会让咱们获益匪浅。

2. therefore, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that .

因而,不可贵出以下结论: 。

3. recognizing the fact that will lead us to conclude that .

招认 这一实际,咱们能得出以下结论: 。

4. the evidence upon all sides supports/confirms/leads to a conclusion that .

各方面的根据撑持/标明/得出这样一个结论: 。

5. from what has been discussed above/based on the points discussed above, we can draw/arrive at the conclusion that .
综上所述,咱们能得出如下结论: 。

6. in summary/conclusion/a word, it is important that we should .

总之,咱们大约 ,这一点很重要。


1. the saying has been widely accepted throughout the world.

名言 在世界规模内被广泛承受。

2. “ .” we are used to hearing such words like those.

“ 。”咱们常常听到这样的说法。

3. “ .” such is the opinion of a great man. this remark has been confirmed time and time again by many historical events.

“ 。”这是一位巨大的人物的观念。该言辞现已被许多前史作业重复验证。

4. as the proverb goes, .
正如谚语 所说。

5. there is an english proverb which says that .
有一个英语谚语说, 。

6. there is an old saying, “ .” it is the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today.

古语道:“ 。”这是前辈的经历,但在今日许多情况下也适用。


1. it is time to hear the warnings of some economists.


2. it is time that we put/urged an immediate end to the undesirable situation/tendency of .

该是结束 这种不良情况/趋势的时分了。

3. therefore, in order to , effective means should be taken to .

所以,为了 ,有必要采纳有用办法来 。

4. it is high time that . here are some things that might be taken up immediately.

该是 的时分了。这儿有几项办法可以当即着手实施。

5. it is suggested that the government should make efforts to .

我们主张政府大约做出尽力去 。

6. in short/in any case, we should/ought to/must .

总之/不管如何,咱们大约/有必要 。

7. awareness of the seriousness of the problem is the first step toward the solution.



1. the significance of cannot be overvalued.

2. what will happen to ? nobody really knows. but one thing is certain: .

会发生啥作业?没有人切当晓得。但有一件事可以必定: 。

3. following these suggestions may not guarantee success, but the payoff might be worth the effort. it will not only benefit but also benefit .

或许遵从这些主张并不能保证获得成功,可是值得一试。它不但会谋福 ,而且也会使 获益。

4. to reverse the trend is not a light task. it requires a good awareness of .

要想改变这一趋势并非易事。这需要充分知道到 。

5. people are coming to realize the importance of . some have begun to try their best to . we believe that .

我们初步知道到 的重要性。许多人现已初步极力 。咱们信赖 。

6. it is clear/obvious/evident/apparent that . therefore, the task of
requires/demands .

很显着, 。因而,要结束 的使命需要/有必要 。

7. with the improvement of , will prove to hold great superior over .

跟着 的改进, 将证明比 更具优胜性。

8. there is a growing tendency for people these days to , which i believe will not change in a short time.

如今,我们 的趋势正在添加,而且我认为短时刻内这种趋势不会改动。

9. if everyone is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


10. whether it is positive or negative, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly .

不管它的作用是活泼的仍是低沉的,可以必定的是它必将 。

11. whatever you do, please remember the old saying . if you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you'll necessarily benefit a lot from it.

不管你做啥,请记住这句老话: 。假定你懂得它的意思,并将其使用到学习或作业中,你定将获益匪浅。

12. the influence of is not confined to . it also .

的影响不只捆绑于 。它还 。

活泼正向:evidently, there are reasons to believe that主题词 can produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote international tourism.
低沉负向:evidently, there are reasons to believe that 主题词can produce negative effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to avoid such phenomenon.






【考研英语词汇】考研英语真题高频词汇背诵day 21

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