


??us sees decade-low growth of chinese students



an official from the united states dep

artment of state has said the country will continue to welcome students from china, as recent visa policies have affected that largest source of foreigners studying on us campuses.


the number of chinese international students in the us saw its lowest growth rate in a decade-0.8 percent-to reach 372,532 in the 2021-20 academic year.?the total still makes china the top source of international students in the us, according to a report released recently.


students from china accounted for 34.6 percent of the international students in the us during the 2021-20 academic year, said the 2021 open doors report on international educational exchange.


before the covid-19 pandemic, the number of international students in us higher education had declined by 1.8 percent, according to the report.?with the pandemic still raging in the us eight months since it broke out, the shrinkage in international students is likely to continue.


already, new enrollment of international students decreased by 43 percent in the fall 2021 semester.?more than 700 higher education institutions surveyed indicate that nearly 40,000 students have deferred enrollment to a future term.


as relations between the world's top two economies soured in recent months, the administration of us president donald trump has ramped up restrictions on and scrutiny of some chinese students and researchers, citing national security concerns.?for example, the us?revoked?the visas of more than 1,000 chinese nationals ahead of the fall semester.


china's foreign ministry has said the us visa restrictions on chinese students and researchers had severely undermined their legitimate rights and interests and runs counter to the common aspirations for friendly people-to-people exchanges.


a white paper released by new oriental suggested that 42 percent of chinese students are interested in studying in the united kingdom, compared with 37 percent showing an interest in the us.?that was the first time that the overseas study intentions of chinese students had shifted.

据 发布的一份白皮书闪现,42%的我国学生神往留学英国,而仅有37%的学生神往留学美国。这是我国学生出国留学自愿初度发生改动。



release [r??li?s] v. 开释;发泄;清除;揭露;发布

shrinkage [??r??k?d?] n. 缩短;减低

revoke [r??vo?k] vt. 撤回;撤消;扔掉

undermine [??nd?r?ma?n] vt. 损坏;损害


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