
2021考研英语一巨细作文真题及范文(全)_考研_ 在线(2021考研英语作文)


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  suppose you are working for the “aiding rural primary school” project of your university, write a letter to answer the inquiry from an international student volunteer. you need to specify the details of the project.
  联系历年真题,尽管一向存在“函件”和“告示”两种题型,但笔者在各大班次中重复偏重过,请学生以函件为主,安靖常考的十大论体裁料,但本年小作文难度系数偏高,首要缘由是,和以往单一主题的提示词有所不一样,本年的小作文提示词中呈现的信息较凌乱,包括aid, inquiry, volunteer, details, 故学生可以在协助信,问询信,招募自愿者,和介绍信中徜徉。其间协助信类似于2006年英语一小作文,招募自愿者类似于2010年英语一小作文。此时考生需要静心读题,可得知前三点均为

  dear friend,
  as one member working for the “aiding rural primary school project” of our university, i would be glad to receive your inquiry and inform you of some details about this project.
  first, this project aims at aiding those poor kids living in some poverty-stricken families in some chinese western rural areas aging from 9 to 12 years old. second, as a volunteer, your primary task is to participate in our annual teaching activities organized on every summer vacation lasting for about two weeks. finally, those children would be thrilled if you could bring some gifts from overseas representing cultures and customs abroad.
  once again, thank you for your time and attention. it is my sincere hope that you could contribute more to this project and if you have any further question, please feel free to contact with us. looking forward to hearing from you soon.
  yours sincerely,
  li ming
  【标题】52. directions:write an essay of 160-180 words based on the following picture.in your essay, you should1) describe the picture briefly.2) interpret its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.

  究其具体精力质量, 视点比照多,干流视点是左面一自个身上体现出来的“坚持”,“对愿望的执着寻求”,当然也有同学偏重“在行进路途中,陪同和鼓舞”的重要性,还有同学剑走偏锋,从图中右边一自个的视点 ,偏重“在人活路途中,不必一向前行,有时歇息是为了非常好的行进”。笔者主张从“坚持”下手,究竟落脚点略微提及“陪同与鼓舞”。
  第一段以提出疑问,图像描绘为主,可以先全体描绘图中场景,然后细节杰出支配两自个言行上的差异,得出“坚持”这一主题词。第二段以分析疑问,打开为主,分析图像所反映的社会表象,打开维度较多,笔者在 班次中提及的三大证明思路均适用“因果证明”“举例证明”“正反证明”。思路一:因果证明,证明坚持的优点或许为啥我们大约坚持;思路二:举例证明,用具体名人事例子明坚持的重要性;思路三:正反证明,假定坚持则可以成功,反之,则会走向失利。第三段以处置疑问,归纳总结为主,得出作者自个观念,当然是呼吁持之以恒,可以提及“火伴的鼓舞”会让人生之路如虎添翼,最终收尾总结。
  there are, as is symbolically and explicitly demonstrated in the cartoon above, two individuals climbing a mountain, with one guy on the left wearing a bag on the back and a beaming smile on the face who is encouraging the other one, unexpectedly, sitting on the half way and wanting to give up, which indicates the importance of persistence.
  obviously, these two guys directly epitomize a prevailing social phenomenon that is in life’s journey. some people with keen eyesight can stick to their dreams, while others, on the contrary, may easily give up despite there is encouragement and accompaniment from their teammates. hence, we cannot overemphasize the significance of persistence, with which we can overcome all adversities and hardships in long-term life’s journey. otherwise, we would end up in failure and live in despair. taking basketball player yao ming for example, he can slam-dunk smartly because he does his utmost in pursuing his dreams and never gives his ideal up.
  from the preceding discussion, it is readily apparent that persistence is a pre-requisite on our way to success, since life is a long journey, while sticking to why we start is a must to the destination. only by making constant efforts and never stopping making progress can we expect a bright and promising future!





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