







dear paul,
i'm glad you've reached out for help. preparing for the oral

presentation of an ancient scientist can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be if you follow these steps.
first and foremost, select a scientist who aligns with your interests and whom you find fascinating. this will help you connect with the subject and make your presentation more engaging. next, familiarize yourself with the scientist's life and works. this should include their contributions, their impact on science, and any significant events in their life. make sure you understand their theories and how they've influenced science and society.
when preparing your presentation, organize your ideas clearly. start by introducing the scientist, then present their contributions, and finish by discussing their impact on science and society. structuring your presentation this way will help you stay on track and ensure that your audience follows your story easily.

practice your presentation多次 before delivering it. this will help you familiarize yourself with the content and make you more confident when delivering it. encourage friends or family members to listen to your practice run and provide feedback. use their feedback to refine your delivery and improve your presentation.
in addition, pay attention to your pronunciation and enunciation. clear pronunciation and enunciation will help your audience understand you better. finally, don't hesitate to use visual aids like slides or props if they can enhance your presentation. they can help illustrate your points and make your presentation more impactful.
i hope these tips will help you in your preparation. remember, confidence is key when delivering a presentation, so be sure to believe in yourself and your material. you'll definitely do well no matter who you choose as your scientist.
good luck with your presentation!
best regards,
li ming


the rise of parks in a city: a glimpse into the future
in the heart of the bustling city, a quiet revolution is taking place. over the course of three years, the number of parks in our city has witnessed a significant growth, transforming the urban landscape and providing a welcome respite for its citizens.
the statistical data, presented in the form of a captivating chart, tells a remarkable story. in 2021, the city boasted of 406 parks, a respectable figure in itself. however, by 2021, this number had doubled, climbing to 537 parks, showcasing a notable increase. but the true excitement lies in the最新数据闪现,到2022年,公园数量已激添加惊人的610座,进一步 solidifying the city's status as a green haven.

this growth in park infrastructure is not just a numerical change; it represents a profound shift in the city's approach towards urban planning and sustainable development. it signals a conscious effort to prioritize green spaces and encourage more citizens to lead active lifestyles. the addition of市民健身区within these parks further underscores this commitment, as it directly impacts the well-being of the community.
the impact of these parks goes beyond mere numbers and statistics. it is reflected in the欢欣的评价of citizens who now have access to state-of-the-art fitness facilities in their own neighborhoods. "家门口的新建小公园真不错" is not just a compliment; it is a testament to the positive changes that have taken place in the city.
as a resident of this city, i am immensely proud of this transformation. it not only beautifies our city but also contributes significantly to its overall health and wellness. the increase in parks offers more opportunities for exercise, recreation, and simply connecting with nature. it fosters a sense of community and belonging among citizens who now have common spaces to gather and enjoy.
in conclusion, the exponential growth in parks in our city is not just a numbers game; it is a symbol of progress and sustainability. it is a blueprint for other cities to emulate, demonstrating that investing in green spaces is integral to building thriving, livable urban centers. with this growth, we are not just witnessing the birth of more parks, but also the emergence of a healthier, more vibrant society.

未经允许不得转载:考研网上 - 考研网上辅导班有用吗 > 2024考研英语(一)试题与具体解析!英语专业6级以上,较难翻译基础知...(2024考研英语二真题答案)




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