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  《读故事 记单词》考研英语词汇书
  the missing cat 失踪的猫
  christina and patrick baker stood outside their empty house. they watched the moving company work, packing the last of of the cardboard boxes into the large truck. they were ready to go, but their cat nutty was nowhere to be found. nutty had decided towithdrawand had hidden himself in thewoodsbehind his owner's house. now it was time to go, and his owners were beginning towonderwhere he was. the removal company wasn't willing to wait any more, so christina and patrick got into the truck. making a decision that wouldwrenchtheir hearts, they left cat behind.
  withdraw英 [wdr] 美 [wdr]
  v. (使) 撤回,撤离; 中止供给; (使) 退出
  woods英 [wdz] 美 [wdz]
  n. 木; 木头;木材; 木柴; 树林; 林地
  wonder英 [wnd(r)] 美 [wndr]
  v. 想晓得; 想弄理解; 揣摩; 感到惊奇; 非常惊奇;
  n. 惊奇; 惊奇; 惊叹; 奇迹; 奇事; 夸姣之处; 能人; 奇才;
  wrench英 [rent] 美 [rent]
  v. 猛拉; 猛扭; 猛拧; 扭伤;使苦楚,使非常哀痛
  n. 扳钳; 扳手; (分隔的) 苦楚,难过; 猛扭; 猛拉
  their new house, across the town from their old house, was a lot more beautiful. but, christina and patrick were not happy. nutty waswortha lot to them, and they missed him greatly. christina had given the cat as a present to patrick on their first christmas together. that day they laughed and laughed watching the small bundle for furwraphimself up in a bit ofwirethat he had got from their christmaswreath. he had wound himself up while wrestling with the wire and was now unable towithholdtheir love, and were beginning toworshipnutty, and the joy he brought to them.
  worth英 [wθ] 美 [wrθ]
  adj. 有…价值; 值…钱; 值得,有价值
  n. 价值; 意义; 作用
  wrap英 [rp] 美 [rp]
  v. 包,裹(礼物等); 用…包裹 用…环绕
  n.披肩,围巾; 包裹材料; 结束拍照,停机
  wire英 [wa(r)] 美 [war]
  n. 金属丝/线; 一段金属丝(或线); 电线; 导线; 铁丝网
  v. 用导线给(建筑物、设备等)接通电源; 将…联接到
  wreath英 [riθ] 美 [riθ]
  n. 花圈(用于祭拜); 花环(圣诞节时挂在门上); 花冠(荣誉的标志)
  withhold英 [whld] 美 [whold]
  v. 回绝给; 不给
  worship英 [wp] 美 [wrp]
  n. (对天主或神的) 崇拜,敬仰,礼拜; 崇拜; 尊敬; 倾慕
  v. 尊敬,崇拜(天主或神); 做礼拜
  unable towithstanda life without their favorite friend, the couple made a plan. they sat down towritea flyer. theywroteabout their missing cat, and taped a photo of nutty to the flyer. then they went toxeroxcopies of the flyer. they drove back to their old neighborhood, and stuck the flyer up on telephone poles and in the local stores.
  withstand英 [wstnd] 美 [wstnd]
  v. 承受; 抵住; 顶住; 饱尝住
  write英 [rat] 美 [rat]
  v. 书写; 写字; 写作; 作曲; 编写; 写信
  曩昔式wrote/ written
  xerox英 [zrks] 美 [zrɑks]
  v. 复印; 仿制
  sadly, the flyer did notyieldthe results they had been looking for. not one singlewitnessstepped forward to offer a word of information about their cat. however, a few days later they were outside of their new house when they heard a strange sound. they turned around and saw nutty running towards them meowing! somehow nutty had followed theirzigzagpath, across every majorzoneof the city, and made it to their home.
  yield英 [jild] 美 [jild]
  v. 出产; 发生; 供给; 屈从; 让步; 扔掉
  n. 产量; 产出; 获利
  witness英 [wtns] 美 [wtns]
  n. 目睹者; 见证人; 证人
  v. 当场看到, 目睹; 见证; 作证
  zigzag英 [zɡzɡ

] 美 [zɡzɡ]
  n. 锯齿形线条(或形状); 之字形;
  v. 曲折行进;
  adj. 锯齿形的; z字形的
  zone英 [zn] 美 [zon]
  n.区域,地带; (方案的) 区域,分区; 区域
  v. 将…划作特别区域; 将…分红区
  christina and patrick embraced their cat withzeal .of course the cat was awreckdue to the journey. someone or something hadwoundedhim. he lookedwretched, but they loved everywrinkle. they praised the cat for his bravely andwit. they hadn't found him, but he had found them!
  zeal英 [zil] 美 [zil]
  n. 热心; 热情
  wreck英 [rek] 美 [rek]
  n. 沉船; 严峻损毁的船; 遭严峻损坏的轿车(或飞机等) ; 遭到严峻损害的人
  v. 损坏; 损坏; 损坏; 消除; 使(船舶)失事; 使罹难; 使下沉
  wounded英 [wundd] 美 [wundd]
  adj. 受伤的; 挂彩的; 受损害的,伤员; 伤兵
  v. 使(身体)受伤; 损伤; 使(心灵)受伤; 伤豪情
  wretched英 [retd] 美 [retd]
  adj. 感到不适的; 难过的; 不开心的; 恶劣的; 不幸的; 凄惨的
  wrinkle英 [rkl] 美 [rkl]
  n. (尤指脸上的) 皱纹; 皱褶,皱痕;
  v. (使脸上) 起皱纹; 皱起; (使) 起皱褶
  wit英 [wt] 美 [wt]
  n. 遣词奇妙的才能; 诙谐; 机警诙谐的人
  了解力; 颖悟力; 脑筋; 智力;

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