
2019考研英语(二)大作文预测 大学生群体类




1。 大学毕业生 college graduates

2。大学生选择 undergraduates’ choices

3。 研究生 postgraduate

4。 全国硕士研究生入学考试the National Postgraduate Entrance Examination

5。 研究生考试报考人数the number of college students taking the postgraduate entrance examination

6。 上升on the rise

7。 下降decline

8。 随着经济和社会的发展along with economic and social development

9。 面临be confronted with

10。 激烈的竞争intense competition

11。 就业压力employment pressure

12。同龄人提出的巨大挑战great challenges posed by their peers

13。 继续深造continue one’s studies/pursue further education

14。 对学术很有热情have real enthusiasm for academic achievements

15。 愿意为学术发展献身be willing to dedicate oneself to the intellectual development

16。 获得硕士学位get a master degree

17。 为…做好准备make adequate preparations for…

18。 学业academic achievement

19。 学术研究academic research

20。 科学文化进步scientific and cultural progress


1。 越来越多的中国大学生选择参加研究生入学考试。

The number of college students who choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination is on the rise in China。

2。 随着经济和社会的发展,大学生面临着激烈的竞争和就业压力。

As economy and society develops, college graduates nowadays are confronted with a great deal of intense competition and employment pressure。

3。 大学生的同龄人给他们造成了巨大压力。

The peers of the undergraduates pose great challenges to them。

4。 大学生更愿意继续学习,提升自我竞争力。

College students prefer to continue their studies and enhance their competitiveness。

5。 一些大学生热爱学术研究。

A number of college students have real enthusiasm for academic research。

6。 大学生愿意也准备好了献身于文化和学术发展。

College students are willing and ready to dedicate themselves to the cultural and intellectual development。

7。 一些大学生决定继续深造。

Some of college students are determined to pursue further education。

8。 大学生想要读研,为未来的学术研究做好充分准备。

College graduates would like to get a master degree so as to make adequate preparations for their future academic researches。

9。 大学生选择考研有利于他们自身的学术成就发展。

As for college graduates, choosing to participate in the admission examination is beneficial for their educational attainments。

10。 大学生选择考研有利于社会的科学文化进步。

That college graduates decide to take the postgraduate entrance examination is conducive to the scientific and cultural progress of the society。



Write a short essay based on the following chart。 In your writing, you should:

1) interpret the chart and

2) give your comments

You should write at least 150 words

Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET。 (15 points)

What is illustrated in the chart clearly shows that changes have taken place with the number of undergraduates who choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination in China。 Based on the data given, generally speaking, we can see that the number of college students participating in the admission examination for graduates is on the rise especially from 2015 to 2018, jumping from over 1.6 million to approximately 2.4 million, despite the fact that there is a decline in the year 2014 and 2015。

The contributory factors accounting for this trend can mainly be summarized into two points。 First and foremost, along with economic and social development, college graduates nowadays are confronted with a great deal of intense competition and employment pressure as well as great challenges posed by their peers, thus they decide to continue their studies to enhance their competitiveness。 For another thing, indeed, a number of college students who have real enthusiasm for academic achievements are willing and ready to dedicate themselves to the cultural and intellectual development。 Hence they are determined to pursue further education and get a master degree so as to make adequate preparations for their future academic researches。

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that the increasing trend is bound to continue in the years to come。 From my perspective, it is a positive trend and should be encouraged, for it is not only beneficial for the educational attainments of college students but also conducive to the scientific and cultural progress of the society。

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