








1. University of California--Los Angeles

2. School of the Art Institute of Chicago

2. Yale University

4. Virginia Commonwealth University

5. California Institute of the Arts

5. Rhode Island School of Design

7. Carnegie Mellon University

8. Maryland Institute College of Art

8. University of Michigan

10. Alfred University--New York State College of Ceramics

10. Bard College

10. California College of the Arts

10. Columbia University

10. University of California--San Diego

15. Arizona State University

15. Art Center College of Design

15. Cranbrook Academy of Art

15. New School--Parsons School of Design

15. Pratt Institute15. University of California--Berkeley


1. Harvard University

2. Rhode Island School of Design

3. Stanford University

4. Year Brown University

5. The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

6. Rice University

7. University of Southern California

8. Yale University

9. University of Pennsylvania

10. Tufts University

11. Dartmouth College

12. Williams College

13. Washington University in St. Louis

14. Pomona College

15. New York University

16. College for Creative Studies

17. School of the Art Institute of Chicago

18. Bowdoin College

19. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

20. Vanderbilt University

21. Carnegie Mellon University

22. Cornell University

23. Amherst College

24. California Institute of the Arts

25. Pratt Institute


1. CUNY – Hunter College

2. Florida State University

3. University of Denver

4. School of Visual Arts

5. University of Florida

6. Michigan State University

7. University at Buffalo

8. The University of Texas – Dallas

9. Montclair State University

10. Pacific Northwest College of Art

11. Pratt Institute School of Art and Design

12. Rhode Island School of Design

13. Ringling College of Art and Design

14. The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

15. Yale University School of Art

16. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

17. Suffolk University New England School of Art and Design

18. CUNY – City College

19. Endicott College

20. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

以上三个关于美国艺术院校的排名具有相当的权威性。有关发布机构常年进行相关跟踪调查和评估,信息比较客观丰富,虽然由于评估项目、内容和方式以及侧重点有所不同,排名差距比较大,但却因此各具特色,是学生报考艺术院校的重要参考。例如,在Usnews.com排名中位于第5位,Niche.com排名中位于第2位,Rhode Island School of Design在gamedesigning.org排名中位于第12位,是为数不多的处于三个排名榜前列的艺术院校。当然,还有其它排名可以作参考,如,QS世界大学排名等。


考生在大致确定意向学校之后应该认真仔细浏览阅读各相关院校的基本情况和专业特色信息,例如,学校概况、教学资源、专业水平、招生政策、就业前景和学费及生活费等并根据自己的情况决定是否报考。下面以视觉艺术学校(School of Visual Arts)为例进行简单说明,以为有兴趣的考生提供参考。

1. 有关评估机构关于SchoolofVisualArts的基本信息

根据niche.om在其网站上发布的信息,视觉艺术学校(School of Visual Arts),位于纽约市曼哈顿区,属于营利性学校,其研究生规模比较小,研究生注册人数676名。研究生课程共有13个类别,全部为面授课程,不进行网上授课。该校最受欢迎的研究生课程依次是摄影、计算机图形、工作室艺术和设计与视觉传播等。该校还有12%的在职研究生。

2. 视觉艺术学校关于该校研究生招生的基本信息2.1 视觉艺术学校简介:


2.2 视觉论文插画(艺术硕士)系(MFA Illustration as Visual Essay)简介:







三. 深入挖掘相关院校研究生招生的具体程序和要求等信息

在确定了所要报考的院校之后,应该对报考程序和要求等具体招生信息进行认真仔细地研读,以便确定是否有资格和能力进行报考,并进行模拟申报等。下面继续以视觉艺术学校(School of Visual Arts)为例,进行相关的说明。

1. 视觉艺术学校视觉论文插画(艺术硕士)课程招生的一般要求


2. 视觉艺术学校视觉论文插画(艺术硕士)课程的具体招生程序和要求


2.1 Application andFee(申请和费用)

All graduate applicants are required to complete the online application form and submit the nonrefundable $80 application fee. (所有研究生申请者必须填写在线申请表,并提交不可退还的80美元申请费。)

You must enter valid credit card information in order to submit the online application.你必须输入有效的信用卡信息才能提交在线申请。

2.2 Statement of Purpose(目的陈述)

Applicants must submit a Statement of Purpose (250-500 words) describing their reason for pursuing graduate study. (申请人必须提交一份目的陈述(250-500字),说明进行研究生学习的原因。)

Online submission is available through the online application. After you submit your application, you will have access to a checklist to upload materials like the Statement of Purpose. (在线提交可通过在线申请进行。提交申请后,你将能够获得一份检查清单,以便上传目的陈述等材料。)

2.3. Résumé/CV(摘要/简历)

Applicants must submit a Résumé, which should include professional experience as well as related activities such as research, awards and exhibitions. (申请人必须提交简历,其中应包括专业经验和研究、奖励和展览等相关活动。)

2.4 Letters of Recommendation(推荐信)

Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation from instructors or practicing professionals. (申请人须提交导师或执业专业人员的三封推荐信。)

Online submission is available through the online application. Applicants will be required to provide the email address and contact information for their references. A "Send Email" button for each recommendation is provided to send the online form to the email address you provided for your recommender. (在线提交可通过在线申请进行。申请人需要提供推荐人的电子邮件地址和联系信息。每封推荐信都提供有"发送电子邮件"按钮以将在线表格发送到你所提供的推荐人的电子邮件地址。)

Note: The School of Visual Arts does not provide letter of recommendation forms. (注:视觉艺术学校不提供推荐信表格。)

2.5 Official Transcripts(正式成绩单)

Applicants must submit official transcripts from each college or university they’ve attended. In order to be considered official, transcripts must come directly from the institution(s). (申请人必须提交他们所曾就学的每所大学的正式成绩单。成绩单必须直接来自所就学机构,以作为正式成绩单。)

Please Note: Unofficial transcripts, screenshots or PDFs emailed by applicants do not fulfill this requirement. There are no exceptions to this policy. Please follow the guidelines below. (请注意:如果申请人通过电子邮件发送非正式成绩单、屏幕截图或PDF文件则不符合此项要求。此政策没有例外。请遵循以下准则。)

2.5.1 Electronic Transcripts(电子成绩单)

SVA accepts secure electronic transcripts from Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse and Credentials Solutions. (SVA接受来自羊皮纸网、国家学生信息交换所和证书解决方案网的安全的电子成绩单。)

Check with the registrar’s office at your institution to see if your school issues its own digital transcripts or if it’s a member of any of the organizations mentioned above. (Important Note: Please be sure that all electronic transcript submissions are directed to “Graduate Admissions” at ….) (请向你所在机构的注册办公室查询了解你的学校是否发布自己的数字成绩单,或者该校是否为上述任何机构的成员。(重要说明:请确保所有电子成绩单的提交事项直接发往"研究生招生办"--….。)

2.5.2 Mailing Transcripts(邮寄成绩单)

Transcripts may also be submitted in an unopened envelope that is stamped and sealed by the college registrar of the issuing institution. (成绩单也可以通过由发布机构的大学注册人员盖章封签的并且未启封的信封提交。)

2.5.3 Special Notes(特别说明)

Pending acceptance, all graduate applicants currently enrolled in school for their Bachelor's degrees for the Spring or Summer 2020 semesters are required to submit verification of graduation before they attend SVA. (在录取前,所有目前在学的2020年春季或夏季学期学士学位的研究生申请人都必须在SVA入学之前提交毕业证书。)

All transcripts from foreign institutions must be officially translated into English and U.S. grading equivalencies. For more information, see the below accordion. (外国教育机构的所有成绩单必须正式翻译成英文和美国同等分数等级。有关详细信息,请参阅下面的说明。

2.5.4 Transcripts or Academic Records from Foreign Institutions(外国机构的成绩单或学术记录)

Applicants who have academic documents from institutions outside of the U.S. are required to provide original, attested or certified true copies of academic records for all institutions attended. These records should be in the original language issued. (持有美国境外机构学术文件的申请人必须提供所有所就学机构的学术记录的原始的、经证明或认证的原件副本。这些记录应以原件语言发布。)

Please Note: SVA does not review PDFs or screenshots sent directly via email from applicants.(请注意:SVA 不会审核直接从申请人通过电子邮件发送的PDF或屏幕截图。)

2.5.5 Records Not in English(非英文记录)

For records not in English, applicants must also submit an official translation of all academic documents. Translations must be a complete, literal, word-for-word translation in the same format of the original academic document. (关于非英文记录,申请人还必须提交所有学术文件的正式翻译。翻译必须是与原始学术文档格式相同的完整的、原文的、逐字的翻译。)

All foreign post-secondary (university level) transcripts should be converted into U.S. educational equivalencies. Those records that are not converted into U.S. equivalencies must be evaluated by an external evaluation agency. The evaluation should be course-by-course and include: (所有外国中学后(大学水平)的成绩单应转换为美国教育的同等项目。未转换为美国同等级别的记录必须由外部评估机构进行评估。评估应按课程进行,包括:)

Name of educational institution (教育机构名称)

Country where institution is located (机构所在地的国家/地区)

Length of study (学习时间)

U.S. educational equivalent (two-year or four-year college) (美国教育同等学历(两年或四年大学))

Courses studied per academic year (每学年所学课程)

Conversion of grades/marks/final examination results into equivalent U.S. grades of A, B, C, D or F for each course evaluated (将评估的每个课程的等级/分数/期末考试成绩转换为美国同等级别的A、B、C、D或F等)

Total credits earned (所获总学分)

Conversion of course hours into U.S. semester hours of credit (将课程学时转换为美国学分的学期学时)

Cumulative grade point average (GPA) on a 4-point scale (累积平均成绩分数(GPA)为4 分制)

U.S. degree equivalent (美国同等学位)

The School of Visual Arts should be listed as the recipient of the evaluation. Transcripts may take up to six weeks to be evaluated. The original academic records must be submitted in addition to the evaluation. (视觉艺术学校应被列为评审的接受者。成绩单评估可能需要长达六周的时间完成。除评估外,原始学术记录也必须提交。)

The School of Visual Arts strongly recommends that international academic records be evaluated by either of the following approved external evaluation agencies:(视觉艺术学校强烈建议由下列经批准的外部评估机构之一对国际学术记录进行评估:)

Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE): Course-by-course evaluations for college transcripts.(教育证书评估员(ECE):按课程评估大学成绩单。)

World Education Services (WES): Course-by-course evaluations for college

transcripts. (世界教育服务(WES):按课程评估大学成绩单。)

2.6 English Proficiency(英语水平)

In addition to the general application requirements, international applicants whose primary/native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in written and spoken English. The following are acceptable ways to demonstrate English proficiency: (除了一般的申请要求外,一语/母语为非英语的国际申请人必须展示书面和口语水平。以下是展示英语水平的可接受方法:)

2.6.1 A minimum score* of 100 (internet-based or paper-delivered) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).((基于互联网或纸质)英语作为外语考试(托福)最低分数*100。)

Please note this means a composite score for a single test date. We are not accepting MyBEST TOEFL scores. (请注意,这是指单次考试日期的综合分数。我们不接受我最好的托福分数。)

2.6.2 A minimum score of 8.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). (国际英语语言测试系统(雅思)最低分数为8.0。)

2.6.3 A minimum score of 9 in all categories of the English proficiency examination administered by the New York University American Language Institute in New


2.6.4 A minimum score of 68 on the Pearson PTE Academic.(培生学术英语考试,最低分数为68分。)

2.6.5 Requirement Waivers(要求豁免)sider waiving the English proficiency exam requirement for students who have earned a degree at a regionally accredited U.S. college or university. Students seeking this waiver must submit a written request with their application materials. (SVA将考虑豁免在区域内获得认证的美国学院或大学获得学位的学生的英语水平考试要求。寻求豁免的学生必须提交书面申请及其申请材料。)

2.7 Department Requirements (视觉论文插画(艺术硕士)系要求)

2.7.1 Portfolio(作品集)

Applicants must upload their portfolio to the Graduate Admissions SlideRoom account. To create an account and for further instructions, visit the SlideRoom Portal. SlideRoom will allow you to create an inventory of works with the following information for each file: title, date, medium, dimensions or running time, and optional notes. (申请人必须将其作品集上传到研究生招生办的图像收集室帐户。若要创建帐户和详尽说明,请访问图像收集室门户。图像收集室将允许你为每个文件创建包含以下信息的作品清单:标题、日期、介质、规格或运行时间以及可选备注。)

The portfolio requirements for SlideRoomare:(图像收集室的作品集要求如下:)15–20 still images in JPEG format, not to exceed 5MB each in file size. (15~20 张JPEG格式的静态图像,每个图像大小不超过5MB。)Application portfolios will be viewed on a 1280x800 resolution screen. Files should be sized approximately 1280x800 pixels at a resolution of 72dpi. (申请人的作品集将在1280x800 分辨率的屏幕上查看。文件的规格应约为1280x800像素,分辨率为72dpi。)

2.7.2 Writing Sample(写作样本)

Applicants are also required to submit a typed writing sample between 500 and 1,000 words long. Content is at the discretion of the applicant. (申请人还必须提交一份500至1000字的打字写作样本。内容由申请人自行决定。)

2.7.3 Additional Skills(其它技能)

Applicants should be proficient in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. (申请人应精通 Adobe Illustrator和Photoshop。)

2.7.4 Interview(面试)

Personal interviews conducted remotely are available, but not required. (可远程进行个人面试,但并非规定要求。)


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

未经允许不得转载:考研网上 - 考研网上辅导班有用吗 > 准备留学美国的艺术研究生考生应自主研读有关招生信息并自主申报




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