





Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation on theANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

We tend to think that friends and family members are our biggest sources ofconnection, laughter and warmth. While that may well be true, researchers havealso recently found that interacting with strangers actually brings a boost inmood and feelings of belong that we didn’t expect.

In our series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago area co妹妹utesusing public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone near them.On average, participants who followed the instruction felt better than those whohad been told to stand or sit in silence. Theresearchers also argued that whenwe shy away from casual interaction with strangers, it is often due to amisplaced anxiety that they might not want to talk to us. Much of the time,however, this belief is false. As it turns out, many people are actuallyperfectly willing to talk—and may even be flattered to receive yourattention.





1.We tend to think that friends and family members are our biggest sourcesof connection, laughter and warmth.


本句骨干为主谓宾布局,主语是We, 谓语是复合谓语tend to think,厥后的that指导宾语从句,依照次序翻译便可。宾语从句中包括着一个主系表布局,主语是friends and familymembers,系动词是are,表语为sources,介词短语of connection, laughter andwarmth中为三个并列的名词,成份较短,可以调解到润饰的名词sources进步行前置翻译。




2.While that may well be true, researchers have also recently found thatinteracting with strangers actually brings a boost in mood and feelings ofbelong that we didn’t expect.


本句分成两个部门理解,第一部门While指导妥协状语从句,翻译时可以处置成联系关系词“虽然...可是...”;第二部门为主谓宾布局,主语是researchers,谓语是have found,厥后的that指导宾语从句,宾语从句为主谓宾布局,主语是动词短语interacting withstrangers,谓语动词是brings, 宾语是a boost, 介词短语in mood and feelings作宾语aboost的后置定语,介词短语分成两部门,此中of belong作名词feelings的后置定语,最后的that指导定语从句,先行名词为feelings ofbelong, 充任定语从句的宾语。



3.In our series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago area co妹妹utesusing public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone nearthem.


句子骨干为主谓宾布局,主语是researchers,谓语是instructed,宾语是co妹妹utes,如今分词短语using publictransportation作co妹妹utes的后置定语,to strike up a conversation为instruct sb. to dosth.中的动词不定式表目标,介词短语with someone near them作陪伴状语。



4.On average, participants who followed the instruction felt better thanthose who had been told to stand or sit in silence.


句子骨干为主系表布局,主语是 participants,系动词是 felt,表语是better,厥后接了一个比力布局betterthan...。主语participants后who指导定语从句,先行名词participants充任定语从句的主语,比力布局betterthan后的those为批示代词,代指前面的名词participants,批示代词those后接了一个who指导的定语从句,先行名词those作定语从句的主语,定语从句中包括一个被动语态beentold,介词短语in silence作动词stand or sit的后置定语。



5. Theresearchers also argued that when we shy away from casual

interactionwith strangers, it is often due to a misplaced anxiety that they might not wantto talk to us.


本句分为两个部门,第一部门骨干为主谓宾布局,主语是researchers,谓语是argued,厥后的that指导宾语从句,宾语从句中包括一个由when指导的时候状语从句,从句为主谓布局,主语是we,动词短语shy away from作复合谓语。句子第二部门为it充任的情势主语,真实的主语是that指导的主语从句。



6. Much of the time, however, this belief is false. As it turns out, manypeople are actually perfectly willing to talk—and may even be flattered toreceive your attention.


本句分为两个部门,第一部门比力简略,骨干为主系表布局,主语是this belief,系动词是is,表语是false。句子第二部门为并列谓语,共用了主语many people,第一个谓语是系动词are, 毗连词组be willing to dosth,第二个谓语是被动语态be flattered,两个谓语后面都加之了动词不定式to do 作目标状语。


未经允许不得转载:考研网上 - 考研网上辅导班有用吗 > 2021年考研英语二翻译解析(哈尔滨新东方)




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