


why did you choose our university?firstly, it provides high-quality computer-related knowledge and a good academic atmosphere. secondly, i think changsha is a beautiful city and full of enthusiasm and opportunities. i hope to learn from teachers here to realize the value of my life.(良好的学术氛围。其次,我认为长沙是一个美丽的城市,充满了热情和机遇。我希望向这里的老师学习,以实现我生命的价值)1.what is your plan in the postgraduate study? /how do you plan to study for your graduate program?
first, i will try my best to learn the theoretical knowledge and make a foundation for my further study. second, if time permits, i will find some practice(实习) which is related to computer so that i can put the theory into practice. third, i will participate in some competitions and activities to broaden knowledge.我会尽力学习理论知识,为进一步学习奠定基础。其次,如果时间允许,我会找到一些与计算机有关的练习(实践),这样我就可以将理论付诸实践。第三,我将参加一些比赛和活动,以扩大知识1.do you contact with teacher?
i have made contact with zhang jian ming teacher. i am interested in his research direction. 首先我认为它会对人们的生活有着重要的影响;其次,也是我非常感兴趣的研究方向。1.what is your habit?
i like playing basketball, for this sport not only strength my body and my mind, but also enable me to realize the importance of team spirit.不仅可以增强我的体魄和内心,还能让我意识到团队精神的重要性。1.why do you choose to further your study instead of going to work after graduation?(对知识的需求和职业目标的需要)
first of all, i hope to meet the challenges in the future with adequate preparation. meanwhile, choosing to take part in this entrance exam is a great exercise in academic and mental1.why do you choose to majored in communications engineering/software engineering instead of your prior major?(真心喜欢,分为熏陶,目标院校的吸引)
first of all, i really like this major. second, i believe that the potential of this major in the future is great. if there is a chance, i would like to conduct a phd study after three years of hard work.1.what is your greatest strength?
i have a strong sense of teamwork and can be a good listener and adviser. i wish to contribute my great efforts to our team both academically and in life.1.what is your greatest weakness?
i am an efficiency-oriented person, i will finish it as soon as possible if i have a task, this also causes me to be unable to deal well with things outside of work, but i will try to change because it is also part of a person’s abilities.1.how do you feel about your progress to date?
i think this is inseoarable from my down-to-earth,but i am still not doing enough.i hope that i can make more change in the postgraduate study.我认为这与我的脚踏实地是分不开的,但是我做的还远远不够,我希望在研究生阶段的学习中有更大的改变。1.about hometown
i come from linfen city, shanxi province, my hometown is a beautiful place, simple folkway, people live and work in peace. the diet is mainly pasta, there are hundreds of kinds of pasta; shanxi old vinegar and fen liquor are very famous things on our side1.about family
there are three people in my family, my parents and i. our family has been railroad workers for generations. their love of the cause has deeply affected me. they always told me that whatever i do, i try my best. during my preparation, my parents’ support and encouragement have been the biggest motivator along the way, and i hope i can repay them twice as much in the future.1.about university
my university is very beautiful. it is an old school in hunan. the learning atmosphere in the library is very strong.teachers are very responsible, no matter what difficulties i encountered in college, they patiently assisted me. in short, the aim of every school is to make students better, so i love my university very much.1.plans in your postgraduate study!
first i hope that i can solidify my knowledge system, and then focus on the field of interests. this can help to lay a solid foundation for my study during my master’s degree and even phd.1.why you do not know how to answer the qusetion:
um, i guess i am not sure about this question. i will have a check after this interview or consult other people. i deeply understand there is still much room for improvement in my english, so i will keep working on it.1.“what can you tell me about yourself?”
(我是一个积极乐观的人,相信任何困难都能够克服;不管结果怎么样,我永远相信过程大于结果。)i am a positive and optimistic person who believes that any difficulty can be overcome; no matter what the outcome, i always believe that the process is greater than the result.1.“what would you like to be doing five years after graduation?”
(如果有可能我希望可以继续攻读博士学位或者出国留学,之后到大学任教或者找一份专业相关的工作。)f possible, i would like to continue my phd or study abroad, then go to the university to teach or find a professional related job.1.what would you like to be doing three years after graduation?
(我希望从基层做起,在心智,学业上好好沉淀自己)i want to start at the grassroots level and make myself more stable in my mind and academically1.what has been your greatest accomplishment?
(学业上,和老师一起做项目并且发表了一篇学术论文;课余生活中,写过团风大赛的剧本,获得表演二等奖)academically, i worked on a project with my teacher and published an academic paper. in my spare time, i wrote the script of the league wind competition, and won the second prize for acting1.tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem.
(上信号与系统的课时,用简单的例子解释了卷积的含义)on the signal and system hours, i explained the meaning of convolution with a simple example.1.tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. how did you get all of your work done?
(在大三下学期备考期间,每天列作息表,合理安排上课和看书的时间)plan my schedule every day during the preparation period, and arrange the time of class and reading reasonably1.what kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?
(和极度内向的人一起工作时,很希望能够帮到他,但是交流起来经常会遇到困难)when working with extremely introverted people, i’d love to be able to help him, but i often get into trouble communicating.1.what are some of the things you find difficult to do?
(学习资源很稀缺,在没有理论基础时,想法上容易天方夜谭,很浮夸)learning resources are scarce, and in the absence of a theoretical basis, ideas are easy to be impractical1.how would you evaluate me as an interviewer?
(经常做一些模拟面试,锻炼自己的临场发挥和对问题的应急处理)often do some mock interviews, exercise their own on-field play and the emergency treatment of the problem1.how do you handle rejection?
(起初,会有一些小抱怨,但是渐渐的,我觉得拒绝反而是一种变相的激励,可以更清楚地知道自己的问题,更好的解决)at first, there will be some small complaints, but gradually, i think rejection is a disguised incentive, can more clearly know their own problems.1.what is the worst thing you have heard about our school?
(今年报考人数以及高分都很多,面试将会是一次很大的挑战)there are a lot of high marks this year, so the interview will be a big challenge. but, it is also a fair competition.1.which?kind?of?professor?do?you?like?best?
(我最喜欢和同学交流的教授)i like professors who are good at communicating with my classmates.1.what?does?friendship?mean?to?you?and?what?kind?of?people?do?you?make?friend?with?
(遇到困难时,第一时间送上心灵的慰藉的人;我喜欢和性格开朗的人交朋友)when you are in trouble, send comfort in the first place; i like to make friends with optimistic people1.what?impressed?you?most?when?you?were?at?university
(竞选班长的时候,三个候选人,我全票通过)when i ran for monitor, three candidates, i voted all over.1.what?difficulties?do?you?think?you’ll?encounter?in?your?studies?
(当学习一门新课程时,上手可能会比较慢,但是只要有合理的规划,勤于思考一定可以克服)when learning a new course, it may be slower to get started, but it can be overcome as long as there is reasonable planning.1.if?there?were?an?opportunity?of?studying?abroad,?what?would?you?do?
(我很希望可以有出国学习的机会,我会充分准备,语言上,经济上,我会用课余时间去做兼职。)i very much hope that i can have the opportunity to study abroad, i will be fully prepared, in language and economic, i will use my spare time to do part-time job.1.should?you?study?more?theory?or?d

(我希望学习更多的理论知识,因为实践都是建立在充足的理论基础上的,所以我会充分利用研究生阶段的时间,学习更多的专业知识 )i hope to learn more theoretical knowledge, because practice is based on sufficient theory, so i will make full use of the graduate stage time, learn more professional knowledge
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