


不多说,想考研拿分的,自觉管好自己,背写会这几天发的#考研写作复习每日一篇# ,考研写作,你不会失望。

52. directions:
write an essay of160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay you should
1) describe thedrawing briefly
2) explain itsintended meaning, and
3) give yourcomments
you should writeneatly on answer sheet2.(20 points)

thisis a simple but enlightening cartoon: beside an over-turned bottle stands a pessimistic guy, with great disappointment/desperationon his face, uttering a remark: “oh, it’s over/all screwed up!”; however,the other youngster stoops down to pick up the bottle, with great joy and excitement, commenting: “nice, there is still something left!” although it is the same bottle, these two guys’ attitudestotally differ.
asa matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the importance of keeping an optimisticmind. such a scenario can be naturally associated with a host of successful individuals, and this success is best characterized by their optimism. to my understanding, optimismcan be likened to a journey, which leads to success. a case in point is lin dan. asa vital quality, optimism brings him power, arouses his enthusiasm for competition and helps him to gain/acquire victories. however, today, an increasing number of teenagers lose confidence in front of difficulties. this trend is particularly worth concern for the social background that they focus eyesight merely on hazards/adversities, ignoring the hope behind difficulties. it is their pessimism that leads them to lose opportunities in competition.
asa youngster, i am convinced that it is of great necessity to cultivate a positive attitude towards life. for one thing, the society as a whole should forge a wholesome atmosphere to appreciate and advocate facing setbacks with optimistic minds. foranother, it is advisable for youngsters to enhance their confidence by acquiring more knowledge, competence and skills. do bear in mind: no optimism, no success.



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