


??本系列考研材料为我们收拾了考研英语长难句分析——精选考研英语真题例句,进行规划解析、语句翻译和词汇攻略,帮你读懂长难句,拿下考研英语!更多长难句材料,重视大众号:kaoyanyo,发送要害词:长难句。section 1 use of englishdirections:read the following text. choose the best word(s) for each numbered lank and mark a, в, c or d on answer sheet 1. (10 points)section iireading comprehensionpart a ,directions:read the following four texts. answer the questions below each text by choosing a, b, c, or d. mark your answers on answer sheet 1.(40 points)text 2with the global population predicted to hit close to 10 billion by 2050, and forecasts that agricultural production in, some regions will need to nearly double to keep pace, food security is increasingly making headlines. in the uk,it has become a big talking point recently too, for rather particular reason brexit.brexit is seen by some as an opportunity to reverse a recent trend towards the uk importing food. the country produces only about 60 percent of the food it eats, down from almost three-quarters in the late 1980s. a move backto self-sufficiency, the argument goes, would boost the farming industry,political sovereignty and even the nation's s health. sounds great-but howfeasible is this vision?according to a report on uk food production from the university of leeds, uk,85 per cent of the country's total land area is associated with meat and dairy production. that supplies 80 per cent of what is consumed, so even covering the whole country in livestock farms wouldn't allow us to cover all our meat and dairy needs.but switching to a mainly plant-based diet wouldn't help. there is a good reason why the uk is dominated by animal husbandry: most of it

s terrain doesn't have the right soil or climate to grow crops on a commercial basis.just 25 percent of the county' s land is suitable for crop-growing, most of which is already occupied by arable fields.even if we converted all the suitable land to fields of fruit and veg which would involve taking out all the nature reserves and removing thousands of people from their homes - we would achieve only a 30percent boost in crop production.just 23 percent of the fruit and vegetables consumed in the uk are currently home-grown, so even with the most extreme measures we could meet only 30 percent of our fresh produce needs. that is before we look for the space togrow the grains, sugars, seeds and oils that provide us with the vast bulk of our current calorie intake.26.some people argue that food self-sufficient in uk woulda. be hindered by its population groundb. become a priority of governmentc. pose a challenge to its farming industryd. contribute to the nation's well-being27. the report by the university of leeds shows that in the uka. farmland has been inefficiently utilizedb. factory-style production needs reformingc. most land is used for meat and dairy productiond. more green fields will be converted for farming28. crop-growing in the uk is restricted due toa. its farming technologyb. its dietary traditionc. its natural conditionsd. its commercial interests29. it can be learned from the last paragraph that british people.a. rely largely on imports for fresh produceb. enjoy a steady rise in fruit consumptionc. are seeking effective ways to cut calorie intaked. are trying to grow new varieties of grains30.the author's attitude to food self-sufficient in the uk isa. defensiveb. doubtfulc. tolerantd. optimistic以上就是考研英语材料:2021年考研英语(二)真题及答案解析之阅览2,为我们收拾了考研英语长难句分析——精选考研英语真题例句,进行规划解析、语句翻译和词汇攻略,帮你读懂长难句,拿下考研英语!更多长难句材料,重视大众号:kaoyanyo,发送要害词:长难句。????

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