
theplastic-freefuture究竟是什么样子的未来——老夏考研每日...(theplastic surgeon)


对于同一个问题,不同的文化解决的方案不尽相同。比如,“禁塑”这个问题曾在试题写作中出现。如果你写一篇以此为题的文章,会如何解决塑料污染的问题?那么在英语文化中,除了法律还有那些呢?我能一起看看今天的文章。老夏考研“每日一题”今天内容选材于“卫报”文章。文章标题为“phasing out packaging: back to the plastic-free future”(逐步淘汰包装:回到无塑料的未来)。今天给的是个阅读理解单选题。请大家先做题吧?......【题目】in the author’s view, the waitrose’s scheme ca

n be best described as ???[a]?original.[b]adverse.[c]?ambitious.[d]?effective.【试题】①what until recently would have looked like a bizarre throwback to an old-fashioned high street is, at a waitrose?branch in oxford, now at food retail’s cutting edge.?②the supermarket has unveiled a scheme that follows the example of a growing number of independent eco-grocers, but could, given its scale, have a much bigger impact if successful.?③it is possible that rising awareness of the scale and effects of plastic pollution could lead to significant changes in shopping habits over time, if initiatives like waitrose’s were to become widespread.?④but the seriousness of the pollution problem means there isn’t time to wait and see.?⑤environmental regulation is needed urgently – it took the government’s introduction of a 5p levy on plastic bags to cut their use by 85%. ?【参考译文】①what until recently would have looked like a bizarre throwback to an old-fashioned high street is, at a waitrose branch in oxford, now at food retail’s cutting edge.?直到最近也许看起来像奇怪复古返璞回到老式商业街的东西,目前在waitrose超市牛津分店正成为食品零售业的前沿阵地。②the supermarket has unveiled a scheme that follows the example of a growing number of independent eco-grocers, but could, given its scale, have a much bigger impact if successful.?超市公布了一项效仿越来越多独立生态杂货商的计划,但是,考虑到其规模,如果计划成功,可能产生更大的影响。③it is possible that rising awareness of the scale and effects of plastic pollution could lead to significant changes in shopping habits over time, if initiatives like waitrose’s were to become widespread.?有这样的可能性:如果像waitrose计划一样的创意广为传开,那么人们对塑料污染规模和影响的越来越强认知会导致人们购物习惯的重大变化。④but the seriousness of the pollution problem means there isn’t time to wait and see. 但污染问题的严重性意味着没有时间再等等看了。⑤environmental regulation is needed urgently – it took the government’s introduction of a 5p levy on plastic bags to cut their use by 85%..??迫切需要的是环境监管 —— 政府对塑料袋征收5便士的税后,以减少了85% 的塑料袋的使用量。点击视频,老夏给你精讲答案!the plastic-free future究竟是什么样子的未来?——老夏考研每日一题(20)更多题目可搜小程序“词邦”,或关注新浪微博:老夏考研。

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