



as is vividly described in the drawing, a college
student is sitting in front of a computer. surprisingly, in the computer’s
course-selecting system appear two courses: one has little homework, and can be
easily passed, while the other focuses on imparting new knowledge and emphasizing
innovation, but is difficult to learn. simple as the picture is, the symbolic
meaning of it is thought-provoking.

obviously, the drawing symbolically reveals a common
phenomenon among us college students: choosing the right course is of increasing
importance. what exactly contributes to this phenomenon? to begin with, registering
for a course which can bring us up-to-date information and inspire innovation
ability will contribute to the rapid and sound development of knowledge. in
addition, the education that we have received has taught us to make wise choices
when facing big moments in our life. and college courses are no exception. were
there no right choices of courses, never would we taste the fruits of college
learning in our career life.

on the basis of the factors mentioned above, we can
safely draw a conclusion that choosing the right course is of great
significance for college students. mass media, such as radio, television an

the internet, targeting college students, should make every effort to advocate
this idea. only in this way can we enjoy an effective and efficient college
learning. (223 words)????

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