


2021年考研英语(一)详解text 1
1、the author holds that this year’s increase in rail passengers fares ______.(观念情绪)
2、the stockbroker?in paragraph 2 is used to stand for?______.(指代)
3、it is indicated in paragraph 3?that train operators?______.(paragraph 3中心,indicate)
4、if unable to?calm down passengers, the railways may have to face _____.(paragraph 3中心)
5、which of the following would be the best title for the text?(中心主旨)
从(1)中看到这篇文章是关于this year’s increase in rail passengers fares的这件事,是这篇文章的“起”,从(3)、(4)中说到是联络到这件事好坏有关的两边:train operators,passenger;在(2)中stockbroker代表的是与这篇文章有关的人或事,stockbroker是人,所以它代表的可所以“train operators ”or “passenger”。在政治正确的当下,在题干(1)中作者的情绪是对立铁路乘客票价的上涨。文本的最佳标题也就是中心,是(5)的可选项:对立铁路乘客票价的上涨。
21. the author holds that this year’s increase in rail passengers fares ______.作者认为,本年铁路乘客票价的上涨
a. will ease train operators’ burden将会减轻列车运营商的担负吗
b. has kept pace with inflation跟上了通货胀大的脚步
c. is a big surprise to commuters这对通勤者来说是一个很大的惊喜吗
d. remains an unreasonable measure仍然是一种不合理的办法
22. the stockbroker?in paragraph 2 is used to stand for ______.第2段中的股市生意人被用来代表
a. car drivers
b. rail travelers
c. local investors
d. ordinary taxpayers
23. it is indicated in paragraph 3 that train operators ______.第3段指出火车运营者
a. are offering compensation to commuters
b. are trying to repair relations with the unions
c.?have failed to provide an adequate service
d. have suffered huge losses owing to the strikes
24. if unable to calm down passengers, the railways may have to face ______.假定无法抚慰乘客,铁路可以不得不面临
a. the loss of investment对出资的丢掉
b. the collapse of operations行为的溃散
c. a reduction of revenue削减收入
d. a change of ownership一切权的改动
25. which of the following would be the best title for the text?以下哪一项将是文本的最佳标题
a. who are to blame for the strikes?谁要为停工担任
b. constant complaining doesn’t work不断诉苦没用
c. can nationalisation bring hope?国有化能带来期望吗
d. ever-rising fares aren’t sustainable是不可以持续的
stock?[st?k] n.股份,股市;库存;树干;家畜(stick)
manipulate the stock market操作股市商场;
employ [?m?pl??] vt.招聘;,
employer [?m?pl???(r)] n.雇主,老板; 雇佣者;
employee [?m?pl??i:] n.雇工,雇员,职工;
21. the author holds that this year’s increase in rail passengers fares?______.作者认为,本年铁路乘客票价的上涨
a. will ease train operators’ burden将会减轻列车运营商的担负吗
b. has kept pace with inflation跟上了通货胀大的脚步
c. is a big surprise to commuters这对通勤者来说是一个很大的惊喜吗
d. remains an unreasonable measure仍然是一种不合理的标准
我是这样想的:从题干中 “increase in rail passengers fares”可定位到首句.反问句,“列车营运商如何能为铁路客运票价的再次上涨辩解?”,来者不善;2句中有grimly,可以提出答案是“d. remains an unreasonable measure”“本年车费上涨仍然是一种不合理的标准”,从 but it is still well above the official consumer price index (cpi) measure of inflation中止定了答案就是d.这儿的but是标明递进。近年的试题,but标明递进的比表转机的多。
how can the train operators possibly justify yet another increase to rail?passenger?fares? it has become a grimly?reliable?annual ritual: every january the cost of travelling by train rises, imposing a significant?extra burden on those who have no option but to use the rail network to get to work?or otherwise. this year’s rise, an average of 2.7 percent, may be a fraction?lower than last year’s,?but?it is still well above?the official consumer price index (cpi) measure?of inflation.
★justify [?d??st?fa?] 证明…是合理的(just正确,;-ify……化)
reliable [r??la??bl] adj.可信赖的(li绑缚,联合,捆绑+able……的;)(li=tie,bind,改邪归正xuán yá lè mǎ)
liability [?la???b?l?ti]责任, 责任
ally [??la? ][with]使结盟
rely [r??la?]依靠, 依托(re再次+ly=li绑缚)
ritual [?r?t?u?l]n.(宗教等的)典礼; 例行公务,老规则
(to force sb/sth to have to deal with sth that is difficult or unpleasant 迫使;把…强加于)
fraction [?fr?k?n]n.[数]分数; 一小有些(frac=break,b,p, f通假)
inflation?[?n?fle??n] n.胀大; 通货胀大;(in- ,b,p, f通假)
inflationary [?n?fle???nri] adj.通货胀大的; 通货胀大倾向的
inflate [?n?fle?t]使充气(于轮胎、气球等); (使)胀大; (使)通货胀大; 物价上涨;
(in=into; flat=blow);flag[fl?ɡ] n.旗(红旗由风而飘) banner方针明标志性的旗号
(2008年考研阅览text.4)the three-fifths formula handed jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the electoral college。一个奴隶计作五分之三个选民的规则使南边各州在总统推举团中的票数添加,然后使杰斐逊在1800年的总统推举中险胜。
22. the stockbroker in paragraph 2 is used to stand for ______.第2款中的股市生意人被用来代表
a. car drivers
b. rail travelers
c. local investors
d. ordinary taxpayers
从1段中看到这篇文章是关于this year’s increase in rail passengers fares的这件事,从3题、4题中说到是联络到这件事好坏有关的两边:train operators,passenger;本题中stockbroker代表的是与这篇文章有关的人或事,stockbroker是人,所以它代表的可所以“train operators ”or “passenger”。本段的老迈是:历届政府都答应这种添加,理由是出资和运营铁路网的费用应由运用铁路网的人而不是一般交税人承担,是承。the cost of investing in and running the rail network should be borne by those?who use it。who use it= passenger;后边是例子,跟着老迈走的。?commute of a stockbroker 是偏正规划,生意人代表的是passenger。
考的是期间中心,出资和运营铁路网的费用应由乘客担负,从逻辑上分析,stockbroker就是passenger。答案:b. rail travelers
successive?governments have permitted such increases on the grounds?that the cost of investing in?and running the rail network should be borne by those?who use it, rather than the general taxpayer. why, the argument goes,?should a car-driving pensioner from lincolnshire have to subsidise the daily?commute?of a stockbroker?from surrey? equally, there is a sense that the travails of commuters in the south east, many of whom will face among the biggest rises, have received too much attention compared to those who must endure the relatively poor infrastructure?of the midlands and the north.
历届政府都答应这种添加,理由是出资和运营铁路网的费用应由运用铁路网的人而不是一般交税人承担。 为啥,这一观念认为,一个来自林肯郡的轿车司机大约补助萨里的股市生意人的每日通勤? 相同,我们感到,与那些有必要忍耐中部和北部基础设备相对较差的人比较,东南部通勤者的苦楚遭到了太多的重视,其间许多人将面临最大的上升。
successive [s?k?ses?v]adj.接连的,相继的
recession [r??se?n] n.经济衰退,不景气; 撤离(re=back, cess=go)
access[??kses]接近;进口(ac=to; cess=go)
ancestor[??nsest?(r)] n.祖先,祖先;( an=ante前;cest=cess=go;-or人)
concession [k?n?se?n]让步;退位(con=together;cess=go;-ion动作或状况)
excess [?k?ses]过度,过剩(ex=out;cess=go)
necessary [?nes?s?ri]必需品(ne=need;cess=go;-ary物)
necessity[n??ses?ti]必要性, 需要,必需品(ne=need;cess=go;- ity性质,特性)
process [?pr??ses] n.进程;进行 v.加工, 处置
success [s?k?ses]成功;成功(suc随后+cess=go)(随后跟上)
succession接连发生,继承, 继任(suc随后+cess=go,ion名词后缀)(随后跟上)
on the grounds因为…的缘由
invest?in在…上出资 (in进+vest衣裳→把衣裳中的钱放入作业中)
investment[?n?vestm?nt]n.出资; 出资额
(2007年阅览text4 ) “ setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one. he says他说:“为数据平安、数据备份和数据找回树立恰当的出资标准是打点疑问,而不是技能疑问。”
investigation[?n?vest??ɡe??n]n.查询; 学术(2014年考研阅览text4)
redundancy [r??d?nd?nsi] 过多,过剩; 冗长(re再+dund波涛(相声,海边波涛之音)-ancy表名词)
?commute[k??mju?t]上下班旅程;(com- . )
the us term for a season ticket
infrastructure [??nfr?str?kt??(r)] n.基础设备; 基础缔造;(infra鄙人)

23. it is indicated in paragraph 3 that train operators ______.第3段指出列车运营者将干啥。a. are offering compensation to commutersb. are trying to repair relations with the unionsc. have failed to provide an adequate serviced. have suffered huge losses owing to the strikes在that引导的主语从句中,无do sth。第3段指出列车运营者做啥。由indicated标明是推理题,按揣度题的办法:第一句,中心转机,最终一句,及下一段的第一句。考的是归纳本段的中心。最初的however,是转机,是文章逻辑规划中的“转”,最终一句可以出答案:however, there is a strong case that those who have been worst affected by industrial action should receive compensation for the disruption they have suffered.可是,有一个诉讼:受劳工行为(停工)影响最严峻的人大约得到应有的抵偿,是虚拟句,实际上没有得到应有的抵偿。a. are offering compensation to commuters,但a用的是如今进行时,时态不对。不好找答案,从第四段第一句,the government has pledged to change the law to introduce a minimum service requirement so that, even when strikes occur, services can continue to operate. 政府已承诺将批改法令,引入最低效能需求,即便发生停工,事务不能中止。是对第三段的承受结,阐明列车运营者中止了通职事务。答案是c. have failed to provide an adequate service
however, over the past 12 months, those commuters have also experienced some of the worst rail strikes in years. it is all very well train operators?trumpeting?the improvements they are making to the network, but?passengers should be able to expect a basic level of service for the substantial sums they are now paying to travel. the responsibility for the latest wave of strikes rests on the unions.?however, there is a strong case that?those?who have been worst affected by industrial action should?receive?compensatio

n?for the disruption?they have suffered.
可是,在曩昔的12个月里,这些通勤者也阅历了几年来最严峻的铁路停工。 火车运营商都极好地宣传他们对网络所做的改进,但乘客大约可以期望他们如今要付出的许多费用抵达根柢的效能水平。迩来一轮停工的责任在于工会。 可是,有一个诉讼:受劳工行为(停工)影响最严峻的人大约得到应有的抵偿。
suspend[s??spend] 暂停; 推迟; 挂; 悬(sus=under; pend,pens=to hang, to weigh许多用杆秤一挂便知其分量)
expend,ex=out花费; 耗尽; 用光;
expensive [?k?spens?v]?adj.名贵的,花钱多的; 奢华的;
depend[d??pend] 依托; 依靠; 信赖; 抉择于;de=down.dependant家眷,随从;
depend on依靠;
dependency [d??pend?nsi] n.属国,属地; 隶属
independence?[??nd??pend?ns] n.独立,自立in=not;
compensation抵偿,抵偿; 批改;
interdependence [??nt?d?
suffer [?s?f?(r)] vi.遭受痛苦(suf+fer 带)(带到下面去→遭受痛苦)
suffer from患(某种病),受(某种病痛)浪费; 因…而受罚
24. if unable?to calm down passengers, the railways may have to face ______.假定无法抚慰乘客,铁路可以不得不面临
a. the loss of investment对出资的丢掉
b. the collapse of operations行为的溃散
c. a reduction of revenue削减收入削减
d. a change of ownership一切权的改动
the government has pledged to change the law to introduce a minimum service requirement so that, even when strikes occur, services can continue to operate. this should form part of a wider package of measures to address?the long-running problems on britain’s railways. yes, more investment is needed,?but passengers will not be willing to pay more indefinitely if they must also endure cramped, unreliable services, punctuated by regular chaos when?timetables are changed, or planned maintenance is managed incompetently. the threat of nationalisation?may have been seen off for now, but?it?will return with a vengeance?if the?justified anger of passengers is not addressed in short order.
?it指的是the threat of nationalisation,will return是谓语,?with a vengeance强烈地,极度地;状语;?if the justified anger of passengers is not addressed in short order是条件从句;in short order马上,状语。
be off脱离,撤消
address [??dres] v.寄给; 演说; 向…说话; 称号; 处置
how to?address?this issue.?如何处置这个疑问
(2014年考研阅览text4)regrettably, however, the reports failure to address the true nature of the crisis facing liberal education may cause more harm than good.?
government of the people, by the people ,for the people shall not perish from the earth.(abraham lincoln)------gettysburg address.《 盖茨堡讲演》
vengeance[?vend??ns] n.报仇,复仇(venge=punish,标明)
25. which of the following would be the best title for the text?以下哪一项将是文本的最佳标题
a. who are to blame for the strikes?谁要为停工担任
b. constant complaining doesn’t work不断诉苦没用
c. can nationalisation bring hope?国有化能带来期望吗
d. ever-rising fares aren’t sustainable不断上升的票价是不可以持续的

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