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考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2206

考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2207


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this is scientific american's 60-second science, i'm christopher intagliata.brittle stars are close relatives of starfish with a much more delicate appearance."so if you imagine a starfish with really skinny, spiny arms, made up of lots of little articulated plates, that's kind of what a brittle star looks like—a cross between a millipede and a starfish, i guess."lauren sumner-rooney is a visual ecologist at oxford university. one of the brittle star species she studies, ophiocoma wendtii, also has color-changing superpowers."if you catch one of these animals during the day, they're a really beautiful reddish brown, dark brown color. if you actually go out again at night and collect the same animal, they're this very pale beige with dark stripes."the reason for that color shift was murky—perhaps for uv protection or camouflage. but now sumner-rooney's team has come up with a possible answer: that red coloration might help the brittle stars sort of see, even though they have no eyes. in bright daylight, their redness filters the light reaching photoreceptors along their arms.


这儿是科学美国人——60秒科学系列,我是克里斯托弗·因塔格里塔。海蛇尾是海星的近亲,但表面更为精美。“愿望一下海星,它长着细长且多刺、由许多小关节盘构成的腕,这根柢上就是海蛇尾的姿势,我感触像是千足虫和海星的杂交体。”牛津大学的视觉生态学家劳伦·萨姆纳·鲁尼说到。她研讨其间一种海蛇尾ophiocoma wendtii,其还具有变色超才能。“假定白日捉到这种海蛇尾,会看到它们呈现出非常秀丽的红棕色和深棕色。假定晚上再去抓,它们就会变成带有深色条纹的浅米色。”颜色改变的缘由尚不亮堂,或许是为了防紫外线或假装。但如今,萨姆纳·鲁尼的团队想出了可以的答案:赤色可以会协助海蛇尾看东西,即便他们没有双眼。在亮堂的日光下,赤色会过滤掉沿着腕足抵达光感触器的光线。


brittle stars like hiding in shady parts of the reef. so the researchers placed the brittle stars in an environment with black-and-white-patterned walls, aimed at testing whether the creatures were simply light sensitive—which isn't the same as vision—or if they could truly see.the vision test involved a black vertical bar centered on a white vertical bar twice the width. the nearby walls were 50 percent gray. without true vision, the black-and-white-patterned area would simply come across as 50 percent gray, and you wouldn't expect the brittle stars to consider that part of the arena a good hiding place.instead the brittle stars flocked towards the pattern—suggesting they have at least rudimentary visual skills. but strangely, the creatures lost this ability when they turned from red to beige. after doing digital reconstructions of the visual system, the researchers determined that perhaps the reddish pigments limit the angles of light reaching photoreceptors along the animals' arms—thus improving the resolution of the brittle stars' vision and allowing them to, in their own way, "see."




the results are in the journal current biology.so far, one species of sea urchin has also been shown to have this visual ability without true eyes, and it, too, changes color."there could be countless other examples of weird and wonderful visual systems that we have no idea are there—simply because, you know, this animal, looking at it, you can't find 'an eye,' a single

discrete visual organ. and there are so many other animals like that that could be using vision, we just haven't looked in the right place yet."in other words, when it comes to seeing, the eyes don't always have it.thanks for listening for scientific american's 60-second science. i'm christopher intagliata.




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